LGV Flashcards
LGV is a sexually transmitted inf causes by?
Chlamydia trachomatis
LGV is also called as?
Nicholas -favre dis, tropical bubo/climatic bubo/lymphopathia venerea
Diagnosis of LGV is by?
serology or genotyping
LGV clinically manifests as ?
inguinal and anorectal syndromes
LGV spreads by which route?
In LGV peak incidence occurs in which age group?
LGV is contract by?
direct contact w infectious secretions - unprotected intercourse
Asymptomatic rectal inf&/ penile or oral inf is the source through?
sex toy sharing and fisting
which variant suggests more aggressive clinical course causing severe proctitis
In primary stage erythematous papules / small herpetiform ulcers appear how many days after inoculation?
3-30 days
Primary stage in LGV is of how many days?
In males at the primary stage of LGV lesions appear more on ?
coronal sulcus, prepuce or glans penis
In females the LGV lesions appear on ?
post wall of the vagina,vulva, or occasionally the cervix
In secondary stage the primary lesions appears where?
lymph node involvement and hematogenous dissemination
what are the signs and sxs in secondary stage of LGV?
fever, myalgia, dec apetite and vomiting, photosensitivity after bubo formation, meningoencephalitis, hepatosplenomegaly, arthralgia and iritis