LGBT in Health Care Settings Flashcards
T or F. 1 out of 4 females have had some sexual trauma prior to age 18
T. And 1 out of every 7 males
Does a transgender person ‘transitioning’ mean they are getting all of the surgeries?

What is the most widely used model for coming out for males and females?
Vivienne Cass’s Homosexuality Identity Formation Model
NOTE: The stages are not encarrasily consecutive or even true in all cases
What is the first stage of Vivienne Cass’s Homosexuality Identity Formation Model?
Stage 1: Identity Confusion- the person begins to acknowledge their attraction for the same gender but dont see themselves as gay. Feelings for the same gender are unacceptable at this pt.
What is the second stage of Vivienne Cass’s Homosexuality Identity Formation Model?
Identity Comparison- the person begins to accept the possibility they are gay but typically dont describe themselves as gay.
They may have anonymous no-strings hook ups
What is the third stage of Vivienne Cass’s Homosexuality Identity Formation Model?
ID tolerance- Accept the likelikhood they are gay and move toward describing themselves as gay
During this stage they will ‘try on’ their identity with community having a large imapct on the coming out process. Bad experiences= going back in the closet
What is the fourth stage of Vivienne Cass’s Homosexuality Identity Formation Model?
Identity Acceptance- moving from simple tolerance to acceptance. More anger at homophobi parts of society (self hatred is now pointed outward)
These people often distance themselves from family and choose new friends to shield themselves from negative views
Considered the beginning of ‘gay adolescence’ because they are much more open and verbal
What is the fifth stage of Vivienne Cass’s Homosexuality Identity Formation Model?
Identity Pride- may immerse themselves in gay culture. It can still feel like its us against them so may be confrontational

What is the sixth stage of Vivienne Cass’s Homosexuality Identity Formation Model?
Identity Synthesis- gay people understand that not all heterosexuals are homophobic. Just like older adolescents, they can now relax in their militant stance and re-integrate into society
T or F. Lesbians generally come out later than gay men
T. Often romantic feelings for the same gender trigger awareness in men and sexual feelings trigger this coming out in women
T or F. Lesbians prefer to use the word sex over intercourse

What are some risks of taking testosterone?
Cna damage the liver, especially if taken in high doses or by the mouth
What are some risks of taking estrogen?
Can increase BP, blood sugar, and blood clotting
T or F. Transgender have a higher risk for heart disease than baseline population
T. Due to increased hormone use, smoking, and obesity

T or F. Transgender people use substances at a higher rate than others
T. They also report higher uses of tobacco and alcohol use, as well as depression and anxiety
What is the number 1 healthcare problem for transgender people?
Access to health care
Gay men Stats
Increased alcohol and drug use, depression, anxiety, and are the most affected group for STI
In men, HPV usually causes what?
anal or genital warts, but concern is growing the HPV could play a role in increased rates of anal cancer in gay men (might want to reccommend routine anal Pap smears in gay men)

T or F. Gay women are at JUST AS MUCH RISK as heterosexual women at contracting STIs
Lesbians are more likely to smoke than heterosexual women, and bisexual women are the most likely to smoke (same trends with depression and anxiety)
__________ is the leading cause of death for LGBT youth in America
What 3 things most influence views on sex and sexuality?
- Was it talked about in your home?
- Religion
- Hx of sexual trauma

What are the parts of PLISSIT?
Permission- the provider asks for permission to have a conversation about sexualtiy
Limited Information- Provide pts. with limited and specific information about anatomical and physiological changes
Specific Suggestions- Suggest practical suggestions for difficulties
_I_ntensive _T_herapy- refereal if needed
T or F. All lubricants should be glycerin-free
