LI - SI - TB Flashcards
The best LI point to regulate waterways would be?
What sx/diseases would you be treating, in regulating waterways?
- upper body edema
- painful urination
- incontinence/retention
How would you explain LI-6 regulating waterways theoretically?
- LI - 6 is Luo point, Lung is clock pair of urinary bladder
- Key function of BL is to open & regulate waterways
What two LI points would make a good prescription for nasal congestion?
LI-4 + LI-20
Name four prominent LI points for skin disorders
LI-5, 11, 15, 20
What CCM diagnosis is typical for the types of skin problems LI points are most useful for?
Excess wind (sudden onset) & heat (dry & red)
Yang Ming -> Shi heat
Skin -> Metal (Lu)
What is the point of choice on the LI channel for loss of voice, and why?
18 because it’s level with the laryngeal prominence (and also a celestial window).
A variety of eye problems art treatable with LI points. Mostly these problems are of what nature?
an acute/shi & inflammatory (Yang Ming) nature
What LI point has more general usefulness for improving eyesight?
List three disorders that require the function of softening hardness & dissipating nodules.
- lympadenopathy
- mumps
- goiter
- scrofula (cervical TB)
- lipomas/cysts
- acne
What LI point has a special affinity for the breast region?
List 4 LI points that should be helpful for sudden loss of hearing or tinnitus.
LI-6, 5, 4, 1
A key point for toothache is?
It is the Ruler of the face & mouth
Points that disinhibit the throat might be chosen for what primary symptomology?
Sore throat/dysphagia or Voice Chnages/hoarseness
What LI point is useful to help induce labor?
List the most appropriate LI points for lung disorders,
As well as four typical symptoms that they treat
LI-18, 16, 11, 4, 6 Dyspnea (SOB) Cough/wheeze Hemoptysis Loss of voice (hoarse)
What LI point would be helpful for someone trying to stop smoking & why?
LI-5 because it’s a Jing River Fire point, it will help clear lung heat
What two opposite sx/problems can both be caused by heat in the LI?
Diarrhea (damp heat) & Constipation (Heat dryness)
What LI points would be useful for Diarrhea & Constipation?
LI-2, 11 (3,4,6,9)
What LI point would best transform blood stasis in the chest?
What symptom would you be treating?
Chest pain, ulcers, hemoptysis, hematemesis
What LI point restores consciousness?
What LI point restores Yang?
LI-1 (Jing/Well - nail point)
LI-4 (9N to Rescue Yang)
What LI point is indicated for low back pain?
Why would treating the LI help low back problems?
The Large Intestine is a clock pair with the Kidney
Colon is in Lower Jiao
Bladder is Phase pair with Kidney, it goes up back
GV-3 - YaoYangGuan
Appropriate LI points for Atopic dermatitis:
LI-4, 5, 11, 15
Appropriate LI points for Rosacea:
Appropriate LI points for Cystitis:
LI-6, 8
Appropriate LI points for Hernia:
LI-8, 9
Appropriate LI points for Glossitis:
LI-7, 17, 18
Appropriate LI points for Strep throat:
LI-2, 4, 11, 18
Appropriate LI points for Dysentery:
LI-4, 11 (2)
Appropriate LI points for Dysphagia:
LI-17, 18
Appropriate LI points for Brachial neuralgia:
LI-16, 17
Appropriate LI points for Lateral epicondylitis:
Appropriate LI points for Herpes zoster:
Appropriate LI points for Mastitis:
LI-8, 10
Appropriate LI points for Hematuria:
Appropriate LI points for Gastric Ulcer:
Appropriate LI points for Abscessed tooth:
LI-4, 10
The general action/function of most Small Intestine points is to?
Clear Heat
What two SI points are especially indicated for both malaria & jaundice?
SI-3 & 4
What two SI points are best to facilitate lactation?
SI-1 & 11
What SI point is noted for treatment of an infant’s inability to nurse?
What SI point releases wind caught in the upper shoulder area?
What kind of sx’s would be present?
SI-14, 15, 12
Pain & stiffness (Can’t lift shoulder)
Pain & stiffness in the upper shoulder corresponds to what Chinese disease/syndrome? Which corresponds to what western class of diseases?
Bi Syndrome
SI-17 primarily benefits what?
Ear & Throat
The primary indications of SI-17 are?
Sore throat, Tinnitus, Deafness, Laryngitis,
SI-8 shares what particular symptomatic indication with Ht-3 & Pc-3?
What enables SI-8 to carry out this function?
Dispels (internal) wind
How would you explain the fact that some SI points possess Spirit Calming functions?
The Small Intestine is a phase pair with the Heart
Heart houses Shen (spirit/consciousness)
Which SI points in particular would you expect to help Calm Spirit?
SI-7, 5, 3
What SI point is used to treat a variety of geriatric problems?
Of particular import is its ability to benefit what?
Hearing, Vision, senility, memory loss
What SI point would you use for insomnia & night sweats?
What SI point is indicated for an acute asthma attack?
SI-17, 15
In general SI points are useful for problems affecting what two sense organs?
Ears & Eyes
How would you explain the ability of the SI channel to affect eyes and ears?
Location – SI-19 connects to BL-1
What SI point is appropriate for spasms of the paravertebral muscles (erectors)?
What point would be especially apropos to combine with it?
BL-62: Master of Yang Qiao Mai (Yang motility vessel)
Which two phase- element points are most likely to be used for clearing heat?
Both can be what category?
SI-2 (fire) and SI-5 (water)
Ying Spring – on Yin channels they are fire points; on Yang channels they are water points.
What SI point is suitable for inflammation of the gums or tongue?
sores, ulcers, gingivitis, glossitis
What SI point is most appropriate for hematuria?
SI-2 (also 7 & 6)
What three SI points should you consider for the treatment of epilepsy?
SI-3 (Master GV-CNS), SI-5 (Fire), SI-8 (Earth)
What SI point benefits the shoulder, helps the lungs & brightens the eyes?
SI-15 (liver clock pair)
What three primary channels intersect at SI-12?
What SI point is shared by both the Yang Qiao & Yang Wei mai?
What two SI points are specific for frozen shoulder?
What other SI point is indicated for severe shoulder pain?
SI-9, 10
SI-6 (xi-cleft – nourish elder)
What distal SI points are best for a painful, stiff neck & headache?
SI-3, 7
Good nearby SI points to consider for stiff neck are?
SI-14, 15
A good local SI point to consider for stiff neck, esp. SCM spasm?
What non-local SI point is noted for its ability to treat the hand & fingers?
SI-7 (arthritis/bi/rheumatism - clear heat - hot bi)
The SI point for sudden LOV is?
A local & distal SI point combination for toothache is?
SI-5 & 18
A good combination of SI points for sore throat is?
SI-2 & 17
A good combination of SI points for ear problems is?
SI-19 & 3 (6 or 4)
What TB points would be best for tonifying purposes? And why?
TB-4 (Yuan source)
TB-3 (Wood, tonifier)
What TB points generate fluids and what regions do they influence?
TB-2 (mouth – saliva)
TB-3 (eyes – wood/liver)
TB-4 (mouth – thirst)
TB-6 (intestines – skin)
What TB point most strongly relieves/resolves the exterior?
What action does it initiate to accomplish this?
TB-5 (LI-4) Induces sweating (wind heat)
TB points generally affect the ear. What two points (distal/local) would act to remedy a wide variety of ear problems?
TB-5 & 17 (3 & 21)
What TB point would you use to stop excessive sweating?
How does it accomplish this?
It harmonizes Ying & Wei Qi
What TB point would you use to treat skin lesions?
Especially if your dx determined they were due to what?
Wind heat/dryness
What TB point’s name suggests its action of helping problems associated with aging?
ancestral gathering
What TB point’s name suggests its ability to affect epilepsy & convulsions?
Spasm Vessel
What TB point would be good for a UTI?
Its name?
“Four Rivers/Four Annoyances”
What TB point invigorates the yang & stimulates all 3 yang channels?
What type of problem might this prove useful for?
TB-8 - San Yang Luo
What TB point is the point of choice for side pain?
What TB points would be useful for menstrual problems?
TB-4 (6, 12)
What are the best distal TB points for unilateral/migraine headaches?
TB-3 & 5
What distal TB point would you select for acute ear pain & why?
TB-7 because it’s a xi cleft point.
What TB point would you choose for alternating chills & fever?
This suggests what diagnostic pattern that approximates what western disorder?
Shao Yang Dz – Malaria
What TB point would you use to help a curled tongue?
This sx most likely results from?
And usually involves what CM pathogens?
Internal wind & phlegm
What major TB point would help the ears and also be useful for mumps, facial paralysis, arthritis of the TMJ and vertigo?
What local TB point would you select for stiff neck and shoulder?
What TB points would you pick for a client suffering from depression?
This condition most likely reflects what organ pattern?
TB-3 (wood/tonifier point)
TB-10 (earth/dispersal point)
Liver qi stagnation leading to heart disturbance.
What TB point opens the chest to affect either heart or lungs?
TB-6 (Fire)
What TB point would you add for cough with copious sputum?
TB-10 (He sea, transforms dampness)
TB-13 clears heat and eliminates phlegm. What condition might require both of these functions to be effectively treated?
Goiter (Hyperthyroidism)