multiple meanings associated with lexis
physical channel of communications eg. letter
proper noun
refers to names of people or places
abstract nouns
refers to a state of feeling or concept
concrete noun
refers to object that have a physical existence
lexical verb
the main and most meaningful verb in a sentence
auxilliary verb
a verb belonging to a sentence that adds functional or grammatical meaning
base adjective/adverb
basic standard form of one
comparative adjective/ adverb
used to compare 2 instances
superlative adjective/ adverb
form used to compare more than 2 instances
personal pronouns
refers to people (1st 2nd and 3rd)
demonstrative pronoun
person, object or idea near by or far away
indefinite pronoun
non specific person, object or idea
words that typically appear together eg. cosmetic and surgery
fixed expressions
a well used group of words that become accepted and used together eg. see you later