LI Channel fx- Jim's class Flashcards
Jing Well Point (LI) - metal
LI-1 Shang Yang “Metal Yang”
Ying Spring Point (LI) - water
LI-2 ErJian “Second Space/Interval”
Shu Stream Point (LI) - wood
LI-3 SanJian “Third Space/ Interval”
Jing River Point (LI) - fire
LI-5 Yang Xi “Yang Stream”
He Sea Point (LI) - earth
LI-11 Quchi “Pool on Bend/ Brooked Pond”
LI-4 Hegu “Joining Valley”
point categories
Yuan Source Point
Gao Wu Command point (of the face)
Ma Dan-Yang Heavenly Star Point
LI-4 Hegu “Joining Valley”
point fx
- expels Ext. Wind and releases Ext. (main point)
- regulates/consolidates Wei Qi; controls pores/adjusts sweating
- dispersing fx of LU Qi
- regulates face, eyes, nose, mouth, ears
- activates channel; alleviates pain due to obstruction
- tonifies Qi; restores Yang
- calms the Mind
- induces labour
- powerful calming and anti-pain action along ST, LI, Uterus channels and zang fu
LI-6 Pianli “Veering Passage”
point fx
- expels Wind, clears Heat
- opens and regulates (the LU’s) water passages (edema of face and hands, etc)
- toothache, tinnitus, redness and pain of eyes, nosebleed, etc
Luo-Connecting point of LI
LI-6 Pianli “Veering Passage”
3 cun proximal to LI-5/wrist crease
LI-10 Shousanli “Arm Three Miles”
point fx
- removes obstructions from channel (pain), ie “activates”
- regulates intestines/ harmonizes intestines and ST
- TONIFICATION POINT (tonifies Qi and BLood- like ST-36 Zusanli)
important point, widely used for all probs of LI channel
LI-11 Quchi “Pool on Bend”
point fx
- removes obstruction and heat from channel (bi syndrome, etc)
- clears heat; cools Blood (skin disease w/ heat in blood)
- resolves Dampness (esp Damp-Heat)
- regulates the intestines
- benefits sinews and joints (earth point); great for Bi syndrome
- treas skin by virtue of being He-Sea point on Yang channel
- can be used for heat patterns of most zang fu (ex, LR-fire)
- tonification point (earth, He Sea)
LI-14 Binao “Upper Arm”
point fx
- activates channel, alleviates pain; local point for shoulder, upper arm, neck pain
- dissipates Phlegm nodules
- regulates Qi
- benefits the eyes; clears and enhances vision (angle needle up)
- as meeting point of LI, SI, BL channel (eyes)
LI-15 Jianyu “Shoulder Bone”
point fx
- dispels Wind-Damp, alleviates pain, benefits shoulder joint
- eliminates Wind; regulates Qi and Blood
- regulates Qi and dissipates Phlegm nodules
- local point for shoulder pain
point fx
- local point for disorders of the throat region: swelling and pain, sudden loss of voice, rattling sound, difficulty in swallowing.
- Window of Heaven point hence treats the throat region (scrofula and goitre), sudden onset of symptoms (sudden loss of voice) and rebellion of qi manifesting as coughing and wheezing.