Library Tutorials Flashcards
Common first line meds for: Partial seizures Generalized seizures except absence Absence seizure Infantile spasms
Partial seizures - carbamazepine or clobazam
Generalized seizures except absence - valproic acid or a benzo
Absence seizure - ethosuximide or valproic acid
Infantile spasms - vigabatrin
ABCDS for c-spine X-rays
Alignment (4 lines - ant and post cervical, spinal lamellar, spinous process)
Bones (inspect spines, bodies, facet joints)
Count (7), Curvature
Dens, Discs
Soft tissues (on lateral, soft tissues above glottis should be no wider than 1/2 vertebral body width; below glottis, less than full vertebral body width)
Finding in mouth assoc with measles
4 Cs of measles
Where does the rash start?
Koplik spots
Cough, coryza, conjunctivitis, Koplik spots
Hair line, then moves down
Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease) caused by?
Risk if infected when pregnant?
Where does rash start?
Parvovirus b19
Hydrops fetalis
Stats on face, then extensor surfaces
Roseola infantum (exanthum subitum) cause?
Rash starts where?
Human herpes virus 6
Rash in rosettes appear as fever resolves, mainly on trunk
A child with any two of the following factors has a 30% risk of having a febrile seizure at some point
1 first-degree relative with febrile seizures
2 second-degree relative with febrile seizures
3 devel delay
4 delayed neonatal discharge
5 day care attendance
Typical febrile seizure: characteristics
Sex preference for febrile seizure?
When to CT scan or to do EEG?
Antipyretics? Antiepileptic meds?
CT/EEG very rarely useful in DDx of febrile seizures
Antipyretics not helpful in reducing risk of febrile seizure. Antiepileptics may slightly reduce recurrence rate but at the cost of cognitive and behavioral side fx (limited usefulness)
A child with none of the factors below has a12% risk of febrile seizure recurrence. Having all 5 gives a recurrence risk of 80%.
1 FamHx of febrile seizures 2 FamHx of epilepsy 3 age <14 months at first seizure 4 atypical febrile seizure 5 day care attendance
Line drawn across posterior superior iliac crests intersects what?
Order of 3 vials for CSF analysis
L4 spinous process
Lumbar puncture in kids usually done betw L4-L5
Can also be done L3-L4 or L5-S1 if necessary
1 Culture and gram stain (least handled), 2 glucose and protein, 3 cell count (least blood)
Usual UTI Tx
Ampi/Tobra QDAY
Long bone sections, from middle to articular surface
SH1: Complete separation of physis and epiphysis from metaphysis (usually shear force); excellent Px
SH2: # through most of physis and piece of adjoining metaphysis (oblique deforming forces); good Px (articular surface OK)
SH3: # through entire epiphysis and part of physis; part of epiphysis and physis separates from metaphysis; moderate risk (art surface disrupted, fragment unstable, blood supply to fragment may be compromised)
SH4 = SH2 + SH3 (through epiphysis and part of metaphysis; entire fragment separates with physis intact in segment; significant risk (worse Px than SH1-3 - need ortho)
SH5: crush injury of growth plate, freq results in fusion of metaphysis to epiphysis (stops growing) - worst Px of all categories
SH1 & 5 difficult to see on X-ray
Which bug causes strep throat (streptococcal pharyngitis)? Clinical manifestations?
Sore throat, fever, abdo pain, nausea, vomit, palatal petechiae, dysphagia, headache (NO cough, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, hoarseness, diarrhea)
How long to Tx strep throat? With what drugs?
10 days
Pen V
[BiCillin C-R (long acting combo of penicillins; 1inj lasts 10d)] - used less
Erythromycin if allergic