Lib Test 2 Flashcards
What are the three steps in marketing?
Step 1 Research - community analysis, determine customer needs
Step 2 Goals and Objectives Setting - SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bound)
Step 3 Planning and strategizing - What, how, when, why, medium, etc.
Benefits of Marketing?
- Library usage increases
- Value of the organization increases
- Education of users increases
- Advocacy for the library increases
- Changed perceptions: library is seen as important to the community
Online Social Media and Networking
- Virtual environment allows all members to interact and network
- Increases scope of the network
- Communication travels in a variety of directions, across and around the network
- Achieved by using social media sites, tools and apps
Features of Major Tools
- Profile
- Connecting with others
- Groups
- Messaging/announcing
- Photos/videos
- Search
- Privacy controls
Whats a Traditional Library Social Network?
- Patrons, members, clients, stakeholders, staff
- Majority of communication between library and network, In one direction, From library OUT to network
- Library’s communication or promotion to network, Letting them know about programs, services, collection, etc.
- Focus was on ‘bricks and mortar’
What is Creative Commons?
It’s a non-profit organization that enables sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools
-Easy-to-use (and understand) licenses that provide a standardized way to give the public permission to share and use work/material, according to the intent of the creator
What does Creative Commons cover?
Covers music, art, graphics, illustrations, photographs, poetry, most things with a creative component
Is Creative Commons an alternative to copyright?
Creative Commons are not an alternative to copyright, it work’s alongside copyright and enables the creator to modify copyright terms to suit needs
Is Creative Commons globally recognized?
What does accessibility cover within a library setting?
It covers two major areas…
The Physical library – Building, interior layout, library content
The Library website
What is the importance of AODA – Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities?
The goal was to create a province where every person who lives or visits can participate fully
-An area of great importance: 1/7 people in Ontario have some level of disability
What do Libraries need to do to promote accessibility?
- May require purchase in multiple formats, across multiple platforms, or use interlibrary loans
- Notify patrons of options
- Education and training sector (e.g., college libraries) -provide accessible or conversion-ready formats of print, digital and multimedia resources and materials, when requested e.g., ACE project and textbooks are available through a different program/service
-Public libraries must provide or arrange access to materials where they exist
Accessibility for Websites
What was the 1st generation of web development?
- Creating web pages required HTML expertise
- Publishing was done by trained specialists
- Websites produced were mainly static
Subsequent generations of web development?
- Introduced collaboration and communities of users (blogs, etc.)
- Allows applications to be learned more easily than Web 1.0
- Permits many more users to contributeweb content
- Enables content to be changed rapidly - dynamic websites
- Now used more as a marketing term than a computer science-based term
Definition of Web Browsers?
Short for Web browser, a software application used to locate, retrieve, and also display content on the World Wide Web, including Web pages, images, video and other files
Popular browsers include Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, Opera