Liberal Italy Flashcards
Liberal Italy
- Catholic church boycotted events + refused to celebrate Italian unification
- divide between North & South linguistically, economically + politically
Political system in Italy:
- predominantly Northern proff,m/c Italians made up parliament, with interest of own class at expense of others
- Pope Pius IX angered at capture of Rome - 1870 + loss of papal territory
- Italy’s politicians feared challenging church would further alienate the nation
- no challenge to liberal m/c, as less than 25% of men had the right to vote
- govts short lived - 22 changes of prime minister 1870-1922
- forming political alliances by buying support - trasformismo
- Italians disenfranchised, seen by liberal politicians as lacking political edu required for electoral representation
- inability of Italians to voice their anger through the ballet box fuelled protest + strength of extreme revolutionary ideologies
Econ growth + social problems:
1899-1914 - econ expansion focused on the North - Milan, Turin, Genoa - ‘industrial triangle’
- car industry successful - Fit, Alfa-Romeo + Lancia established
- industrialisation didn’t provide benefits for wider society + LS remained low
North + South divide:
- southern agriculturally based econ stagnated - increased rural poverty
- south-peasant population suffered from poor diet, malnutrition, lack of clean water, high rates of IMR, malaria and tuberculosis
- 1910-1911 - 25,000 ppl died - Naples due to cholera epidemic
- Italian peasants migrated to USA
- almost 1/2 of Italy’s 2.2 mn industrial workers employed in Northern provinces
Italy as a ‘great power’:
- geographically disadvantaged - F+B navies dominated Mediterranean
- Italian FP - irredentism - reclaim Istria + South Tyrol - areas ethically Italian but, within Austro-Hungarian Empire
- focus on Tunisia but 1881 - French claimed it, resulting in anger and signing of defensive alliance
- triple alliance angered Italians, allying Italy with Austria(traditional enemy) country seen as barrier to recovery of irredente lands
- 1884 - Italian expansion in Aby failed at Battle of Dogali - 500 Italian soldiers died
- 1896 - Batlle of Adwa - 5000 Ita