What was lockes view of human nature
- humans are inherently good and capable of living peacefully
- dont need govt to tell them to do good
- optimistic
What was wollstonecrafts view on human nature
- optimistic human nature should apply to females as well as male
What was mill view on human nature
- human nature is unfinished article
- liberty is engine of ongoing human development
Who are the classical liberals
Locke, Wollstonecraft, mill
Who are the modern liberals
Rawls, Friedan
What was Rawls view on human nature
- empathetic and rational leads to them choosing society where poorer people are better off
What was Friedan view on human nature
- not human nature but illiberal attitudes in society that actually condemn women into underachievement
What individualism in associated with classical and modern liberals
Classical - egotistical individualism
Modern - developmental individualism
What agreement is there between liberal thinkers on human nature
Agree on rational and empathetic aspect of human nature
What is Locke view on state
- limited govt only act with consent
- rejection of divine right of kings
- state as night watchman - only role is to protect and not interfere
What was Wollstonecraft view on state
- state implies women arent rational
- women arent able to vote so govt by consent doesnt apply
- formal education should be made available to men and women - to recognise absurdity of illiberal principles like the divine right of kings
What was mill view on state
- state shouldn’t have too much intervention - infringement on peoples liberty
- harm principle
What was Bentham view on state
- democracy should be ‘greatest happiness of greatest number’
What was Rawls view on state
- enabling state
- allow for redistribution of wealth
- more public spending and progressive taxation
List clashes between thinkers on views of state
- Locke - limited govt
- Rawls - enabling state
- classical liberals - very pessimistic view of state
- modern liberals - more positive, see damaging social effect of industrialisation