LGBTQ Flashcards
A person whose gender identity is congruent with or “matches” their biological sex.
A person’s sexual, emotional, physical and psychological attraction to another person. Heterosexual people are usually attracted to people of the “opposite” sex, gay men are attracted to men, and lesbians are attracted to women. Bisexual people are attracted to people of “both” sexes.
Sexual Orientation
Person’s combination of gonads (or sex organs), chromosomes, and hormones.” In most cases, people are either assigned ‘female’ or ‘male’ at birth
Biological Sex
A person’s felt sense of gender, or, who they are as a gendered being
Gender Identity
What we call the cues that people use to communicate their gender to others. These cues can include hairstyle, clothing choices/style, make-up, tattoos, piercings,
facial hair, walking gait, pitch of voice, etc
Gender Expression
The biological sex that someone is assumed to be at birth, usually based on a visual assessment of their genitals. This is what is recorded on a person’s birth certificate.
Sex Assigned at Birth
A term used to describe people who have a disconnect between their biological sex and their gender identity – which is to say that their biological sex and gender identity are incongruent, or, that their gender identity is not what we would usually expect based on their biological sex.
People whose gender expressions do not conform with the traditional gender norms for what is expected of their assigned sex, that do not identify is either male or
Gender Nonbinary
People who identify as female but were assigned male at birth.
People who identify as male but were assigned female at birth.
Transgender Woman
Transgender Man
This is the medical diagnosis in the DSM 5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) that describes the intense and persistent discomfort that transgender people feel because of the disconnect between their biological sex and their gender identity
Gender Dysphoria
Many of you have likely heard the term “sex change” or “sex reassignment surgery” used to refer to a transgender person who has had genital surgery. These terms are outdated and offensive and this term should be used instead.
Gender Affirming Surgery/Medical Transition
A transgender person’s process of coming out and shifting presentation to be more aligned with gender identity, may include requesting a new name and pronouns.
Social Transition
Can a person living with HIV transmit te virus if their viral load is undetectable?
Undetectable = Untransmittable
What is Prep?
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV
- daily vs. on demand
- who can use which method
- TAF and TDF
- considerations for frontal/vaginal sex - onset, efficacy
- hormone therapy and PrEP
Do gender affirming hormones act as reliable contraception?
What does the annual LGBT Pride Festival Commemorate?
An uprising against police repression
Stonewall riots
If someone is transgender, you can assume they are also gay, or queer?
Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation are Different Things!
- Sexual Orientation is the direction of one’s sexual ______. Sexuality can change over ____ and is usually labeled as lesbian, gay, straight, bisexual, queer.
- Every individual has a sex assigned at ____, a gender i_____, and a sexual o_____. Can be ______
- attraction, time
- birth, identity, orientation. FLUID
Naming Anatomy
- Patients may use different words to describe their body parts from “______” terms
- _____ language that ppl use for their body parts
- “anatomical”
- Mirror
Chest exam vs. Breast exam
Sexual History Script
Considerations Regarding TGNB Sexualities
- TGNB experience and transition impacts sexuality and sexual function
- S_____, H______, S_____
- Learning to navigate changing body and identity
- More _____ with internal sense of self
- Negotiating sex in a trans body
- Dys_____, P______ language, con_____
- Social, Hormonal, Surgical
- aligned
- Dysphoria, preferred, consent
TGNB Sexual Health
- Based on ____ parts used for ____
- May change with ______
- Changes in sexual _____ of partners
- Vaginal atrophy from ______
- Barriers to TGNB competent care, resulting in inadequate _____
- P_____ health screenings
- body parts, sex
- transition
- preferences
- testosterone
- screening
- Preventative
Sexual health for Lesbians and Women that have sex with Women
- Lesbians and bisexual women encounter _____ to health care include concerns about _____ and disclosure, discriminatory att____ and t_____, limited _____ to health care and health in_____, and often a limited un_____ as to what their health risks may be
- Preventative health screenings (2)
- barriers, confidentiality , attitudes, treatment, access, insurance, understanding
- Breast and cervical cancer screenings
STI screening for Trans women
STI Screening for Trans Men
Cervical Cancer Screening
Routine screening only applies to ______, _____ risk individuals who do not require surveillance for prior _____ screening results
A co-test every __ yrs OR a pap test alone every __ yrs
Asymptomatic, average, abnormal
5, 3
Alternative Sexualities
- Important to familiarize with basic alternative sexualities in order to provide affirming care to patients who engage in k___, B _ _ _, f____, sw____, ethical non-m_____, p____amory, and o____ arrangements
- Some examples of how that comes up in a vist - b____ noted on exam, __planon site play, multiple _____
kink, BDSM, fetish, swinging, monogamy, polyamory, open
bruising, nexplonon, partners
Process and Substance Use Addictions
From ____ abuse and binge _____ to the use of harder ____ like meth, heroin, opioids, many ppl in the sexual minority struggle with a____. Statistics show that LGBTQ adults are ____ more likely as there heterosexual counterparts to use illicit drugs and alcohol.
Due to things like?
Alcohol, drinking, drugs, addition, 2x more likely
Discrimination and Social Stigma
Lack of support for LGBTQ People
Internalized Homophobia
Co-occurring Disorders
Need for Specialized Treatment Options
Crystal Meth in the Gay Community
Connection between meth use, sexual compulsivity including sexual risk behaviors, and STIs (HIV, HCV)
Stimulation of “_____ centers” in brain greatly enhance ____ for and experience of sex
Operates on the same pleasure center of the brain that becomes acitvated during sexual activity
harm reduction strategies and counseling
“pleasure centers” enhance desire for sex
LGBTQ people and Sex Work
Many participate in sex work, drug sales, and other activities that are currently criminalized (“underground economy”) to earn an income or in exchange for food, a place to sleep, or other goods or services.
Participation in sex trade is often higher among those who have faced family rejection, poverty, or unequal opportunities in employment, housing, and education
High rates of negative mental and physical health outcomes, police abuse for transgender ppl who have done sex work
Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence
Do Gender affirming hormones act as reliable contraception?
What aspects of contraceptive methods could uniquely effect TMGNB patients?
LGBTQ Fertility
___ + ___ + ____
Egg + Sperm + Uterus
Methods for LGBTQ Fertility
Breast/Chest Feeding
Trans women/AMAB =
Trans men/AFAB =
Mechanical stimulation + medications that increase prolactin
If pedicle is still attached, can even chestfeed after chest reconstruction/top surgery