LGBTQ Flashcards
describes men and woman whose primaryy emotional and sexual relationships are with those of the opposite sex
describes men and women whose primary emotional and sexual relationships are with those of the same sex
Gay Men
men whose primary emotional and sexual relationships are with other men
- women whose primary emotional and sexual relationships are with other women
Individuals who are sexually and emotionally attracted to both men and women and can have an intimate relationship with either
Individual who feels themselves to be of a gender different from biological sex; gender identity does not match their anatomic or chromosomal sex
Dress in clothing of opposite sex and derive pleasure from such
Sexual orientation
Emotional and sexual attraction that an individual has towards those of the same sex (gay/lesbian), those of the opposite sex (heterosexual) or both (bisexual)
Multidimensional: sexual identity, sexual desire, sexual behavior
These three dimensions may or may not be consistent
Sexual behavior is most important for assessing medical risks
All three important for assessing psychosocial needs
Sexual Identity
one’s self-identification as gay, lesbian, bisexual, heterosexual
Sexual Desire
attraction one feels towards one sex or other or both, regardless of whether individual acts upon that attraction
Sexual Behavior
specific sexual activities one engages in, has engaged in, or plans to engage in
Same sex values and attitudes of dominant USA culture
Heterosexism is the normative value
It is unnatural (God or nature made man and woman to relate to one another)
It is immoral (against religious beliefs)
It is pathological
It is acceptable if kept private
It is a celebrated and valued lifestyle
Barriers to Effective communication
healthcare provider attitudes
lack of medical training
lack of clinician skill and confidence
mistaken clinical assumptions
Insensitive heterosexual biased questions
what is your marital status?
are you using birth control?
Microlevel (individual) assumption
nurse is unable to ask further sexual history questions at a gyn appointment when the client discloses she is a lesbian
Macrolevel (institutional,structural,healthcare system) assumption
health care brochures on surrogacy feature a husband, wife, and their newborn child on the cover
Innappropriate and irrelevant verbal and nonverbal messages that are sent
invivo fertilization only has pictures of man and woman
lack of safe-sex messages for gays and lesbians
Health Issues and Risks
most significant risk is avoiding routine preventive and treatment health care
sexual risk taking
fear of cancellation of health insurance with disclosure
Health Issues With Gay Men
GI infections
Hep A & B
Liver cancers
Increased smoking and alcohol intake
Eating Disorders
Lesbian Health Issues
substance abuse
obesity and cardiovascular disease
Increased risk of cancer
Many think Pap smears not necessary
Psychosocial Issues
lack of or reduced social support
increased levels of depression, stress, anxiety, suicide, and suicidal ideation
High rates of substance abuse
fear of homophobia
eating disorders
Abuse issues
familial physical abuse
battering and abuse in relationships
harassment and violence in the community
sexual abuse
Legal Issues
Civil marriage contracts provided in few states
no social security survival benefits
states do no enforce child support
TANF will not provide support
No VA benefits to lesbian partners
End of Dont Ask Dont Tell
Some states prohibit adoption
Adolescent Development Issues
fear of discovery
suicide attempt is higher
forced out of homes after disclosure
homelessness, increased numbers in child welfare systems
lack of family support and friends
more likely to engage in prostitution
depression, diminished school performance, school drop outs, alcohol and substance abuse, acting out
high risk of STDs
Healthcare implications (gender neutral and sensitive language)
do you have a partner? are you in a relationship?
Do you have a need to discuss birth control
Talk about protection rather than birth control
For adolescents ask have you ever had a romantic relationship with a boy or girl, or ask when you think of people to whom you are sexually attracted, are they men, women, both, neither, or are you not sure yet?
on forms ask do you have sex with men, women, or both?
ask about risky sexual behaviors, suicidal thoughts, and depression
assist with disclosure
maintain confidentiality
Is there anyone you want to include in the discussions or in your care?
Are you in a relationship?
Include option for “partnered”
Are you responsible for the care of a child or children?
Are you sexually active?
Do you have sex with men, women, both, or neither?
How many sexual partners do you have?
Have you given birth to any children (if this is what you want to know)? More exact than “do you have children”.
Do you need information about birth control today?
When was your last mammogram? Pap smear?
Healthy People 2020
10 year agenda improving the nation’s heath