Liberation theology Flashcards
Who are the main scholars mentioned in Liberation Theology?
Marx, Oscar Romero, Pope Francis II, Leonardo and clodovis boff, Gutierez
What is Social sin?
Social sin, refers to injustices in our institutions and social structures, that lead to alienation and exploitation.
What is Preferential treatment for the poor?
L.Ts belives that Christians have a duty to stand in Solidarity with the poor, this involves positive discrimination in favour of the poor in a bottom-up theology aproach
What examples can we use to show Jesus as a liberator?
Parable of the sheep and the goat
Natural law and hierarchy
membership fo the disciples, fisherman and tax collector
beggar woman, man born blind
what examples can we use to show that Jesus is not a liberator?
his emphasis on teh afterlife and kingdom of God “i have prepared a room for you in my fathers house”
potencially betrayed by Judas, due to lack of radicalism
What are examples of Marxs alienation and exploitation?
production line- takes away creativity and depersonalises
Profit- proletariat exploited, due to low wages
What is teh two-fold argument that Marx uses for a major cause of alienation and exploitation?
He rejects that God is the driving force of history, as teh belief that God controls history is false-consciousness and leads to false hopes and illusions
Religion gives power to the state or rulign group to control the population
What are three examples Marx uses to argue against Religion?
1 Glorifies suffering, due ot need to “pick up their cross”
2 afterlife, whch encourages acceptance of earthly suffering
3 divine right to rule, which causes inequality and alienation in arguing that some are born to rule over others
What are the key beliefs of Liberation Theology?
founded by Gustavo Gutierrez in 1960s
advocates for Social Justice
PUTTING RIGHT ACTIONS ( ORTHOPRAXIS), before right beleifs (orthodoxy)
prioritising the needs of the poor “preferential option for the poor”
How does Liberation theology utilise Marxism?
L.T acknoledge that Christianity does not have the means ot analyse sources of injustice, Marxism is therefore used as a “methodological” pointer to analyse the exploitation of the poor and though there is disagreement over the level of influence that Marxism should have, all LTs agree that teh true teacher is Jesus and not Marx
What is the hermeneutic of suspicion?
LT encourages teh application of the Hermeneutic of suspicion, as it involves questioning the official or common ways of understanding the Bible, this is used within LT to read the Bible with a Marxist lense to understand the prevalence of alienation and exploitation caused by class divisions
How can the hermeneuitc of suspicion be applied with a Marxist reading to Luke 18:18-25?
the tradditional readingis that the ruch ruler was not wrong to be wealthy, but was critiscised for not using his wealth to help the poor e.g. camel and needle
however, when the hermeneutic of suspicion with a marxist reading is applied, the focus is placed on how the man has gained his riches in the first place and the rich mans role in contributing to structural/ social sin
BOFF brothers call him a companion along the way
What were the five motivations taht the Boff Brothers set out to justfiy teh preferential option for the poor?
1 Eschatological motivation- parable of sheep and goats, focus on moral actions with poor
2 Apostolic motivation- DTER THE DEATH OF Jesus, the first apostles organised a general levy (tax) on all Christian groups to help the poor
3 Ecclesiological motivation- All Christian members of the Church, should as a matter of faith, seek the transformation of society
4 Christological motivation- Jesus sided with the poor and acted in solidarity with those marginalised by society
5 Theological motivation- the God of teh Bible is said to be a “living God” and in Exodus it is said that God could hear the “cry” of his people and seeks justice.
What quote is synonymous with LT?
“Bread before theology”
What is the difference between First act praxis and Second act praxis?
First step- living amongst the poor and experiencing poverty and identifying necessary change, although it is routed in orthopraxis, its roots are found in theological motivations.
Second act praxis- Involves judging what the word of God ( Bible) has to say about what has been observed, then actually acting on it.