Lezione 6A.1 Flashcards
Reflexive verbs
Fabrizio wakes (himself) up at 7:00.
Fabrizio si sveglia alle sette.
I get (myself) up
mi alzo
to get up
you get (yourself) up
ti alzi
You get (Yourself) up; he/she/it gets (himself/herself/itself) up
si alza
we get (ourselves) up
ci alziamo
y’all get (yourselves) up
vi alzate
they get (themselves) up
si alzano
You wake up at 9:00, but I wake up at 11:00.
Tu ti svegli alle nove, ma io mi sveglio alle undici.
Stefania puts on makeup while the children wash themselves.
Stefania si trucca mentre i bambini si lavano.
The actress prefers to put on her makeup here.
L’attrice preferisce truccarsi qui.
You must get up before eight o’clock.
Vi dovete alzare prima delle otto.
We get (ourselves) ready to go out.
Ci prepariamo per uscire.
I never get bored in class.
Non mi annoio mai a lezione.
to fall asleep
to stand/get up
to get/be bored
to get angry
to be called
to have fun
to hurt oneself
farsi male