License Exam Flashcards
What are the main traffic rules for all road users?
You must conduct yourself in a such a manner that:
- You do not hinder the free flow of the traffic unneccesarily
- You do not endanger road safety or create the risk of endangering road safety
What are the required documents for drivers of motor vehicles on the Dutch Windward Islands?
- A valid driving license
- Valid Motor Vehicle Insurance Documents
- A Valid Receipt for you repayments on number plates (Road Tax)
- A Valid Test Card (Inspection Card
How long is a driving license valid for?
5 consecutive years
How long is a international driving license valid for?
1 year
How long is motor vehicle insurance valid for?
1 year
How long is the road tax, number plate valid for?
1 year
How long is your Inspection Card valid for?
Private Vehicles: 2 years
Public Transportation 1 year
When is it not allowed to drive a motor vehicle even when you have a valid license?
When you are :
- Sick
- Exhausted
- Using medication that may hamper your driving negatively
- Emotionally upset
- Under the influence of alcohol beverages or drugs
- Too old, weak, physical, or mentally handicapped
- Prohibited from driving by the law
When do you not need a driving license to drive a motor vehicle on the public road?
- When you, having reached the age of 18 are driving or riding a motor vehicle whose maximum speed is not capable of exceeding 20KM per hour
- You are driving on your way to or from the examination for a driving license
- When receiving lessons, with a person next to you that has a valid driving license for the type of vehicle you are driving
Who issues, suspends, or revokes driving licenses?
Minister of Justice
What is meant by suspension of a driving license?
Temporary taking back of a driving license. One is not allowed to drive or ride a motor vehicle of any kind during the time of the suspension.
What must you do after having received notification that your driving license has been suspended or revoked?
After you have received such notification you must submit your drivers license within 8 days to the address mentioned in the official notice
Who needs a driving license to drive a motor vehicle on the public road?
All motor vehicle users driving or riding on public roads
List all categories of driving licenses
What is the minimum age required to obtain the various categories of driving licenses?
A&B: 18
C&D or combination with E: 21
When must the horn be used?
When your approach could endanger traffic
When you are overtaking during the day
What sound is expected from the horn and at what distance must it be heard?
The horn must emit a single pitched tone which must be heard at a distance of at least 100 meters
How must you reverse?
Slowly at walking pace and on the side of the road where your vehicle was situated before you started reversing
What must you do when ou are being overtaken?
Stay as much possible to the extreme right and do not accelerate
What must you do when your vehicle is damaged or not functioning on the public road?
You must remove your vehicle before 48 hours, beyond that you will be in violation of the traffic ordinance and the vehicle may be towed away at the owners expense
What is the name of a vehicle being towed?
Strung car
What must you do before holding a race or organising a parade on the public roads?
You must submit a request to the Ministry of Justice. Without written permission from said office you are not allowed to hold or take part in a race or parade
What is meant by waiting or parking?
Waiting or parking means leaving you vehicle attended or unattended with its engine running on or off, longer than required for a rapid and continuous loading of cargo or rapid and continuous boarding or exiting of passengers
List occasions when special permission is needed to use public roads
- To participate in parades or races
- To organize parades or races
- To tow a wagon or trailer
- To squeeze infant of a line of waiting vehicles
- For a truck motorist to transport one or more persons outside the drivers cabin, except when said persons are attending to the cargo, loading or unloading
When must you make your intention to turn known?
Depending on your speed, your intention to turn must be made known at least 100 meters in advance.
What is the allowed blinks per minute from your indicator?
30-90 blinks per minute
How must you make a right turn?
You must make a right turn as sharp as possible
How must you make a left turn?
You must make a left turn as wide as possible
How must a motorist hold the steering wheel?
With at least one hand. This should apply to cyclists, A cyclist is allowed to lead/supervise one cattle
What are the seating arrangements for motor vehicles?
Drivers seating space: 60CM
Passengers above 12: 40CM
Passengers from 5-12: 30CM
Children up to 5 years old may sit on a passengers lap or children shorter than 1.5 m and under 12 must be placed in a car seat.
How must you regulate your speed when driving on public roads?
Drivers must regulate their speed as such that can stop their vehicles within the distance the road ahead of them is clearly visible and vacant. On wet roads you must regulate your speed accordingly so that you don’t splash water or mud on pedestrians
What is the required spacing distance behind another vehicle in and outside of developed areas?
Outside developed areas in such a manner that a vehicle in the process of overtaking can easily fit in ahead of you
Inside developed areas at least 4m behind another vehicle or at a distance that allows you to stop safely behind the vehicle infront of you
Where is it allowed to park a motor vehicle?
- In a designated parking area
- On the road as much as possible to the extreme right
- At night under an illuminated lamp post
If you are approaching a guard post (sign 47&48) whose pane is broken, which side do you pass?
If the space is square, motor vehicles may pass on either side. If the space is circular, motor vehicles are only allowed to pass on the right side.
Where and how is it prohibited to stop your motor vehicle?
- In such a manner that you hamper the traffic
- On a bridge
- On or approaching a hill top
- At a pedestrian crossing or a bicycle crossing
- On a sidewalk or bicycle path
- In the middle of the road
- In or around corners
- Within 5 meters, of an intersection
- Within 5 meters of a bus stop
- Within 5 meters of a traffic island except when the road is wider than 6 meters
- Where stopping is prohibited by a traffic signboard prohibiting vehicles from stopping on the right side of the road
When do you make use of your mirror?
- When driving off
- Stopping
- Overtaking
- Reversing
- In the process of making a left or right turn
How much space is allowed between vehicles when one is towing the other?
the spacing distance must be 5 meters
When you are passing bicycles or motorbikes with a large motor vehicle why must you allow for space?
The air pressure that you create or remove might cause the motorbike or bicycle to swerve, possible resulting in an accident
What factors may cause you to allow for more distance with respect to applying your brakes?
- Wet road surface
- Heavy loads
What lights on the vehicle must be used when the vehicle is moving?
Bright or dim lights
What lights on the vehicle must be used when the vehicle is stopped?
Dim Lights
What lights on the vehicle must be used when the vehicle is parked?
Only park lights
What lights must be used in and outside of developed areas?
In developed areas: Dim lights
Outside developed areas: Dim or bright lights can be used
At what distance from oncoming traffic must drivers dim their lights?
at a distance of at least 100 meters drivers must dim their lights
If oncoming traffic does not dim their lights, what must you do?
you are still required to dim your lights, blinking your lights isn’t allowed. If visibility is poor you must slow down or pull aside to the right
how high is the beam of the bright lights required to be?
The beam the bright lights must not be higher than one meter measured from the ground
When must the lights of the vehicle be used?
From sunset to sunrise and in cases of adverse weather conditions
When must directional indicators be used?
Before one changes direction
When must the hazard lights be used?
At night in cases of emergency
When do the brake lights come on?
When the foot brake pedal is pressed
What other vehicles are allowed to carry extraordinary type of lighting?
Vehicles belonging to:
- The police department
- The fire department
- The ambulance department
- The military
- Vehicles rendering public service such as taxis, buses, the Red Cross and some utilities transportation
Name the BIG FIVE
- The police department
- The Fire Department
- The Ambulance
- The Funeral procession
- The military convoy
What is the meaning of the big five?
The ones who have right away
Where and when are vehicles not allowed to drive with bright lights?
- Within a built up area
- 100 meters from oncoming traffic
- When a vehicle is stationary
What are the required height, width and length of a vehicle on a public roads?
A vehicle must not be higher than 3,50m inclusive load. A vehicle must not be wider than 2,60m inclusive load. A vehicle, specifically. car should not be wider than 2,50 m inclusive load. A vehicle must not be longer than: Category A&B= 10m Category C (trailer truck with semi trailer)= 14m Category D (bus with more than 9 seats) = 11m Category E (trailer tuck with semi trailer and trailer)= 18m
What are the requirements regarding the condition of a vehicle operating on the public roads?
The vehicle must be in proper working condition
Name all of the items of the motor vehicle that must be in proper working condition with regard to safety on public roads:
1A Sound Steering Mechanism 2A rear view mirror 3 Properly functioning foot and hand brakes 4Two parking lights 5 Two rear brake lights 6 Properly functioning indicator lights 7 Number plates 8 Good tires 9 A good horn 10 Automatic indicators 11. Automatic windshield wipers 12Two head lamps 13 Two rear taillights 14Two red reflectors at the back 15 A proper muffler and exhaust pipe 16 A sound suspension
What are the requirements for your steering mechanism?
The steering mechanism must have a play of less than 45 degrees, namely one eight of a circle
How willl you now if the tires of your vehicles are in good condition?
The tires must be without cuts, knots or bulges with a reasonable profile
What is the breaking distance with regard to the foot and handbrakes?
At a speed of 30KM per hour, the foot brake must be capable of stopping your vehicle within 9 meters, while the hand brake must do the same within 13 meters. This is because the foot brakes affects all four wheels with equal pressure and the hand brakes affects only two wheels
How do you verify that the foot and hand brakes are working?
When the engine is on, there must be firm resistance when one presses on the foot brake. Like wise when one pulls at the hand brake it must give resistance
how must a vehicle be loaded?
The load must be stacked in such manner that it does not obstruct the drivers view of the road, in the front, on the side and behind him with or without mirrors.Neither must it hinder his or her driving nor the operational characteristics of the vehicle. The load must be divided porportionatley leaving the vehicle at ll time in the drivers control
What is the maximum length allowed to cargo sticking out in the front of and at the back of a vehicle?
The load at the front must not protrude more than 3,50 meters measured from the steering wheel to the front.
At the back, no more than 5 meters from the back axle to the back end
What must be placed on the front end and on the back end of a load protruding from a vehicle?
During the day, the load in front or at the back must have a red flag measuring 0.40 square meters (40 cm) with one side stretched out. At night, the load in the front must have a white light and the load at the back must have a red illuminated light at the end. As for leading a parade or supervising live stock/riding and draft animals, a light is also needed at night.
What is the minimum age required to lead a live stock?
15 years to lead or supervise a live stock
What is the minimum age required to lead a band or parade?
16 years to lead a band or parade
When loading a motor vehicle what must you take into consideration?
You must take into consideration that the load may change the operational characteristics of your vehicle
When does slow traffic have the right away over fast traffic?
- At a T crossing, when slow traffic is at the head of the T and fast traffic is at the body of the T
- At a preference road crossing/On a major road
- When slow traffic is proceeding straight and fast traffic is making a left or right turn. Slow traffic is said to be oncoming traffic to fast traffic
- When slow traffic is proceeding straight and fast traffic is making a right urn. Slow traffic is said to be obstructing fast traffic
- When slow traffic has the green light and fast traffic has the red light
- When there’s a traffic regulator
When is it allowed to overtake another vehicle?
- When it is not prohibited by a traffic signboard
- On a wide, straight road
- Around the roundabout
- When there is evidently no oncoming traffic or traffic overtaking you
- When you have enough time and space to execute the overtaking procedure safely
How must you overtake another vehicle?
- Make sue you can and may overtake
- Approach the vehicle to be overtaken to the right in your driving lane
- Check for all oncoming approaching traffic prior to overtaking, verify that you yourself are not being overtaken
- Indicate your intention to overtake and proceed to the left of the driving lane
- During the day time, blow your horn and at night blink your lights (bright and dim) letting your intention to overtake known. Outside a developed area, cyclists may use their bel to let their intention to overtake be known
- After passing the vehicle, wait until you can see the front bumper of the vehicle you may have just passed in your rear view mirror.
- Indicate and return to the right driving lane. Cyclists may use their hands to indicate
- After returning to the right driving lane, adjust your speed back to the speed limit of the road.
Where is it prohibited to overtake another vehicle?
- In or around a blind corner
- On or approaching a hill top
- Before or at an intersection
- On a bridge
- When facing oncoming traffic
- When a vehicle stops at a pedestrian crossing
- When prohibited by traffic signboard
When may you drive otherwise than to the right?
- When making a left turn
- When overtaking another vehicle
- If so instructed by a traffic signboard
- At a traffic column with a green pane (sign 48)
Where on the public road is it prohibited to park?
- In front of a Drive Way without the owners permission
- Infront of parking meters unless you have paid the required amount to the parking meter
- Within 5 meters of a signboard indicating a fire hydrant
- Where parking is prohibited by a signboard
What is the traffic rule for playing on public roads?
It is prohibited to play with balls or other objects on the driving lanes of public roads (Recreational Area Sign)
What is the traffic rule with regard to a line of waiting vehicles?
It is prohibited to overtake, squeeze infront of another vehicle or leave your vehicle unattended while waiting in a line of waiting motor vehicles
What is the maximum speed in and outside developed area in the Dutch Windward Islands?
Max speed in developed areas is : SXM/Statia 30KMp/h, Saba 20km per hour
Maximum speed outside developed areas is : SXM/Statia 50KM per hour, Saba 40 km per hour
What does filtering mean?
Filtering entails
- Driving on the left of your driving lane
- Following a marking on the road surface toward a direction
How many ways of filtering do you know?
There are four ways of filtering
- Filtering in a filtering box
- Filtering close to the centre line
- Filtering close to the imaginary centre line
- Filtering on a one way road
When approaching traffic lights what must you pay attention to?
You must pay attention the the colors of the lights:
Red = Stop
Green = Go
Yellow/Orange= Stop in the first inadtance, However, traffic that cannot stop safely before the white line must proceed rapidly. When the yellow orange light is blinking, it means traffic lights aren’t working. When it is blinking on the bridge it means to drive carefully
What types of motor vehicles are drivers with a category B license allowed to drive?
Motor vehicles designed to transport people with no more than 8 seats excluding the driver. Motor vehicles designed to transport cargo with a total combines weight of no more than 3500kg, including the load. With this category license you may pull a trailer weighing no more than 750kh. It is prohibited to drive with heavily equipped vehicles from 06.30-08.30 and from 12.00-14.00
When is it prohibited to drive with heavily equipped vehicles? (Garbage trucks, tractors, concrete mixing trucks)
From 6.30-08.30 AM and from 12.00-14.00
What does it mean when the yellow orange lights are blinking on the bridge?
It means to drive carefully
What does it mean when the yellow orange lights are blinking?
It means the traffic lights are not working