Liabilities. Section, Act, Penalty and ingredient Flashcards
Sexual conduct with a young person under 16 (sexual connection)Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 134(1)Act: Crimes Act 1961Penalty: 10 years1. Everyone2. Has sexual connection3. With a young person
Sexual violation by unlawful sexual connectionSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 128(1)(b)Act: Crimes Act 1961Penalty: 20 years1. A person2. Has unlawful sexual connection3. with another person
Sexual conduct with a child under 12 (indecent act)Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 132(3)Act: Crimes Act 1961Penalty: 10 years1. Everyone2. Does an indecent act3. On a child
Wounding with intent to injureSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 188(2)Act: Crimes Act 1961Penalty: 7 years1. With intent to injure any one OR with reckless disregard for the safety of others2. Wounds OR maims OR Disfigures OR causes GBH 3. Any person
Wounding with intent to cause GBHSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 188(1)Act: Crimes Act 1961Penalty: 14 years1. With intent to cause GBH2. To any one3. Wounds OR maims OR Disfigures OR causes GBH 4. Any person
Sexual Violation by rapeSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section:128(1)(a)Act: Crimes Act 1961Penalty: 20 years1. A person2. Rapes3. Another person
Indecent assaultSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 135Act: Crimes Act 1961Penalty: 7 years1. Everyone who2. Indecently assaults3. another person
Sexual conduct with a young person under 16 (indecent act)Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 134(3)Act: Crimes Act 1961Penalty: 7 years1. Everyone2. Does an indecent act3. On a young person
Injuring with intent to cause GBHSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 189(1)Act: Crimes Act 1961Penalty: 10 years1. With intent to cause GBH2. To any one3. Injures4. Any person
Aggravated wounding (b)Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 191(1)(b)Act: Crimes Act 1961Penalty: 14 years1. With intent to avoid detection of himself or any other person in the commission of any imprisonable offence2. Wounds OR maims OR disfigures OR causes GBH OR stupefies OR renders unconscious OR by any violent means renders the person incapable of resistance 3. Any person
Aggravated wounding (a)Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 191(1)(a)Act: Crimes Act 1961Penalty: 14 years1. With intent to commit or facilitate the commission of any imprisonable offence2. Wounds OR maims OR disfigures OR causes GBH OR stupefies OR renders unconscious OR by any violent means renders the person incapable of resistance 3. Any person
Injuring with intent to injureSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 189(2)Act: Crimes Act 1961Penalty: 5 years1. With intent to injure any one OR with reckless disregard for the safety of others1. 2. Injures3. Any person
Aggravated injuring (c)Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 191(2)(c)Act: Crimes Act 1961Penalty: 7 years1. With intent to avoid arrest or facilitate flight of himself or any other person upon the commission or attempted commission of any imprisonable offence2. Injures3. Any person
Aggravated injuring (b)Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 191(2)(b)Act: Crimes Act 1961Penalty: 7 years1. With intent to avoid detection of himself or any other person in the commission of any imprisonable offence2. Injures3. Any person
Aggravated injuring (a)Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 191(2)(a)Act: Crimes Act 1961Penalty: 7 years1. With intent to commit or facilitate the commission of any imprisonable offence2. Injures3. Any person
Aggravated wounding (c)Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 191(1)(c)Act: Crimes Act 1961Penalty: 14 years1. With intent to avoid arrest or facilitate flight of himself or any other person upon the commission or attempted commission of any imprisonable offence2. Wounds OR maims OR disfigures OR causes GBH OR stupefies OR renders unconscious OR by any violent means renders the person incapable of resistance 3. Any person
Aggravated robbery (offensive weapon)Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 235(c)Act: Crimes Act 1961Penalty: 14 years1. Being armed with any offensive weapon OR Instrument OR anything appearing to be such a weapon or instrument2. Robs3. Any person
Aggravated robbery (together with)Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 235(b)Act: Crimes Act 1961Penalty: 14 years1. Being together with any other person or persons2. Robs3. Any person
Aggravated robbery (Causes GBH)Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 235(a)Act: Crimes Act 1961Penalty: 14 years1. Robs any person2. And at the time of OR immediately before OR immediately after the robbery3. Causes GBH to any person
RobberySection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 234(1)Act: Crimes Act 1961Penalty: 10 years1. Theft2. Accompanied by violence OR threats of violence3. To any person OR property4. Used to extort the property stolen OR prevent or overcome resistance to it being stolen
Import/export Controlled drugSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 6(1)(a)Act: Misuse of drugs Act 1975Penalty: life imprisonmentIngredients:1. Imports into OR exports from New Zealand*****2. Any controlled drug
Possession of a controlled drug for supply/administer/sell/offerSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 6(1)(f)Act: Misuse of drugs Act 1975Penalty: life imprisonment/ 14 years/8 years Ingredients:1. has in his possession2. Any controlled drug3. for any of the purposes set out in paragraphs (c),(d) or (e)
Produce or manufacture any Controlled drugSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 6(1)(b)Act: Misuse of drugs Act 1975Penalty: life imprisonment/ 14 years/ 8 years Ingredients:1. Produce OR Manufacture2. Any controlled drug
Supply/Administer/offer to supply or administer class A or B controlled drugSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 6(1)(c)Act: Misuse of drugs Act 1975Penalty: life imprisonment/ 14 years Ingredients:1. Supplies OR Administers OR offers to supply OR Administer OR otherwise deals in2. Class A or B controlled drug3. to any person
Sells or offers to sell Class C controlled drug to persons of or over 18 yearsSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 6(1)(e)Act: Misuse of drugs Act 1975Penalty: 8 years Ingredients:1. Sells OR offers to sell2. Class C controlled drug3. to any person of or over the age of 18 years old
Supply/administer/offer class C controlled drug to person under 18 yearsSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 6(1)(d)Act: Misuse of drugs Act 1975Penalty: life 8 years Ingredients:1. Supplies OR Administers OR offers to supply OR Administer OR otherwise deals in2. Class C controlled drug3. to any person under the age of 18 years old
Discharging a firearm with intentSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 198(1)(a) Act: Crimes Act 1961 Penalty: 14 yearsIngredients 1. With intent to do GBH2. Discharges any firearm OR Airgun OR Similar weapon3. At any person
Doing a dangerous act with intentSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 198(1)(b) Act: Crimes Act 1961 Penalty: 14 yearsIngredients 1. With intent to do GBH2. Sends or delivers OR puts in any place3. Any explosive OR injurious substance or device
Doing a dangerous act with intent (sets fire)Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 198(1)(c) Act: Crimes Act 1961 Penalty: 14 yearsIngredients 1. With intent to do GBH2. Sets fire3. To any property
Uses any firearm against law enforcement officerSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 198A(1) Act: Crimes Act 1961 Penalty: 14 yearsIngredients 1. Uses any firearm in any manner whatever2. Against any Constable or any traffic officer or any prison officer acting in the course of his or her duty3. Knowing that OR being reckless whether or not that person is a Constable or traffic officer or prison officer so acting
Commission of an imprisonable offence with a firearmSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 198B(1)(a) Act: Crimes Act 1961 Penalty: 10 yearsIngredients 1. In committing any imprisonable offence2. uses any firearm
KidnappingSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 209(a), (b) or (c)Act: Crimes Act 1961 Penalty: 14 yearsIngredients 1. Unlawfully2. Takes away OR Detains3. A person4. Without his or her consent OR With his or her consent obtained by fraud OR duress 5. With intent to (a) To hold him or her for ransom or to service OR(b) To cause him or her to be imprisoned or confined OR(c) To cause him or her to be sent or taken out of New Zealand
AbductionSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 208(a), (b) or (c)Act: Crimes Act 1961 Penalty: 14 yearsIngredients 1. Unlawfully2. Takes away OR Detains3. A person4. Without his or her consent OR With his or her consent obtained by fraud OR duress 5. With intent to (a) marry him or her(b) have sexual connection with him or her(c) cause him or her to be married to or to have sexual connection with some other person
Arson (2)(b)Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 267(2)(b) Act: Crimes Act 1961 Penalty: 7 yearsIngredients 1. Intentionally 2.Damages by fire OR Damages by means of explosives3. Any property (other than property listed on section 267(1) in which that person has no interest4. with intent to obtain any benefit OR cause loss to any other person
Arson (2)(a)Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 267(2)(a) Act: Crimes Act 1961 Penalty: 7 yearsIngredients 1. Intentionally OR recklessly2. and without claim of right3. Damages by fire OR Damages by means of explosives4. Any property (other than property listed on section 267(1) in which that person has no interest
Arson (1)(c)Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 267(1)(c) Act: Crimes Act 1961 Penalty: 14 yearsIngredients 1. Intentionally 2.Damages by fire OR Damages by means of explosives3. Any immovable property OR any vehicle OR ship OR Aircraft4. with intent to obtain any benefit OR cause loss to any other person
Arson (1)(b)Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 267(1)(b) Act: Crimes Act 1961 Penalty: 14 yearsIngredients 1. Intentionally OR recklessly2. and without claim of right3. Damages by fire OR Damages by means of explosives4. Any immovable property OR any vehicle OR ship OR Aircraft in which that person has no interest
Arson (1)(a)Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 267(1)(a) Act: Crimes Act 1961 Penalty: 14 yearsIngredients 1. Intentionally OR recklessly2. Damages by fire OR Damages by means of explosives3. Any Property4. If he or she knows or ought to know that danger to life is likely to ensue
Accessory after the factSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 71(1) Act: Crimes Act 1961 Penalty: Under 10 years = 1/2 penalty 10 years or more = 5 years Life imprisonment = 7 years maxIngredients 1. Knowing any person to be a party to an offence2. Receives, comforts or assists that person OR tampers with or actively suppresses any evidence against him3. In order to help him to escape after arrest OR to avoid arrest or conviction
Aggravated Burglary (having committing) Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 231(1)(b) Act: Crimes Act 1961 Penalty: 10 yearsIngredients 1. Having committed burglary2. has a weapon with him/her OR uses anything as a weapon 3. while still in the building OR ship
Aggravated Burglary (while committing) Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 232(1)(a) Act: Crimes Act 1961 Penalty: 10 yearsIngredients 1. While committing burglary2. has a weapon with him/her OR uses anything as a weapon
Burglary (having entered) Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 231(1)(b) Act: Crimes Act 1961 Penalty: 10 yearsIngredients 1. having entered2. Any building OR Ship 3. Remains in it without authority4. With intent to commit an imprisonable offence in the building OR Ship
Burglary (enters) Section Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 231(1)(a) Act: Crimes Act 1961 Penalty: 10 yearsIngredients 1. Enters2. Any building OR Ship 3. without authority4. With intent to commit an imprisonable offence in the building OR Ship
Uses /attempts to use a document documentSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 228(a) Act: Crimes Act 1961 Penalty: 7 yearsIngredients 1. With intent to obtain any property, service, pecuniary advantage or valuable consideration 2. Dishonestly3. And without claim of right4. Uses or attempts to use any document
Uses or obtains a documentSection Act Penalty Ingredients
Section: 228(a) Act: Crimes Act 1961 Penalty: 7 yearsIngredients 1. With intent to obtain any property, service, pecuniary advantage or valuable consideration 2. Dishonestly3. And without claim of right4. Takes OR obtains any document