LG General Things Flashcards
Rules contain only sequencing elements or only grouping elements.
This means that the game is exclusively either sequencing or grouping. If there are rules with both, it’s hybird.
Steps for Drawing a Hypothetical-Question Chain, given a linkage rule
1) Start with drawing the new rule A–B
2) Look for duplications and add on from that piece
Conditional Rule Drops All Possible Worlds (Sequencing)
(H–G)-> J–K
(G–H)-> K–J
Note, how either G comes before H or H comes before G. These are all our possible worlds. Make two gameboards.
How to Indicate an Attribute Attached to an Entity
Lowercase letter plus slash
One will be a chairperson on the team = c/
Conditions to Split the Board
A) Entities have two or three limited spots.
B) A rule fills up a group entirely
When a Group Is Filled, It Becomes…
A however-many-groups-are-left game.
E.g, if you start with 3 groups in distribution, but one group becomes filled. Now, it’s an in-and-out game.
Rule: Each group must have at least one *child.
Draw a box across all groups with each attribute-bearing entity within the box with a plus sign on the box.
Process for Finding Group Distributions Fast
Start with the largest number possible.
Can you add the largest number again?
No–> move to the next acceptable highest number.
Yes–> add again until you hit “no.”
Apparent Inference: F–G–H
G can’t be first or last
Distribution Could be True Q Strategy
Find ACs that make rules irrelevant by negating sufficient or triggering the necessary.
Distribution MBT/MBF Question Strategy
Avoid answers that do not lead to major deductions (floaters) or make rules irrelevant. You WANT to include your rules.
Conditions for Adding “Or” Rules on the Board
When there’s duplicated elements.
~P2–>P5 = P goes in either two or five.
Negating Conditional Statements with And/Or
Must negate everything! One at a time.
If you see “at least” what do you draw?
Types of Block Deductions?
Spacing Issues