Liam's Grammar Practice Flashcards
- What is A Sentence?
A sentence is a group of words expressing a complete thought.
- What are the two parts of every sentence?
The Subject and predicate.
- What is a subject?
The Subject tells who or what the sentence is about.
- What is a predicate?
The predicate tells what the subject is or does
- Give the four types of sentences classified by purpose with definitions.
Declarative makes a statement.
Imperative makes a command or request.
Interrogative askes a question.
Exclamatory makes a strong feeling.
- Give The 8 Parts Of Speech
Noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, interjection.
- What is a noun?
A person place thing or idea
- Name the four ways nouns may be classified.
Common or proper, concrete or abstract, collective, compound
- What is a common noun?
A non-specific noun.
- What is a proper noun?
A noun that names a specific thing
- What is a concrete noun?
Something that can be percieved by the senses.
- What is an abstract noun?
Something that cannot be percieved by the senses.
- What is a compound noun?
A noun made up of more than one word.
- What is a collective noun?
A collective noun names a group
- Name and define the three grammar persons.
First is person speaking, second is person being spoken to, third is person spoken about.
- What is a pronoun?
A word used in place of a noun.
- Give the subject personal pronouns in three persons.
I, we
you, yall
hsi, they
- Give the object personal pronouns in three persons.
me, us
you, yall
him her it, them
- What is an adjective?
A word that modifies a noun or pronoun.
- Give the three question adjectives answer.
Which one, what kind, how many.
- Define article and give the three English articles.
Words that signify nouns, a, an, the
- What is an adverb?
A word that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb.
- Give the four questions adverbs answer.
How, when, where, to what extent
- What is a verb?
A word that shows action or being.