Lexicon Expansion Pack Flashcards

Este deck se utiliza leyendo las palabras que te aparecen en voz alta y diciendo su traduccion al castellano en voz alta. Si desea incrementar la dificultad y probarse a si mismo, cree oraciones en voz alta usando las palabras que ve. Mientras mas domine una palabra, menos se la mostrara la app y vice versa. Practique por 10 minutos al dia. No es mucho! Necesita de exposicion efectiva a vocabulario si desea mejorar.




Synonyms (English): Power, Force
Synonyms (Spanish): Fuerza, Potencia

“He lifted the heavy box with all his strength.”
“Her emotional strength helped her get through the difficult times.”

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Synonyms (English): Method, Strategy
Synonyms (Spanish): Enfoque, Método

“Her approach to solving problems is very creative.”
“We need a different approach to handle this situation better.”

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Synonyms (English): In the direction of, Moving to
Synonyms (Spanish): Hacia, En dirección a

“They walked towards the park to enjoy the afternoon.”
“She looked towards the horizon as the sun was setting.”

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Synonyms (English): May, Could
Synonyms (Spanish): Podría, Tal vez

“It might rain later, so we should bring an umbrella.”
“If you study hard, you might pass the exam.”

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To imply


Synonyms (English): To suggest, To hint
Synonyms (Spanish): Insinuar, Sugerir

“Her smile seemed to imply that she agreed with the plan.”
“He didn’t say it directly, but his tone implied he was unhappy.”

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To support something


Synonyms (English): To back up, To help
Synonyms (Spanish): Apoyar, Respaldar

“They decided to support the charity by donating money.”
“He will support his friend’s idea during the meeting.”

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To embody sth


Synonyms (English): To represent, To symbolize
Synonyms (Spanish): Personificar, Representar

“She embodies kindness in everything she does.”
“The statue embodies the strength of the ancient civilization.”

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Synonyms (English): Knowledge, Insight
Synonyms (Spanish): Sabiduría, Conocimiento

“His wisdom helped the team make the right decision.”
“She always shares her wisdom when giving advice to others.”

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Synonyms (English): To resolve, To fix
Synonyms (Spanish): Resolver, Solucionar

“They worked together to solve the difficult math problem.”
“We need to solve this issue before it gets worse.”

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Synonyms (English): Fury, Anger
Synonyms (Spanish): Ira, Rabia

“He felt a wave of rage when he saw the broken window.”
“Her rage was obvious when she shouted at the top of her voice.”

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Synonyms (English): Irritation, Annoyance
Synonyms (Spanish): Frustración, Irritación

“His frustration grew when the computer stopped working.”
“She couldn’t hide her frustration after losing the game.”

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To express sth


Synonyms (English): To show, To communicate
Synonyms (Spanish): Expresar, Manifestar

“She used art to express her emotions.”
“He finds it difficult to express his feelings.”

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Synonyms (English): Disorganized, Confusing
Synonyms (Spanish): Caótico, Desordenado

“The traffic was chaotic during rush hour.”
“The classroom became chaotic when the students started shouting.”

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Synonyms (English): Surroundings, Atmosphere
Synonyms (Spanish): Medio ambiente, Entorno

“We should protect the environment by recycling.”
“The office environment is very calm and peaceful.”

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To reshape


Synonyms (English): To change, To reform
Synonyms (Spanish): Reformar, Cambiar

“The new law will reshape the education system.”
“They want to reshape the company’s goals for the future.”

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Synonyms (English): Damage, Hurt
Synonyms (Spanish): Dañar, Perjudicar

“Smoking can harm your health over time.”
“He never meant to harm anyone with his actions.”

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Road Rage


Synonyms (English): Aggressive driving, Driving anger
Synonyms (Spanish): Violencia vial, Rabia al volante

“His road rage caused him to shout at other drivers.”
“Road rage incidents have increased in big cities lately.”

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To lead to sth


Synonyms (English): To result in, To cause
Synonyms (Spanish): Conducir a, Llevar a

“Working hard will lead to success in the future.”
“Not paying attention could lead to mistakes.”

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Synonyms (English): Freeway, Motorway
Synonyms (Spanish): Autopista, Carretera

“They drove on the highway for hours to reach the city.”
“The highway was busy with cars during the holiday weekend.”

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Synonyms (English): Street, Path
Synonyms (Spanish): Camino, Carretera

“They walked down the road to reach the park.”
“The road to success is never easy.”

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Rush hour


Synonyms (English): Peak time, Busy hour
Synonyms (Spanish): Hora punta, Hora pico

“The buses were full because it was rush hour.”
“Traffic during rush hour can be frustrating.”

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Way (method, style, etc.)


Synonyms (English): Method, Style
Synonyms (Spanish): Manera, Modo

“His way of explaining things makes them easy to understand.”
“There is more than one way to solve this problem.”

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Several (Varias)


Synonyms (English): Many, A few
Synonyms (Spanish): Varias, Algunas

“There were several people waiting in line at the store.”
“He bought several new books to read over the weekend.”

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Synonyms (English): Delayed, Sluggish
Synonyms (Spanish): Lento, Despacio

“The internet connection was very slow today.”
“The service at the restaurant was slow, so we had to wait.”

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To calm down (calmarse)
Synonyms (English): To relax, To cool down Synonyms (Spanish): Calmarse, Relajarse "He took a deep breath to calm down after the argument." * "The teacher asked the students to calm down after the noise."
Synonyms (English): Rage, Fury Synonyms (Spanish): Ira, Enojo "His anger was clear when he shouted at the driver." * "She felt anger rise inside her when she heard the news."
To improve
Synonyms (English): To enhance, To develop Synonyms (Spanish): Mejorar, Perfeccionar "He practices every day to improve his English skills." * "The company made changes to improve customer service."
To make
Synonyms English: Create, Build Synonyms Spanish: Hacer, Crear "I’m going to make dinner tonight, let’s have something healthy." * "She loves to create art in her free time; it relaxes her."
To overcome sth
Synonyms English: Conquer, Defeat Synonyms Spanish: Superar, Vencer "Maria worked hard to overcome her fear of speaking in public." * "With patience, you can conquer any obstacle you face in your English learning."
To forget
Synonyms English: Fail to remember, Omit Synonyms Spanish: Olvidar, Dejar pasar "Don’t forget to bring your ID to the bank tomorrow." * "Sometimes I forget people’s names when I meet them for the first time."
To find
Synonyms English: Discover, Locate Synonyms Spanish: Encontrar, Hallar "I need to find my wallet before we leave for the movies." * "It’s easy to find good restaurants in Lima if you ask locals."
To choose
Synonyms English: Select, Pick Synonyms Spanish: Escoger, Elegir "I always choose the same coffee at my favorite café." * "It’s hard to choose between the beach and the mountains for vacation."
Synonyms English: Keymaker, Lock expert Synonyms Spanish: Cerrajero, Técnico en cerraduras "We need to call a locksmith because I locked myself out of the house." * "The locksmith fixed my door lock in just a few minutes."
Synonyms English: Billfold, Purse Synonyms Spanish: Cartera, Billetera "I left my wallet at home, so I can’t pay for the lunch today." * "Always check your wallet before leaving a taxi."
To wait
Synonyms English: Pause, Delay Synonyms Spanish: Esperar, Aguardar "We have to wait for the bus; it’s always late on Sundays." * "Let’s wait a few minutes before going in; the line should be shorter soon."
To check sth (like pockets)
Synonyms English: Inspect, Verify Synonyms Spanish: Revisar, Comprobar "I need to check my pockets for my keys before we leave." * "Always check your pockets after going through security at the airport."
Stuff (Comodín)
Synonyms English: Things, Belongings Synonyms Spanish: Cosas, Artículos "I have too much stuff in my backpack; I need to clean it out." * "Can you help me pack my stuff before we leave for the trip?"
Synonyms English: Ideas, Reflection Synonyms Spanish: Pensamientos, Reflexiones "I had some thoughts about the new project we’re starting next week." * "His thoughts were all over the place, so he couldn’t focus during the meeting."
To realize sth
Synonyms English: Notice, Understand Synonyms Spanish: Darse cuenta, Comprender "I didn’t realize how late it was; we should go home now." * "She realized she forgot her umbrella when it started raining."
Synonyms English: Enthusiasm, Thrill Synonyms Spanish: Emoción, Entusiasmo "There’s so much excitement about the concert this weekend!" * "She could feel the excitement in the air when they announced the winner."
To be excited
Synonyms English: To be thrilled, To be enthusiastic Synonyms Spanish: Estar emocionado, Estar entusiasmado "I am so excited to visit the new museum downtown!" * "He’s excited about starting his new job next week."
To meet up with sb
Synonyms English: To gather, To get together Synonyms Spanish: Reunirse con, Quedar con "Let’s meet up at the café after work and talk about the plans for the weekend." * "We usually meet up with friends on Fridays to relax after a long week."
To join sth
Synonyms English: Participate, Become a member Synonyms Spanish: Unirse a, Participar en "I’m thinking about joining a yoga class to help me relax." * "He joined the community club last year and loves going to the events."
Synonyms English: Entire, Complete Synonyms Spanish: Entero, Completo "I spent the whole day cleaning my apartment." * "The whole family is coming to visit us for the holidays."
Synonyms English: Useful, Supportive Synonyms Spanish: Útil, Servicial "That advice was very helpful; now I know what to do next." * "She’s always helpful when someone needs a hand at work."
To come
Synonyms English: Arrive, Appear Synonyms Spanish: Venir, Llegar "Will you come to the party on Saturday night?" * "She’s going to come to the meeting later this afternoon."
Synonyms English: Select, Pick Synonyms Spanish: Escoger, Elegir "You can choose any seat you want in the classroom." * "I had to choose between two job offers, and it wasn’t easy."
Synonyms English: Difficulty, Obstacle Synonyms Spanish: Desafío, Reto "Learning a new language can be a challenge, but it’s very rewarding." * "One of the biggest challenges in Lima is dealing with the traffic every day."
Synonyms English: Timetable, Agenda Synonyms Spanish: Horario, Programa "We need to check our schedule to make sure we leave the desert before the sun gets too hot." * "The tour guide has a busy agenda, so we must follow the timetable carefully."
Synonyms English: Location, Spot Synonyms Spanish: Sitio, Lugar "This site in the Gobi Desert is famous for its ancient fossils." * "We picked a quiet spot to camp, away from the busier areas of the desert."
Synonyms English: Location, Area Synonyms Spanish: Lugar, Sitio "The Gobi Desert is a place of great beauty, even though it's very dry." * "This area is one of the hottest in the desert, but it’s a beautiful place to watch the stars."
Synonyms English: Unexpectedly, Abruptly Synonyms Spanish: De repente, Súbitamente "Suddenly, a strong wind blew across the desert, making it hard to walk." * "The temperature dropped abruptly as the sun set, and suddenly it was cold."
To sink (Boat)
Synonyms English: To submerge, To go down Synonyms Spanish: Hundirse, Sumergirse "If a boat tries to cross the Gobi’s few water sources, it might sink into the mud." * "The desert has many dried-up lakes, but in the past, boats could submerge here."
To surface
Synonyms English: To emerge, To appear Synonyms Spanish: Surgir, Aparecer "After walking for hours, a small oasis finally surfaced in the distance." * "Animals that hide during the day often surface when it’s cooler in the desert."
To dive
Synonyms English: To plunge, To descend Synonyms Spanish: Bucear, Sumergirse "In the desert, the temperature can dive at night, leaving you freezing." * "As the sun started to set, the temperature quickly began to plunge."
Synonyms English: Grains, Dust Synonyms Spanish: Arena, Polvo "The Gobi Desert is full of sand, stretching as far as the eye can see." * "Sometimes the wind blows so much that the air is filled with grains of sand."
To know sth
Synonyms English: To understand, To be aware Synonyms Spanish: Saber, Conocer "You need to know how to find water in the desert, or it can be dangerous." * "If you don’t know the signs of dehydration, the desert can be very harsh."
Synonyms English: Difficult, Harsh Synonyms Spanish: Difícil, Duro "Crossing the desert on foot is a tough challenge due to the extreme heat." * "The journey was difficult, but the beauty of the desert made it worth it."
Synonyms English: Wasteland, Arid region Synonyms Spanish: Desierto, Erial "The Gobi Desert is one of the largest wastelands in the world." * "In this arid region, very few plants or animals can survive."
Synonyms English: Severe, Rough Synonyms Spanish: Severo, Riguroso "The desert’s harsh environment makes it hard for many animals to live here." * "The winds in the Gobi can be very rough, creating sandstorms that last for hours."
Synonyms English: Breeze, Gust Synonyms Spanish: Viento, Brisa "The wind in the Gobi Desert can pick up suddenly and make it hard to see." * "A strong gust of wind blew across the sand, nearly knocking over the tent."
To thrive
Synonyms English: To flourish, To prosper Synonyms Spanish: Prosperar, Florecer "Only certain plants and animals thrive in the harsh desert conditions." * "Camels thrive in this environment because they can go for days without water."
Synonyms English: Bush, Plant Synonyms Spanish: Arbusto, Matorral "There are a few small shrubs that can survive in the desert." * "That bush over there is one of the few plants that can grow in the Gobi’s dry soil."v
To face sth
Synonyms English: To confront, To deal with Synonyms Spanish: Enfrentarse, Afrontar "In the Gobi Desert, travelers must face the challenges of extreme heat and cold." * "Every day, the animals in the desert have to confront the harsh conditions."
Way (camino)
Synonyms English: Path, Route Synonyms Spanish: Camino, Ruta "We followed the old caravan way through the desert to reach the oasis." * "This path through the Gobi is the safest route, but it’s still very tough."
Along the way
Synonyms English: On the journey, During the trip Synonyms Spanish: En el camino, Durante el trayecto "Along the way through the desert, we saw many fascinating rock formations." * "During the trip across the Gobi, we met some locals who lived in small camps."
Synonyms English: To see, To observe Synonyms Spanish: Presenciar, Observar "In the desert, we were lucky to witness a rare rainstorm." * "You can witness incredible sunsets in the Gobi, with colors that light up the sky."
To seem like sth
Synonyms English: To appear as, To look like Synonyms Spanish: Parecer, Verse como "The distant mountains seemed like they were floating on the horizon." * "It seems like the desert goes on forever, with no end in sight."
Synonyms English: Manners, Protocol Synonyms Spanish: Etiqueta, Protocolo "In formal settings, understanding proper etiquette can be crucial for making a positive impression." * "Knowing business etiquette is essential when negotiating with international clients, as it shows respect and professionalism."
Synonyms English: Previous, Prior Synonyms Spanish: Anterior, Previo "The former CEO left a legacy of innovation, but his successor struggled to maintain that momentum." * "In my experience, the former method of teaching was more effective than the current one, as it allowed for greater student engagement."
Synonyms English: Second, Last-mentioned Synonyms Spanish: Último, Postrero "Between the two options, I found the latter to be more practical, despite the higher cost." * "When comparing classical literature and modern novels, I prefer the latter for its contemporary relevance."
Synonyms English: Wealthiest, Most affluent Synonyms Spanish: Más rico, Más adinerado "Some of the richest countries in the world continue to grapple with issues of wealth inequality." * "The richest ecosystems, like the Amazon Rainforest, are home to a vast array of biodiversity that cannot be found anywhere else."
Synonyms English: Advantageous, Helpful Synonyms Spanish: Beneficioso, Ventajoso "Engaging in regular physical activity has been proven to be highly beneficial for both mental and physical health." * "Learning a second language is beneficial not only for cognitive development but also for expanding career opportunities."
Synonyms English: In this place, Nearby Synonyms Spanish: Aquí, Acá "Here in the jungle, the humidity makes it difficult to stay dry for long." * "Here, in the mountains, the air is so thin that even walking can be exhausting."
Synonyms English: Period, Time Synonyms Spanish: Temporada, Estación "In the desert, the dry season lasts for months, making it hard for any plants to grow." * "The rainy season in tropical rainforests brings life back to the soil after months of heat."
Synonyms English: In that place, Over there Synonyms Spanish: Allí, Allá "There is little water in the Arctic, as it remains frozen most of the year." * "There are few animals in the desert, but the ones that live there have adapted well to the heat."
To Guess
Synonyms English: To Predict, To Estimate Synonyms Spanish: Adivinar, Suponer "Scientists had to guess how animals survived in extreme cold before discovering their adaptations." * "I can only guess how hot it gets in the desert during midday."
To be good/bad for the (heart)
Synonyms English: Beneficial/Harmful Synonyms Spanish: Bueno/Malo "Running with your dog can be good for the heart, keeping both you and your pup healthy." * "Letting your dog eat too many treats might be bad for the heart, as it can lead to health problems."
Synonyms English: Label, Make Synonyms Spanish: Marca, Firma "This dog food brand is well-known for using natural ingredients." * "Some brands make special toys that help train your dog in a fun way."
Synonyms English: Powerful, Sturdy Synonyms Spanish: Fuerte, Resistente "This breed of dog has a strong build and can pull heavy objects." * "Training your dog’s mind keeps their bond with you strong and unbreakable."
Synonyms English: Like, Appreciate Synonyms Spanish: Disfrutar, Gozar "Dogs enjoy long walks, especially when they can explore new places." * "I enjoy training my dog; it's fun to see them learn new tricks."
Never have, never will
Synonyms English: Not once, Not ever Synonyms Spanish: Nunca, Jamás "I’ve never let my dog beg for food, and I never will." * "My dog has never jumped on guests, and I’m sure he never will."
Synonyms English: Upset, Annoyed Synonyms Spanish: Enojado, Molesto "My dog gets angry if I ignore him for too long." * "When my dog chews my shoes, I get a little angry, but I can’t stay mad for long."
Synonyms English: Furious, Irritated Synonyms Spanish: Furioso, Enfurecido "My friend got mad when her dog dug up the garden." * "If you get mad at your dog, remember to stay calm and use positive training."
Social Life
Synonyms English: Social Circle, Interactions Synonyms Spanish: Vida Social, Relaciones "Taking your dog to the park is good for your social life since you meet other dog owners." * "A dog’s social life can improve with playdates or group training sessions."
Synonyms English: Alert, Caution Synonyms Spanish: Advertencia, Aviso "The vet gave a warning not to overfeed dogs as it’s bad for their health." * "There was a warning on the toy label that it might not be safe for small dogs."
Synonyms English: Germanic, Teutonic Synonyms Spanish: Alemán, Germánico "The German Shepherd is a popular breed for training due to its intelligence." * "German breeds often have a reputation for being strong and loyal."
To fight
Synonyms English: Struggle, Battle Synonyms Spanish: Luchar, Combatir "Elisha Otis had to fight against the risks of elevator accidents to make his invention safer for everyone." * "Inventors like Otis struggled with the dangers of early elevator designs until they found a way to make them secure."
To leave
Synonyms English: Exit, Depart Synonyms Spanish: Salir, Abandonar "Otis didn't want to leave the project unfinished; he was determined to make elevators safe." * "People would often leave high-rise buildings rather than climb many stairs, so a safer elevator was needed."
To lose
Synonyms English: Misplace, Fail to keep Synonyms Spanish: Perder, Desaparecer "Without safety features, elevators could lose control, causing accidents." * "Otis knew that if people lost trust in elevators, his invention wouldn’t succeed."
To need
Synonyms English: Require, Demand Synonyms Spanish: Necesitar, Requerir "The new buildings needed a safe way to reach the top floors." * "Otis understood the need for a safety brake to protect elevator passengers."
To take
Synonyms English: Grab, Hold Synonyms Spanish: Tomar, Agarrar "People could finally take elevators to reach high floors quickly and safely." * "It took courage to step into the first elevators, but Otis’s safety brake helped people trust them."
Have to
Synonyms English: Must, Be required to Synonyms Spanish: Tener que, Estar obligado a "Inventors have to think about safety if they want their machines to be trusted." * "Otis had to show his invention in public to prove it would work."
To not care about sth
Synonyms English: Disregard, Ignore Synonyms Spanish: Ignorar, No preocuparse por "Some early builders didn’t care about elevator safety, but Otis knew it was essential." * "Otis could not ignore the risk of accidents and took action to make elevators safer."
To arrive somewhere
Synonyms English: Reach, Get to Synonyms Spanish: Llegar a, Alcanzar "Thanks to elevators, people could finally arrive at the top floors without climbing endless stairs." * "After Otis’s invention, arriving at high floors became easier and faster."
Synonyms English: Aim, Goal Synonyms Spanish: Propósito, Objetivo "Otis’s purpose was to make elevators safe for everyone." * "The main goal of the safety brake was to protect people from accidents."
To climb
Synonyms English: Ascend, Go up Synonyms Spanish: Escalar, Subir "Before elevators, people had to climb many flights of stairs in tall buildings." * "With the new elevator, climbing to the top floors became a thing of the past."
To feel
Synonyms English: Sense, Experience Synonyms Spanish: Sentir, Percibir "People began to feel safer in elevators after Otis’s safety brake invention." * "Otis wanted passengers to feel comfortable and secure when using his elevators."
Synonyms English: Vapor, Moisture Synonyms Spanish: Vapor, Humedad "Early elevators used steam engines to lift people up floors." * "The steam-powered elevators were the first step towards modern electric models."
Synonyms English: Transit, Conveyance Synonyms Spanish: Transporte, Movilidad "The elevator became a new form of transportation inside buildings." * "Elevators changed the way people thought about transportation in tall buildings."
To add
Synonyms English: Include, Attach Synonyms Spanish: Añadir, Incluir "Otis decided to add a safety brake to elevators, which prevented falls." * "When Otis added the brake, it greatly increased the safety of elevator rides."
In order to
Synonyms English: To achieve, So as to Synonyms Spanish: Para, Con el fin de "Otis demonstrated his brake in order to show people that elevators could be safe." * "He improved his design in order to convince people to trust his invention."
Synonyms English: Kin, Family member Synonyms Spanish: Pariente, Familiar "My closest relative always has fascinating stories about our family history." * "Even though he lives abroad, my relative and I stay connected through video calls."
In case
Synonyms English: If, In the event that Synonyms Spanish: En caso de, Por si acaso "Bring a jacket in case the weather turns cold during the evening." * "In case of an emergency, make sure to call the designated number right away."
To enjoy sth
Synonyms English: To appreciate, To relish Synonyms Spanish: Disfrutar de, Gozar de "I always find time to enjoy a quiet moment with a good book." * "Traveling to new places is something I genuinely enjoy and look forward to."
Synonyms English: Sea, Waters Synonyms Spanish: Océano, Mar "The vast ocean holds mysteries that scientists are only beginning to uncover." * "Looking out at the ocean, you can see waves stretching endlessly to the horizon."
Synonyms English: Frequently, Regularly Synonyms Spanish: A menudo, Frecuentemente "People often underestimate how complex marine ecosystems truly are." * "I often visit the library to find new research on environmental topics."
Synonyms English: Swells, Surges Synonyms Spanish: Olas, Ondas "The powerful waves crashed against the rocky shore with incredible force." * "Surfers seek out tall waves that give them an exhilarating ride back to the beach."
Synonyms English: Method, Process Synonyms Spanish: Procedimiento, Método "The procedure for collecting water samples requires precise measurements and timing." * "Following each procedure carefully is essential in any scientific experiment."
Synonyms English: Operations, Medical procedures Synonyms Spanish: Cirugías, Operaciones "Advances in technology have made complex surgeries safer and more effective." * "Some surgeries require highly specialized equipment to ensure patient safety and precision."
Synonyms English: Shareholders, Financiers Synonyms Spanish: Inversores, Accionistas "Investors are keen to see growth in the company, as this will ensure higher returns on their shares." "Many investors prefer to support sustainable projects, aiming for both profit and positive social impact."
Synonyms English: Transactions, Deals Synonyms Spanish: Ventas, Transacciones "Sales increased by 20% this quarter, showing strong demand for our new product line." "The team set a new record in monthly sales, surpassing previous goals by a wide margin."
Synonyms English: Expend, Allocate Synonyms Spanish: Gastar, Desembolsar "It’s important not to spend too much on non-essential items if you want to save money." "Some companies spend a significant portion of their budget on marketing to increase brand awareness."
Synonyms English: Used up, Consumed Synonyms Spanish: Gastado, Desembolsado "She spent all her savings on the trip, but the experiences were worth every penny." "They had spent hours preparing for the presentation, hoping to impress the panel."
Have / Has to
Synonyms English: Must, Need to Synonyms Spanish: Tener que, Deber "Students have to study consistently if they want to achieve high scores on the TOEFL test." "The teacher has to explain complex grammar concepts in a way that students can easily understand."
To be scared
Synonyms English: To be frightened, To feel alarmed Synonyms Spanish: Estar asustado, Sentir miedo "The student admitted to being scared of public speaking, especially in a foreign language." "Many people are scared of flying, even though it’s statistically very safe."
To be afraid
Synonyms English: To feel fearful, To feel uneasy Synonyms Spanish: Tener miedo, Sentir temor "Some students are afraid of making mistakes, but errors are a valuable part of the learning process." "She was afraid of speaking too quickly in her presentation, so she practiced pacing her words."
Synonyms English: Depart, Exit Synonyms Spanish: Dejar, Salir "Students should leave enough time to review their answers before submitting their test." "He decided to leave early to avoid the evening traffic."
Synonyms English: Departed, Exited Synonyms Spanish: Salió, Se fue "She left the office feeling proud of her accomplishments for the day." "They left just as the meeting was about to begin, not wanting to be involved."
To get
Synonyms English: Obtain, Acquire Synonyms Spanish: Obtener, Conseguir "Students need to get a good grasp of vocabulary to excel on the TOEFL reading section." "He hopes to get a scholarship for his academic achievements."
Synonyms English: Received, Acquired Synonyms Spanish: Obtuvo, Consiguió "She got high marks on her TOEFL test, thanks to her rigorous preparation." "He finally got the internship he had applied for months ago."
Synonyms English: Steps, Staircase Synonyms Spanish: Escaleras, Gradas "The old building had only stairs, so visitors often needed help with heavy luggage." "They climbed several flights of stairs to reach the viewing platform."
Synonyms English: Safe, Innocuous Synonyms Spanish: Inofensivo, No dañino "Most household pets are harmless and pose no threat to humans." "The doctor assured her that the treatment was harmless and had no serious side effects."
Synonyms English: Dangerous, Damaging Synonyms Spanish: Dañino, Perjudicial "Excessive screen time can be harmful to children’s eyesight." "Pollution is harmful to the environment and affects air quality."
Synonyms English: Dangerous, Damaging Synonyms Spanish: Dañino, Perjudicial "Excessive screen time can be harmful to children’s eyesight." "Pollution is harmful to the environment and affects air quality."
To lead to sth
Synonyms English: Result in, Cause Synonyms Spanish: Conducir a, Provocar "Poor nutrition can lead to serious health problems over time." "Efficient study habits often lead to better test scores."
Synonyms English: Fewer, Reduced Synonyms Spanish: Menos, Reducido "She drank less coffee this month to improve her sleep quality." "Students should spend less time on distractions when preparing for exams."
To try to do sth
Synonyms English: Attempt, Endeavor Synonyms Spanish: Intentar, Tratar de "She tried to solve the problem on her own before asking for help." "They are trying to improve their TOEFL scores through regular practice."
Synonyms English: Ought to, Need to Synonyms Spanish: Debería, Necesitaría "Students should focus on their weak areas to achieve a balanced score." "You should read a variety of texts to improve your reading skills."
Synonyms English: Sequence, Series Synonyms Spanish: Cadena, Secuencia "A chain of events led to the discovery of a new study technique." "Breaking the chain of bad study habits can lead to better results."
Synonyms English: Narrative, Tale Synonyms Spanish: Historia, Cuento "The story was engaging, with twists that kept the reader’s attention." "Stories can be a powerful way to illustrate complex ideas."
Synonyms English: Past, Background Synonyms Spanish: Historia, Antecedentes "Understanding history helps us make better decisions for the future." "The history of a country shapes its culture and traditions." These sentences and synonyms should help your learner grasp vocabulary in various contexts, enhancing their fluency and understanding of nuanced usage.
Synonyms English: Rise, Growth Synonyms Spanish: Incremento, Aumento "Have you noticed the increase in emails lately? I feel like my inbox is growing every minute." * "If this keeps up, we'll need an entire day just to handle the rise in reports piling up." *
Synonyms English: Drop, Reduction Synonyms Spanish: Disminución, Reducción "There’s been a noticeable decrease in office snacks—someone must be hoarding them!" * "I was surprised by the drop in work requests this week; it almost feels like a vacation." *
To not care
Synonyms English: To be indifferent, To ignore Synonyms Spanish: No importar, Despreocuparse "Honestly, I’ve decided to not care about those endless meetings anymore; they just go in circles." * "Sometimes, it's best to be indifferent to office gossip—it saves a lot of energy." *
The last straw
Synonyms English: Breaking point, Final straw Synonyms Spanish: Última gota, Colmo "The coffee machine breaking down this morning was the last straw; I need my caffeine!" * "When they canceled my vacation request, that was the final straw—I need a break!" *
Synonyms English: Assertive, Stubborn Synonyms Spanish: Terco, Con mucha opinión "She’s very opinionated about how reports should look—no room for creative freedom there." * "Working with him can be tricky; he’s so assertive that every conversation feels like a debate." *
Synonyms English: Awkward, Uneasy Synonyms Spanish: Incómodo, Inquieto "That meeting yesterday was so uncomfortable; I could barely look up from my notes." * "I feel a bit uneasy when there’s silence in the break room—like everyone’s waiting for me to say something." *
To deal with
Synonyms English: To handle, To manage Synonyms Spanish: Manejar, Enfrentar "I have so many tasks to deal with today; I might need a second coffee break." * "Sometimes it feels like all we do is manage unexpected problems. It’s like putting out fires all day." *
Freestyle (Swimming)
Synonyms (English): Front crawl, Stroke Synonyms (Spanish): Estilo libre, Crol "I swim freestyle every morning to stay fit and feel energized throughout the day." * "My favorite swimming technique is the freestyle; it's the fastest way for me to complete my laps."
Breaststroke (Swimming)
Synonyms (English): Frog kick, Swimming stroke Synonyms (Spanish): Braza, Pecho "I find the breaststroke very relaxing; it allows me to keep a steady pace while I swim." * "When I want a low-impact exercise, I practice the breaststroke in the pool."
Backstroke (Swimming)
Synonyms (English): Back crawl, Stroke Synonyms (Spanish): Espalda, Nado de espalda "I practice the backstroke to improve my posture and strengthen my back muscles." * "Backstroke is a great way to keep my breathing steady while I swim."
Butterfly (Swimming)
Synonyms (English): Dolphin stroke, Stroke Synonyms (Spanish): Mariposa, Nado de mariposa "The butterfly stroke is challenging, but it gives my arms and shoulders a great workout." * "I feel powerful when I swim the butterfly; it’s one of the toughest swimming techniques."
Synonyms (English): Expenditure, Funding Synonyms (Spanish): Inversión, Aporte "I view my English classes as an investment in my future success." * "Buying new books is an investment for me because they help me learn and grow."
Synonyms (English): Terrible, Appalling Synonyms (Spanish): Abismal, Espantoso "My first attempt at swimming was abysmal; I couldn't even float!" * "The weather was abysmal yesterday, with heavy rain and thunder all day."
Synonyms (English): Senior, Aged Synonyms (Spanish): Anciano, Mayor "My grandmother is elderly, so I visit her every weekend to help with groceries and chores." * "Elderly people in my neighborhood enjoy walking in the park in the mornings."
Synonyms (English): Light wind, Gentle air Synonyms (Spanish): Brisa, Viento suave "The evening breeze feels refreshing after a long, hot day." * "I love sitting outside and reading when there’s a gentle breeze."
To Step Forward
Synonyms (English): To move ahead, To advance Synonyms (Spanish): Dar un paso adelante, Avanzar "I decided to step forward and volunteer for the project at work." * "It’s important to step forward and speak up when you have a good idea."
Synonyms (English): Goal, Place Synonyms (Spanish): Destino, Meta "My vacation destination this year is the beach, where I plan to relax and swim." * "Every morning, my destination is the gym for an hour of exercise."
Freestyle (Swimming)
Synonyms (English): Front crawl, Stroke Synonyms (Spanish): Estilo libre, Crol "I swim freestyle every morning to stay fit and feel energized throughout the day." * "My favorite swimming technique is the freestyle; it's the fastest way for me to complete my laps."
Synonyms (English): Seasoning, Flavoring Synonyms (Spanish): Especias, Condimentos "I add spices like pepper and cumin to my meals to make them more flavorful." * "Indian food is known for its rich variety of spices, which add a unique taste."
Synonyms (English): Guidance, Suggestion Synonyms (Spanish): Consejo, Recomendación "My father always gives me good advice about saving money." * "When I need advice, I ask my friend because she has great ideas."
Synonyms (English): Useful, Functional Synonyms (Spanish): Práctico, Útil "I bought a practical bag that fits everything I need for work." * "Wearing comfortable shoes is practical for long walks around the city."
To be worried
Synonyms English: Concerned, Anxious Synonyms Spanish: Preocupado, Inquieto "I’m a bit worried about my test tomorrow, but I’ve studied hard, so I hope it goes well." * "She was anxious about her son’s first day at school, but he ended up having a great time."
Synonyms English: Unnecessary, Superfluous Synonyms Spanish: Redundante, Innecesario "Adding more chairs to the table would be redundant; we already have enough." * "Sometimes people give superfluous details, which only make things more confusing."
To bring
Synonyms English: To carry, To deliver Synonyms Spanish: Traer, Llevar "I’ll bring the snacks to the picnic, so you can focus on the drinks." * "He always brings his favorite book along on long trips to pass the time."
Synonyms English: Weights, Barbells Synonyms Spanish: Mancuernas, Pesas "I used the dumbbells at the gym today to work on my arm strength." * "She bought a new set of weights to do her workouts at home."
Synonyms English: Swim fins, Diving fins Synonyms Spanish: Aletas, Patas de rana "I wore my flippers to snorkel around the reef and saw so many fish!" * "Swim fins make it easier to move quickly underwater when you’re diving."
Synonyms English: Weighty, Burdensome Synonyms Spanish: Pesado, Fuerte "This bag is too heavy; I might need some help carrying it." * "The weighty box was difficult to lift on my own, so I asked a friend for help."
Synonyms English: Limbs, Lower body Synonyms Spanish: Piernas, Extremidades "My legs were so tired after hiking all day, I could barely stand." * "Strong limbs are important for athletes, especially runners and jumpers."
Synonyms English: Crafted, Homemade Synonyms Spanish: Hecho a mano, Artesanal "The necklace is handmade, making it a unique and special gift." * "I love buying homemade products from local artists because they feel so personal."
Synonyms English: Pendant, Chain Synonyms Spanish: Collar, Cadena "I gave her a silver necklace for her birthday, and she wears it every day." * "The pendant on her chain had a beautiful, tiny star engraved on it."
To make sure of sth
Synonyms English: To confirm, To verify Synonyms Spanish: Asegurarse, Comprobar "Before we leave, let’s make sure the doors are locked." * "Can you confirm that the meeting is scheduled for 3 PM?"
Synonyms English: Whatever, Whatever thing Synonyms Spanish: Algo, Cualquier cosa "Let me know if you need anything while I’m at the store." * "He can eat anything without complaint, as long as it’s homemade."
To request sth (To sb)
Synonyms English: To ask for, To seek Synonyms Spanish: Solicitar, Pedir "I requested more information about the event from the organizers." * "Could you ask for a receipt when you make the payment?"
Synonyms (English): Solemn, Grave Synonyms (Spanish): Serio, Grave "During the meeting, her tone became serious when discussing the company’s budget issues." "You need to take your health more seriously if you want to avoid future complications."
Eye Drops
Synonyms (English): Eye solution, Eye medication Synonyms (Spanish): Gotas para los ojos, Colirio "I always carry eye drops in my bag because the air conditioning at work dries out my eyes." "The doctor recommended an eye solution to treat my redness after staring at screens all day."
Synonyms (English): Tempo, Cadence Synonyms (Spanish): Ritmo, Cadencia "The rhythm of our team meetings helps keep everyone on track and focused." "His presentation had a great rhythm, making it engaging and easy to follow."
To Ensure
Synonyms (English): To guarantee, To confirm Synonyms (Spanish): Asegurar, Garantizar "To ensure the report was accurate, she double-checked all the figures before submitting it." "I always confirm my flight details to ensure there are no last-minute surprises."
To Belong
Synonyms (English): To fit, To be part of Synonyms (Spanish): Pertenecer, Encajar "In this company, everyone feels like they belong, which makes teamwork easier." "I’ve always wanted to belong to a group that shares my passion for environmental conservation."
To Redefine (sth
Synonyms (English): To reinterpret, To reimagine Synonyms (Spanish): Redefinir, Reinterpretar "The new CEO aims to redefine our corporate values to better reflect modern challenges." "This experience has redefined how I see my role as a team leader."
Before and After
Synonyms (English): Pre and post, Past and present Synonyms (Spanish): Antes y después, Pasado y presente "The difference in her confidence before and after the course was remarkable." "We need to compare the sales data from before and after the product launch."
Synonyms (English): Accomplishment, Milestone Synonyms (Spanish): Logro, Éxito "Graduating with honors was the greatest achievement of her academic career." "The team celebrated their milestone after successfully completing the project."
Synonyms (English): Extraordinary, Notable Synonyms (Spanish): Extraordinario, Notable "Her remarkable ability to stay calm under pressure impressed everyone at the meeting." "The view from the top of the mountain was nothing short of extraordinary."
Synonyms (English): Important, Meaningful Synonyms (Spanish): Significativo, Importante "This decision will have a significant impact on our department’s future." "The award was a meaningful recognition of her hard work and dedication."
Synonyms (English): Achievement, Triumph Synonyms (Spanish): Éxito, Triunfo "The product launch was a success, exceeding all our expectations." "Personal growth is often measured by triumphs in challenging situations."
Synonyms (English): Prosperous, Accomplished Synonyms (Spanish): Exitoso, Próspero "She is a successful entrepreneur who has built three thriving companies." "His strategy for increasing sales proved to be highly prosperous."
Synonyms (English): Amid, Between Synonyms (Spanish): Entre, En medio de "Among all the candidates, she stood out because of her innovative ideas." "The proposal sparked debates among the board members."
Synonyms (English): Materials, Tools Synonyms (Spanish): Recursos, Materiales "We need to allocate more resources to marketing if we want to expand our audience." "The training program provides all the necessary tools for success."
Synonyms (English): Frequently, Regularly Synonyms (Spanish): A menudo, Frecuentemente "She often volunteers to help with community projects on weekends." "Regularly exercising can improve both physical and mental health."
Synonyms (English): Amenities, Services Synonyms (Spanish): Instalaciones, Servicios "The gym has excellent facilities, including a pool and a sauna." "This hotel offers top-notch amenities for business travelers."
Synonyms (English): Basis, Groundwork Synonyms (Spanish): Fundamento(s), Base(s) "A strong foundation is essential for a successful career." "The company laid the groundwork for future expansion."
To Excel
Synonyms (English): To shine, To outperform Synonyms (Spanish): Sobresalir, Destacar "He excels at problem-solving and always finds innovative solutions." "To shine in this role, you need both technical skills and creativity."
Synonyms (English): House shoes, Indoor footwear Synonyms (Spanish): Pantuflas, Zapatillas de casa "I always wear my slippers at home to keep my feet warm." "House shoes are mandatory in some offices in colder climates."
Synonyms (English): Carry, Deliver Synonyms (Spanish): Traer, Llevar "Could you bring the documents to the meeting tomorrow?" "I always carry snacks to share with my colleagues during breaks."
Synonyms (English): Organize, Schedule Synonyms (Spanish): Organizar, Arreglar "She arranged a meeting with the client to discuss their feedback." "Let’s schedule the presentation for next Thursday afternoon."
Synonyms (English): Ask, Demand Synonyms (Spanish): Solicitar, Pedir "You can request more information by filling out the online form." "I had to ask for a day off to attend the workshop."
Synonyms (English): Provide, Offer Synonyms (Spanish): Dar, Entregar "The manager will give everyone feedback on their performance next week." "Can you provide me with an update on the project status?"
Synonyms English: Structure, Shape Synonyms Spanish: Forma, Estructura "The form of the meeting room will need to change so we can fit more people for the presentation." * "The shape of the decorations on the tables adds a creative touch to the office party."
Synonyms English: Assurance, Self-esteem Synonyms Spanish: Confianza, Seguridad "Your confidence in presenting ideas will inspire the whole team during the proposal." * "She showed great self-esteem when discussing the new project in front of the managers."
While (mientras que)
Synonyms English: As, At the same time Synonyms Spanish: Mientras, Durante "While you prepare the drinks, I’ll arrange the tables for the barbecue." * "As we wait for the van, we can discuss the details of the day's activities."
To depend on sth
Synonyms English: To rely on, To count on Synonyms Spanish: Depender de, Contar con "The success of this event will depend on everyone arriving on time." * "We rely on the catering team to deliver the food fresh and on schedule."
Around sth
Synonyms English: Surrounding, Nearby Synonyms Spanish: Alrededor de, Cerca de "The area around the house in Cieneguilla is perfect for outdoor games and activities." * "There are green spaces surrounding the house, ideal for a relaxing event."
Synonyms English: Direct, Uninterrupted Synonyms Spanish: Recto, Directo "Let’s drive straight to the venue to avoid delays." * "She gave me a direct answer about her availability for the event."
To get discouraged
Synonyms English: To lose motivation, To feel disheartened Synonyms Spanish: Desanimarse, Perder la motivación "Don’t get discouraged if something goes wrong; the team will help fix it." * "He started to feel disheartened when he couldn’t solve the puzzle, but his colleagues cheered him up."
To motivate someone
Synonyms English: To inspire, To encourage Synonyms Spanish: Motivar a alguien, Animar a alguien "We should motivate everyone by starting the day with a fun activity." * "The manager inspired the team to work harder by setting a great example."
Step by step
Synonyms English: Gradually, Progressively Synonyms Spanish: Paso a paso, Gradualmente "We planned the event step by step to ensure everything would go smoothly." * "Progressively adding more games made the day more exciting for everyone."
To return
Synonyms English: To come back, To go back Synonyms Spanish: Volver, Regresar "The van will return to the office by 8 PM after the event ends." * "We will go back to the meeting room to wrap up the day’s activities."
To reduce sth
ynonyms English: To cut down, To lessen Synonyms Spanish: Reducir algo, Disminuir algo "We need to reduce the number of items we bring to fit everything in the van." * "The team tried to lessen the noise during the presentation by moving to a quieter room."
Synonyms English: By oneself, Solo Synonyms Spanish: Solo, Por sí mismo "If someone is late, they will need to travel to the event alone." * "She decorated the entire table setup by herself before the others arrived."
Synonyms English: Timeliness, Promptness Synonyms Spanish: Puntualidad, Prontitud "Punctuality is important to make sure we start the activities on time." * "The team's promptness in arriving early ensured the event began smoothly."
Synonyms English: Place, Site Synonyms Spanish: Ubicación, Lugar "Can you confirm the location of the meeting room on the first floor?" * "This site is perfect for the new office because it’s close to the main escalator."
Synonyms English: Need, Prerequisite Synonyms Spanish: Requisito, Necesidad "One requirement for the project is to ensure all safety equipment is available." * "The prerequisite for this task is a thorough inspection of the site beforehand."
Have to
Synonyms English: Must, Be required to Synonyms Spanish: Tener que, Estar obligado a "You have to wear safety goggles while visiting the construction area." * "We must finish this task before the contractor arrives tomorrow."
Synonyms English: Ought to, Need to Synonyms Spanish: Debería, Es necesario "You should double-check the measurements before installing the equipment." * "We ought to confirm the supplier’s schedule to avoid delays."
Synonyms English: Be able to, Be allowed to Synonyms Spanish: Poder, Tener permiso "You can use the main entrance to access the conference room." * "Am I allowed to carry these materials to the upper floor?"
Steel toe boots
Synonyms English: Safety boots, Protective footwear Synonyms Spanish: Botas de punta de acero, Calzado de seguridad "Steel toe boots are required when entering the construction zone for protection." * "These safety boots will keep your feet safe from heavy objects."
Synonyms English: Debris, Particles Synonyms Spanish: Polvo, Partículas "There’s too much dust in the warehouse; let’s clean it before moving the products." * "Be careful not to inhale particles while sanding the wood."
Synonyms English: Fuse, Join Synonyms Spanish: Soldar, Unir "We need to weld the steel bars together to support the structure." * "Can you fuse these two pieces of metal by the end of the day?"
Synonyms English: Security, Protection Synonyms Spanish: Seguridad, Protección "Safety is our top priority when working in high-risk areas." * "Always double-check the protective gear to ensure maximum security."
(To be) located
Synonyms English: Be situated, Be placed Synonyms Spanish: Estar ubicado, Estar situado "The office is located next to the escalator for easy access." * "The storage room is situated behind the main staircase."
Synonyms English: Moving staircase, Automatic stairs Synonyms Spanish: Escalera mecánica, Escalera automática "The escalator to the second floor is temporarily out of service." * "Do you know where the automatic stairs are to reach the parking lot?"
To carry sth out
Synonyms English: To execute, To complete Synonyms Spanish: Llevar a cabo, Ejecutar "The team will carry out the inspection tomorrow morning." * "How long will it take to execute the plan for the new layout?"
To install sth
Synonyms English: To set up, To place Synonyms Spanish: Instalar algo, Colocar algo "The technician will install the new software on all company laptops this afternoon." * "We need to set up the air conditioning units in the main office by next week."
Synonyms English: Smoothly, Easily Synonyms Spanish: Sin esfuerzo, Fácilmente "He solved the problem effortlessly, as if he’d done it a hundred times before." * "The machine cuts the steel sheets smoothly without any errors."
To Develop
Synonyms English: Build, Create Synonyms Spanish: Desarrollar, Crear "He plans to develop an app that helps people find nearby volunteer opportunities." "If you want to develop better communication skills, try practicing with friends or joining a club."
Synonyms English: Spasms, Muscle pain Synonyms Spanish: Calambres, Espasmos "After running a marathon without stretching properly, I had terrible cramps in my legs." "Cramps during a road trip can be annoying, especially if there’s no place to stop and stretch."
To Breathe
Synonyms English: Inhale, Exhale Synonyms Spanish: Respirar, Inhalar "It’s important to take a moment to breathe deeply before speaking in front of an audience." "She couldn’t breathe properly because of the altitude, so they gave her an oxygen mask."
Synonyms English: Danger, Risk Synonyms Spanish: Peligro, Riesgo "Leaving wet floors unattended in a busy restaurant is a serious hazard." "The sign warned hikers about the potential hazard of falling rocks on the trail."
Synonyms English: Blade, Cutter Synonyms Spanish: Cuchillo, Navaja "Make sure to use a sharp knife when slicing tomatoes, or they’ll end up squished." "She handed me a pocket knife to cut the rope during the camping trip."
Synonyms English: Departed, Remaining Synonyms Spanish: Izquierda, Restante "After the guests left, we cleaned up the living room and found someone’s jacket." "There are only two cookies left, so let’s share them."
Synonyms English: Correct, Proper Synonyms Spanish: Derecha, Correcto "The right way to address this issue is to speak directly to the manager." "Take a right at the next intersection, and you’ll see the museum on your left."
Synonyms English: Above, Higher Synonyms Spanish: Arriba, Superior "When the elevator got stuck, we had to climb up five flights of stairs." "Look up at the night sky—it’s absolutely stunning tonight."
Synonyms English: Below, Lower Synonyms Spanish: Abajo, Inferior "The keys fell down the drain, and now I have to call a plumber." "She sat down after a long day and sighed with relief."
Synonyms English: Boundless, Infinite Synonyms Spanish: Ilimitado, Infinito "With this new phone plan, I get unlimited data, so I can stream all my favorite shows." "Her creativity seemed unlimited as she kept coming up with brilliant ideas."
Synonyms English: Timetable, Plan Synonyms Spanish: Horario, Agenda "Let’s check the train schedule to make sure we’re not late for the trip." "His schedule is packed, but he always makes time for his morning coffee."
Synonyms English: Cloths, Linen Synonyms Spanish: Toallas, Paños "The resort provides fresh towels every morning for guests to use by the pool." "I forgot my towel at the gym, so I had to borrow one from a friend."
Synonyms English: Options, Alternatives Synonyms Spanish: Opciones, Alternativas "The menu had so many choices, I didn’t know whether to order pizza or sushi." "You always have a choice when it comes to how you spend your free time."
Synonyms English: Miser, Penny-pincher Synonyms Spanish: Tacaño, Avaro "Don’t be such a cheapskate—splurge a little and buy the larger coffee." "He’s a known cheapskate, always calculating every penny before splitting the bill."
I believe
Synonyms (English): I think, I am convinced Synonyms (Spanish): Yo creo, Estoy convencido "I believe that practicing regularly is the best way to improve speaking skills for the TOEFL iBT." "I believe that expressing your opinions clearly can significantly boost your score on Question 1 of the speaking section."
In fact
Synonyms (English): Actually, As a matter of fact Synonyms (Spanish): De hecho, En realidad "In fact, speaking confidently can make your ideas more persuasive to the examiner." "In fact, using a variety of sentence structures demonstrates a strong command of English."
In conclusion
Synonyms (English): To sum up, In summary Synonyms (Spanish): En conclusión, Para resumir "In conclusion, focusing on clear and concise communication will help you succeed in the speaking section." "In conclusion, having strong examples to support your opinions is key to a high score on TOEFL speaking tasks."
Synonyms English: Amazing, Incredible Synonyms Spanish: Increíble, Asombroso "The way the narrator solved the mystery was awesome; I couldn’t put the book down." * "The author’s ability to create suspense is incredible, making this an awesome read for mystery lovers."
Synonyms English: Memorable, Remarkable Synonyms Spanish: Inolvidable, Memorable "The ending of the book was unforgettable; it left me thinking about it for days." * "The narrator’s bravery during the investigation was remarkable, making this story truly unforgettable."
To be able to do sth
Synonyms English: To manage to do sth, To have the capacity to do sth Synonyms Spanish: Ser capaz de hacer algo, Poder hacer algo "The narrator was able to uncover the truth because of his attention to detail." * "Despite his challenges, he managed to solve the mystery, proving he was able to do more than expected."
Synonyms English: Delights, Pleasures Synonyms Spanish: Golosinas, Regalos "The dog loved the treats Mrs. Shears gave him every evening." * "Small details in the book are like treats for the reader, making the mystery even more enjoyable."
Synonyms English: Grass, Yard Synonyms Spanish: Césped, Prado "The scene of the crime was on the lawn in front of Mrs. Shears’ house." * "The narrator noticed footprints on the grass, leading him to investigate the lawn more carefully."
Synonyms English: Soil, Earth Synonyms Spanish: Suelo, Tierra "The dog was lying motionless on the ground, which puzzled the narrator." * "He examined the earth closely, searching for any clues on the ground."
To fall (verb)
Synonyms English: To drop, To tumble Synonyms Spanish: Caer, Derrumbarse "The character saw a branch fall from the tree and wondered if it was a clue." * "If the narrator didn’t pay attention, he might fall into the trap set by the real culprit."
To lie somewhere
Synonyms English: To rest, To be positioned Synonyms Spanish: Estar tumbado, Recostarse "The book describes how the dog appeared to lie peacefully on the grass, even though it was injured." * "The narrator decided to lie down for a moment to think through all the evidence."
Synonyms English: Pursue, Hunt Synonyms Spanish: Perseguir, Cazar "The dog used to chase cats around the neighborhood before the incident." * "The narrator felt like he had to chase every possible lead to find the truth."
Synonyms English: Injury, Cut Synonyms Spanish: Herida, Lesión "The wound on the dog’s side suggested that it didn’t die of natural causes." * "The narrator noticed a small injury on his own hand after climbing the fence to investigate."
To lie on somewhere
Synonyms English: To rest on, To recline on Synonyms Spanish: Tumbarse en, Apoyarse en "The narrator decided to lie on the grass, staring at the stars, as he thought about the case." * "The book describes how the dog seemed to recline on the ground before its tragic death."
Surveillance tape (s)
Synonyms English: Security footage, Camera recordings Synonyms Spanish: Cintas de vigilancia, Grabaciones de seguridad "The narrator thought checking the surveillance tapes could reveal who was responsible for the dog’s death." * "The author hints at a clue hidden in the security footage, making the surveillance tapes crucial to the story."
Synonyms English: Giggle, Chuckle Synonyms Spanish: Risa, Carcajada The HR manager’s joke made everyone laugh, showing its positive influence on the meeting’s atmosphere. * Marisol’s giggle during the team meeting lightened its serious tone, proving her ability to ease tension.
Grow - Grew
Synonyms English: Expand, Develop Synonyms Spanish: Crecer, Desarrollar The company grew its revenue by 15%, a testament to its commitment to innovation and teamwork. * Our manager’s ability to expand its client base has made her a vital asset to the executive team.
On the other hand, ...
Synonyms English: Conversely, However Synonyms Spanish: Por otro lado, Sin embargo The finance team met its targets early; on the other hand, the logistics team struggled to maintain its schedule. * On the other hand, her ability to lead multiple teams simultaneously shows its strong potential for promotion.
Synonyms English: Environment, Ecosystem Synonyms Spanish: Hábitat, Entorno The office’s habitat has its challenges, but the design team is working to make it more employee-friendly. * In its ecosystem, every department must collaborate effectively to ensure smooth operations.
Synonyms English: Acquisition, Buy Synonyms Spanish: Compra, Adquisición The procurement manager finalized the purchase of office supplies, ensuring its availability for all employees. * Ripley announced its latest acquisition of luxury goods to attract its high-end customers.
Synonyms English: Continuous, Unceasing Synonyms Spanish: Incesante, Continuo Her non-stop dedication to her project impressed her colleagues, showing how much she valued her work ethic. * Their team’s unceasing efforts resulted in a highly successful product launch, much to the delight of their investors.
To hug sb/sth
Synonyms English: To embrace, To hold Synonyms Spanish: Abrazar, Apretar She hugged her notebook tightly, knowing it contained all her critical notes for the presentation. * He embraced his new role with enthusiasm, determined to make a positive impact on the company.
To pull
Synonyms English: To drag, To tug Synonyms Spanish: Jalar, Tirar The manager had to pull the team together, ensuring everyone completed their part of the project on time. * He tugged on his jacket nervously as he prepared to address the board members.
To push
ynonyms English: To shove, To drive Synonyms Spanish: Empujar, Impulsar The supervisor pushed the team towards meeting their deadlines without compromising quality. * She drove her limits to ensure the campaign reached its full potential.
To scream
Synonyms English: To shout, To yell Synonyms Spanish: Gritar, Vociferar He wanted to scream in frustration when he found his data missing, but he calmly addressed the issue instead. * Her voice almost screamed with excitement when she announced her department’s success at the annual meeting.
Synonyms English: Identical, Similar Synonyms Spanish: Igual, Similar They realized their company faced the same challenges as their competitors, prompting innovative solutions. * Her approach was identical to his, proving how well-aligned their strategies were.
Synonyms English: Mainly, Predominantly Synonyms Spanish: Principalmente, Mayoritariamente "Our clients are mostly interested in solutions that save them time and money." "The feedback we received was mostly positive, with only a few suggestions for improvement."
Synonyms English: Label, Trademark Synonyms Spanish: Marca, Etiqueta "We need to ensure that our brand remains consistent across all marketing channels." "The client is looking for a premium brand that aligns with their luxury image."
Long time no see!
Synonyms English: It's been ages, It's been a while Synonyms Spanish: ¡Cuánto tiempo!, ¡Hace mucho que no nos vemos! "Long time no see! It’s great to reconnect and explore potential business opportunities again." "Long time no see! Let’s set up a meeting to discuss how we can collaborate on the new project."
Synonyms English: Withstand, Oppose Synonyms Spanish: Resistir, Oponerse "It’s hard to resist the temptation to approve the deal without considering all the risks." "The board decided to resist the merger proposal until further analysis is completed."
Synonyms English: Loan, Provide Synonyms Spanish: Prestar, Ofrecer "Could you lend me a hand with preparing the presentation for tomorrow’s meeting?" "The bank is willing to lend us the funds we need for this expansion project."
Synonyms English: Think about, Reflect on Synonyms Spanish: Considerar, Reflexionar "Please consider the benefits of the partnership before making a final decision." "We should consider their offer carefully, as it aligns with our long-term goals."
Synonyms English: Unexpected, Astonishing Synonyms Spanish: Sorprendente, Inesperado "It was surprising to find a bakery open so late; I thought they all closed by 6 p.m." "Her offer to cover my shift was both astonishing and incredibly helpful during the busy weekend."
Synonyms English: Tiny, Compact Synonyms Spanish: Pequeño, Reducido "This small café is known for its excellent espresso and friendly service." "Could I have a compact gift box for this bracelet, please?"
Synonyms English: Enticing, Alluring Synonyms Spanish: Tentador, Atractivo "The special dessert on the menu looks very tempting; I think I'll try it." "Her enticing discount offer convinced me to buy the second pair of shoes."
Synonyms English: One time, Formerly Synonyms Spanish: Una vez, Anteriormente "You only need to sign here once to confirm the transaction." "I visited this shop once before, and their customer service was exceptional."
Synonyms English: Two times, Double Synonyms Spanish: Dos veces, El doble "Please count the cash twice to ensure the amount is correct." "If you buy two, the discount will apply twice, giving you extra savings."
(To be) Spoiled (Food)
Synonyms English: Rotten, Tainted Synonyms Spanish: Echado a perder, Dañado "The milk seems to be spoiled; it has a sour smell, and I can't use it for the coffee." "If the fruit looks tainted, kindly let me know so I can replace it with a fresh one."
To Lend Somebody a Hand
Synonyms English: To Assist, To Help Synonyms Spanish: Echar una mano, Ayudar "Can you lend me a hand with bagging these groceries for the customer?" "The manager was kind enough to assist us in finding the right size for the suit."
Synonyms (English): Grain, Cereal Synonyms (Spanish): Trigo, Cereal Bees often visit fields of wheat, although they do not pollinate it directly since wheat relies on wind pollination. The widespread cultivation of cereals like wheat can reduce the diversity of wildflowers that bees rely on for nectar and pollen.
To bind sth
Synonyms (English): To tie, To fasten Synonyms (Spanish): Atar, Vincular Bees produce sticky propolis, which they use to bind cracks in their hive for better protection. The worker bees bind together pieces of wax to construct the intricate honeycomb structure.
To offset
Synonyms (English): To counterbalance, To compensate Synonyms (Spanish): Compensar, Contrarrestar Planting diverse flowers in agricultural areas can offset the negative impact of monoculture farming on bee populations. Beekeepers often offset environmental threats by carefully managing hive conditions and providing supplemental feeding.
Synonyms (English): Nuts, Kernels Synonyms (Spanish): Almendras, Nueces Bees play a critical role in pollinating almond trees, ensuring the production of high-quality nuts. Almond orchards depend heavily on bee activity during their short bloom period to maximize kernel yield.
To choose sth
Synonyms (English): To select, To pick Synonyms (Spanish): Elegir, Escoger Foraging bees choose flowers with the most nectar and pollen to optimize their energy intake. When given a choice, bees prefer native wildflowers over ornamental garden plants.
Synonyms English: Instrument, Device Synonyms Spanish: Herramienta, Instrumento "The library introduced a new tool to streamline the process of accessing academic resources." "This online instrument is essential for managing collaborative projects effectively."
Synonyms English: Lengthy, Extended Synonyms Spanish: Largo, Extenso "The professor’s lecture was so long that many students started reviewing their notes halfway through." "Extended discussions during the seminar helped clarify several challenging concepts."
Synonyms English: Prior to, Earlier Synonyms Spanish: Antes de, Previamente "Before submitting your essay, ensure you proofread it for grammatical errors." "The professor mentioned that students should arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled exam time."
Synonyms English: Following, Subsequently Synonyms Spanish: Después de, Posteriormente "After the presentation, there will be a Q&A session to address any concerns." "Students are encouraged to revise their notes after every lecture to reinforce learning."
To overestimate
Synonyms English: To overvalue, To miscalculate Synonyms Spanish: Sobreestimar, Sobredimensionar "It’s common for students to overestimate their ability to write under pressure, which can lead to mistakes." "The professor advised not to overestimate the amount of time left for the group project."
Synonyms English: Unusual, Peculiar Synonyms Spanish: Extraño, Raro "It seemed weird to the student that the lecture did not include any visual aids." "The teacher clarified that what seemed like a weird grading policy was actually part of the university’s standards."
Synonyms English: Odd, Unfamiliar Synonyms Spanish: Extraño, Desconocido "During the seminar, a student asked a strange question that puzzled the guest speaker." "The accent of the recording seemed strange to some students, but it’s important to adjust to different English varieties."
Synonyms English: Stressed, Burdened Synonyms Spanish: Abrumado, Agobiado "If you feel overwhelmed by the coursework, consider speaking with your academic advisor." "The student admitted to being overwhelmed by the number of practice tests required for preparation."
Synonyms English: Middle-term exam, Semester exam Synonyms Spanish: Examen parcial, Examen intermedio "The midterm will account for 30% of your final grade, so start preparing early." "The professor postponed the midterm to allow students more time to study."
Doctor’s note
Synonyms English: Medical certificate, Health note Synonyms Spanish: Nota médica, Justificante médico "To be excused from the exam, you’ll need to provide a doctor’s note to the administration office." "The student handed in a doctor’s note explaining his absence from the lab session."
Synonyms English: Reference, Origin Synonyms Spanish: Fuente, Referencia "Make sure to cite every source accurately in your research paper to avoid plagiarism." "The instructor emphasized the importance of evaluating the credibility of a source before using it in an essay."
To underestimate
Synonyms English: To undervalue, To misjudge Synonyms Spanish: Subestimar, Menospreciar "Many students tend to underestimate the difficulty of timed reading passages on the TOEFL." "You shouldn't underestimate the importance of listening comprehension in academic discussions."
Synonyms English: Place, Set Synonyms Spanish: Colocar, Poner Before the changes in Peru's economy, many families would lay their focus on preparing traditional meals at home, avoiding high restaurant costs. Now, people often lay their trust in pre-packaged food, which saves time but compromises nutritional value.
Synonyms English: Peak, Summit Synonyms Spanish: Altura, Cumbre The height of Peru’s culinary fame came when its diverse dishes gained international recognition. At the height of the price surge, many Peruvians switched from imported beverages to locally sourced alternatives.
Synonyms English: Framework, Network Synonyms Spanish: Cuadrícula, Red Before supermarkets became widespread, local markets formed a grid of essential food sources in Peruvian neighborhoods. Modern shopping grids have streamlined purchasing, but they have also reduced interactions with traditional food vendors.
Synonyms English: Design, Arrangement Synonyms Spanish: Patrón, Diseño In the past, meal patterns in Peru centered around fresh, locally sourced ingredients. A noticeable pattern now is the increasing reliance on fast food due to busier lifestyles.
Synonyms English: Maybe, Possibly Synonyms Spanish: Quizás, Tal vez Perhaps one of the reasons for the rise in imported drink prices was the higher cost of transportation. With healthier eating trends gaining popularity, perhaps Peruvians will return to their traditional cooking habits.
Synonyms English: Maybe, Possibly Synonyms Spanish: Quizás, Tal vez Perhaps one of the reasons for the rise in imported drink prices was the higher cost of transportation. With healthier eating trends gaining popularity, perhaps Peruvians will return to their traditional cooking habits.
Synonyms English: Rise, Growth Synonyms Spanish: Aumento, Incremento There was a significant increase in the demand for quinoa as its health benefits became globally recognized. The increase in processed food options has influenced a shift away from traditional eating habits.
Synonyms English: Reduction, Decline Synonyms Spanish: Disminución, Reducción A decrease in coffee prices made it more accessible to Peruvian families. The decreased availability of fresh produce in urban areas has changed people's eating patterns.
To coincide
Synonyms (English): To overlap, To synchronize Synonyms (Spanish): Coincidir, Confluir "The professor emphasized that the peak of the migration season tends to coincide with warmer temperatures, making it easier for birds to find food." "The research team scheduled their experiments to coincide with the lunar eclipse to maximize observational data."
Now or never
Synonyms (English): This is the moment, It’s do or die Synonyms (Spanish): Ahora o nunca, Es el momento "The guest lecturer urged students to apply for the grant, stating, 'It’s now or never if you want to fund this project before graduation.'" "When asked about participating in the exchange program, the student responded confidently, 'This is my only chance—it's now or never!'"
Synonyms (English): Difficulty, Complication Synonyms (Spanish): Problema, Dificultad "The professor mentioned that students often run into trouble when they fail to cite sources accurately in their essays." "During the discussion, one student raised a concern, asking, 'Would it be trouble for the research assistant to prepare additional data charts for tomorrow’s class?'"
To charge sth (phone, computer, etc.)
Synonyms (English): To power up, To recharge Synonyms (Spanish): Cargar, Recargar "Before we begin the fieldwork presentation, make sure to charge your devices, as you’ll need them to record the data collection process." "The instructor reminded the students, 'If you don’t charge your laptops before the test, you might not finish in time.'"
Synonyms (English): Vino, Beverage Synonyms (Spanish): Vino, Bebida "The instructor explained how the climate of a region significantly impacts the quality of the wine produced there." "In yesterday’s lecture, the professor discussed how ancient civilizations used wine not only for consumption but also for religious ceremonies."
(Weather) forecast
Synonyms (English): Prediction, Outlook Synonyms (Spanish): Pronóstico, Previsión "The meteorology professor stated, 'The accuracy of the weather forecast depends heavily on the data collected from satellite imagery.'" "During the discussion, one student asked, 'How does climate modeling differ from a short-term weather forecast?'"
Synonyms (English): Circular, Cycle Synonyms (Spanish): Redondo, Ronda "The biologist mentioned that the migration of birds follows a round pattern, coinciding with seasonal changes." "In economics class, the professor explained how multiple rounds of trade negotiations are often needed to reach a consensus."
Synonyms (English): Framework, Prototype Synonyms (Spanish): Modelo, Prototipo "The instructor introduced a new statistical model to predict population growth over the next century." "The architecture student presented a scaled model of a sustainable housing project during the seminar."
To suit sb
Synonyms (English): To accommodate, To be convenient for Synonyms (Spanish): Venir bien, Adaptarse "The professor rescheduled the lecture to suit the majority of the students’ availability." "One student asked, 'Would it suit you if we submitted the group project a day earlier?'"
Synonyms (English): Appropriate, Fitting Synonyms (Spanish): Adecuado, Apropiado "The instructor emphasized the importance of finding suitable sources for academic writing, particularly peer-reviewed articles." "During the group discussion, one student commented, 'I don’t think this location is suitable for our field study due to the lack of accessibility.'"
To sweep (the floor)
Synonyms English: To clean, To brush Synonyms Spanish: Barrer, Limpiar A: "After the lab session, could you help me sweep the floor? There’s sand everywhere from the materials we used." * B: "Sure, I’ll clean it right after I finish brushing off the tables."
To wipe (the counters)
Synonyms English: To clean, To scrub Synonyms Spanish: Limpiar, Pasar un trapo A: "The professor mentioned that it’s important to wipe the counters after handling any chemicals." * B: "Absolutely, we should clean them thoroughly to avoid any residue or contamination."
ynonyms English: Infuse, Prepare Synonyms Spanish: Preparar, Hervir A: "I’m going to brew some coffee before the next study session. Would you like a cup?" * B: "Yes, please! A freshly prepared cup of coffee will definitely help me stay focused."
Synonyms (English): Custodian, Janitor Synonyms (Spanish): Limpiador, Conserje "The cleaner, a kind man, helped me tidy the room before our correspondence could be written." * "I trust the janitor will bring this letter to the proper courier by daybreak."
To record sth
Synonyms (English): To document, To register Synonyms (Spanish): Registrar, Documentar "I shall record my travels in this letter, hoping it will bring you joy." * "It is important to document these details, lest they be forgotten over time."
Synonyms (English): Motor, Machinery Synonyms (Spanish): Motor, Máquina "The great engine of progress has brought us to new shores, dear friend." * "The machinery I encountered during my travels would astonish you!"
Synonyms (English): Energy, Power Synonyms (Spanish): Combustible, Energía "The sailors worked tirelessly to find more fuel for the ship's boilers." * "Without adequate power, the carriage could not be moved forward."
Gas station
Synonyms (English): Petrol station, Filling station Synonyms (Spanish): Gasolinera, Estación de servicio "I paused at the filling station to write you this letter, reflecting on our past." * "The petrol station attendant was courteous as he handed me my change."
Concern (noun)
Synonyms (English): Worry, Anxiety Synonyms (Spanish): Preocupación, Inquietud "Your concern for my health has touched me deeply, dear companion." * "The anxiety about our future keeps me awake as I write to you tonight."
Synonyms (English): Businessperson, Innovator Synonyms (Spanish): Empresario, Emprendedor "He is a young entrepreneur, working tirelessly to build his trade." * "Such an innovator is rare in these lands; his ambition knows no bounds."
Synonyms (English): Business, Enterprise Synonyms (Spanish): Empresariado, Emprendimiento "This entrepreneurship has brought prosperity to many in our village." * "Her enterprise in creating a successful shop has been the talk of the town."
To come up with sth
Synonyms (English): To create, To devise Synonyms (Spanish): Idear, Inventar "I must come up with a solution to deliver this letter more swiftly." * "Should you devise a better route, please inform me in your reply."
Synonyms (English): Just, Honest Synonyms (Spanish): Justo, Honesto "It is only fair that I admit my delay in replying to your kind letter." * "Your honest words bring comfort during these uncertain times."
To wonder sth
Synonyms (English): To ponder, To question Synonyms (Spanish): Preguntarse, Reflexionar "I wonder if my previous letter reached you, as I have yet to receive a reply." * "Sometimes I ponder how you fare in such a distant land."
To figure out / To figure sth out
Synonyms (English): To solve, To understand Synonyms (Spanish): Resolver, Entender "I spent hours trying to figure out the meaning of the message you sent me." * "If you can solve this riddle, do share your thoughts in your reply."
Synonyms (English): Perspiration, Exertion Synonyms (Spanish): Sudor, Esfuerzo "I must apologize for the blotches on this paper; the sweat from my brow fell as I penned these words." * "After much exertion, I managed to seal the package and send it off by the afternoon."
Synonyms (English): Achievement, Triumph Synonyms (Spanish): Éxito, Triunfo "The success of your endeavor fills my heart with pride." * "May your triumphs continue to multiply in the coming years."
Synonyms (English): Accomplished, Victorious Synonyms (Spanish): Exitoso, Triunfador "You have become quite a successful individual, as all your efforts have borne fruit." * "The victorious outcome of your venture was the highlight of my week."
Synonyms (English): Terrible, Horrible Synonyms (Spanish): Horrible, Terrible "The storm that ruined the crops was truly awful, but we endure." * "The horrible state of the roads delayed my previous letter significantly."
Draft (verb)
Synonyms (English): To outline, To prepare Synonyms (Spanish): Redactar, Esbozar "I shall draft a reply to your letter this evening by the fire." * "Before I send it, I will outline the key points to ensure clarity."
Draft (noun)
Synonyms (English): Sketch, Outline Synonyms (Spanish): Borrador, Esbozo "Enclosed is a draft of my plans; do share your thoughts on it." * "The outline of your proposal was ingenious; I am most impressed."
Synonyms (English): Consequence, Repercussions Synonyms (Spanish): Secuelas, Repercusiones The aftermath of the exploding whale in Oregon left the beach littered with massive chunks of decaying blubber. * Local authorities struggled to clean up the repercussions of the incident, which included damaged property and a foul stench lingering for days.
Synonyms (English): Startling, Astonishing Synonyms (Spanish): Impactante, Sorprendente The exploding whale was a shocking spectacle, as pieces of flesh flew into the air and rained down on unsuspecting onlookers. * It was startling to witness how poorly the situation had been handled, leading to such an unforgettable scene.
Synonyms (English): Revolting, Repugnant Synonyms (Spanish): Asqueroso, Repulsivo The aftermath of the explosion was utterly disgusting, with the rotting smell of whale flesh permeating the entire area. * Residents found it revolting that such an ill-conceived method was chosen to dispose of the enormous carcass.
Synonyms (English): Intolerable, Insufferable Synonyms (Spanish): Insoportable, Intolerable The unbearable stench from the decomposing whale forced many nearby residents to stay indoors for days. * The noise and chaos during the explosion made the situation almost intolerable for those who witnessed it up close.
To remodel sth
The company decided to remodel the outdated office space to create a more modern and efficient working environment. * The architect proposed to remodel the lobby by incorporating more natural light and open spaces. * Synonyms (English): Renovate, Revamp Synonyms (Spanish): Remodelar, Renovar
To expedite sth
In order to meet the deadline, the team hired additional workers to expedite the construction process. * The architect requested faster approval from the city council to expedite the renovation permits. * Synonyms (English): Accelerate, Hasten Synonyms (Spanish): Agilizar, Acelerar
The large-scale remodeling project required substantial resources, including skilled labor and high-quality materials. * Due to budget constraints, the architect had to allocate the resources wisely to complete the project on time. * Synonyms (English): Materials, Assets Synonyms (Spanish): Recursos, Materiales
The client set a stringent deadline, leaving little room for unexpected delays. * Due to stringent safety regulations, all construction materials had to pass rigorous quality checks. * Synonyms (English): Strict, Rigorous Synonyms (Spanish): Estricto, Riguros
Managing multiple remodeling projects at once made the architect’s schedule extremely hectic. * The last week before the deadline was hectic, as workers rushed to complete the final touches. * Synonyms (English): Busy, Frenzied Synonyms (Spanish): Agitado, Frenético
The construction team rushed to complete the final floors before the deadline, ensuring everything was up to standard. * Because of the tight schedule, the architect felt rushed and had little time to review every detail. * Synonyms (English): Hurried, Hasty Synonyms (Spanish): Apresurado, Acelerado
Synonyms (English): Strongholds, Citadels Synonyms (Spanish): Fuertes, Ciudadelas 🔹 "The ancient forts in Scotland have puzzled archaeologists for centuries, as their walls appear to have been subjected to intense heat." 🔹 "Some scholars believe these citadels were deliberately set ablaze, causing the stones to fuse together into a glass-like structure."
Surface (noun)
Synonyms (English): Exterior, Outer layer Synonyms (Spanish): Superficie, Capa externa 🔹 "The surface of the vitrified forts is smooth and glossy, indicating exposure to extreme temperatures." 🔹 "Upon closer inspection, the outer layer of the walls reveals a mixture of melted and solidified rock."
Fuse (verb)
Synonyms (English): Melt together, Bond Synonyms (Spanish): Fundir, Fusionar 🔹 "Intense heat caused the stones to fuse into a hardened mass, leaving researchers baffled about the process." 🔹 "Some theorists suggest that high-temperature fires, possibly fueled by wood and other organic materials, fused the stones together."
Synonyms (English): Glaze, Crystal Synonyms (Spanish): Vidrio, Cristal 🔹 "The vitrified forts contain walls that resemble glass due to the high heat that once enveloped them." 🔹 "Unlike naturally formed rock, the crystalline structure of the glass-like remnants suggests human intervention."
To strengthen something
Synonyms (English): Reinforce, Fortify Synonyms (Spanish): Reforzar, Fortificar 🔹 "Some theories suggest that ancient builders tried to strengthen the walls by heating the stones, though the exact purpose remains unclear." 🔹 "The act of vitrification may not have been intentional, but it inadvertently reinforced parts of the structure."
To set fire to something
Synonyms (English): Ignite, Burn Synonyms (Spanish): Prender fuego, Incendiar 🔹 "One hypothesis proposes that attackers set fire to the wooden framework of the fort, causing the walls to reach melting temperatures." 🔹 "Historical records do not confirm whether the inhabitants deliberately set fire to their own structures or if these fires were the result of warfare."
To ignite something
Synonyms (English): Kindle, Light Synonyms (Spanish): Encender, Prender 🔹 "In order to achieve such high temperatures, the fire would have needed an external force to ignite it and sustain its intensity." 🔹 "Some experiments have shown that intense bonfires could ignite a reaction capable of partially vitrifying stone walls."
Synonyms (English): Barrier, Rampart Synonyms (Spanish): Muro, Muralla 🔹 "The walls of Scotland’s vitrified forts stand as silent witnesses to a forgotten construction technique." 🔹 "Unlike ordinary stone walls, these fortified barriers display melted surfaces, hinting at a mysterious past."
Feature(s) (noun)
Synonyms (English): Characteristic, Attribute Synonyms (Spanish): Característica, Rasgo 🔹 "One of the most striking features of vitrified forts is the way their stones appear to have melted together." 🔹 "The unique characteristics of these ancient ruins continue to fuel debates among historians and scientists alike."
The reading states that
Synonyms (English): The passage explains that, The text asserts that Synonyms (Spanish): La lectura afirma que, El texto sostiene que The reading states that Old English emerged purely from Anglo-Saxon dialects, brought by Germanic tribes in the 5th century. However, the lecture challenges this by arguing that Old English was also influenced by Old Norse due to Viking invasions, which introduced new vocabulary and grammar structures.
However, the lecture challenges this by
Synonyms (English): Conversely, the professor refutes this by; On the other hand, the lecture contradicts this by Synonyms (Spanish): Sin embargo, la conferencia refuta esto; Por otro lado, la clase contradice esto However, the lecture challenges this by emphasizing that the Norman invasion had a greater impact on English than the Anglo-Saxon dialects, as it introduced thousands of French words into daily use. Conversely, the professor refutes this by explaining that, despite French influence, English retained its Germanic syntax and core vocabulary.
This contradicts the claim because
Synonyms (English): This opposes the argument because; This disproves the assertion because Synonyms (Spanish): Esto contradice la afirmación porque; Esto refuta la declaración porque This contradicts the claim because it suggests that Old English was not a purely Germanic language but rather a linguistic hybrid shaped by multiple historical events. This disproves the assertion because it highlights how English maintained its fundamental grammatical structure despite absorbing thousands of foreign words.
Synonyms (English): Proof, Documentation Synonyms (Spanish): Evidencia, Prueba Evidence from medieval texts shows that Old English had already integrated Norse words before the Norman Conquest. Proof of this influence can be seen in pronouns like "they" and "them," which were borrowed from Old Norse and replaced the original Anglo-Saxon equivalents.
Synonyms (English): Viewpoint, Standpoint Synonyms (Spanish): Perspectiva, Punto de vista From a linguistic perspective, English is classified as a Germanic language due to its structure and basic vocabulary. However, from a historical standpoint, the language has evolved by incorporating elements from Latin, Norse, and French over the centuries.
Synonyms (English): Triumph, Conquest Synonyms (Spanish): Victoria, Triunfo The Norman victory in 1066 initially led to the dominance of French in government and law, altering English vocabulary dramatically. Despite this conquest, English eventually regained prominence by integrating French words while preserving its Germanic foundation.
To prioritize sth
Synonyms (English): To emphasize, To give precedence to Synonyms (Spanish): Priorizar, Dar prioridad a "If Martians prioritize their own survival over Earth's ecological balance, they disregard the irreversible consequences of their actions." "While they claim to prioritize efficiency, their methods demonstrate a complete disregard for sustainability."
Simultaneous / Simultaneously
Synonyms (English): Concurrent, At the same time Synonyms (Spanish): Simultáneo, A la vez "The Martians argue that their technology allows them to extract water while simultaneously ensuring Earth’s habitability, yet the reality suggests otherwise." "If two civilizations exist simultaneously, should one have the right to deplete the resources of the other?"
Synonyms (English): Juggling, Handling multiple tasks Synonyms (Spanish): Multitarea, Realizar varias tareas a la vez "Martians claim they can handle multitasking by restoring Earth's lost water while fueling their cities, but history shows that exploitation rarely comes without lasting damage." "While their advanced society excels at multitasking, they have yet to demonstrate ethical responsibility in their decision-making."
Regarding x, …
Synonyms (English): Concerning, In reference to Synonyms (Spanish): En cuanto a, Respecto a "Regarding the claim that Martians will replenish the oceans, what guarantee do we have that this won’t be an empty promise?" "Regarding Earth’s sovereignty, who determines the moral weight of Martian needs versus human rights?"
To drain sth (verb)
Synonyms (English): To deplete, To exhaust Synonyms (Spanish): Agotar, Vaciar "The Martians may argue that draining the oceans is necessary for their survival, but at what cost to Earth’s ecosystems?" "If their energy sources are so advanced, why do they still need to drain another planet’s most vital resource?"
According to …
Synonyms (English): As per, Based on Synonyms (Spanish): Según, De acuerdo con "According to their reports, Earth's water will be restored within a century, but what happens to life on the planet in the meantime?" "According to human ethics, no species should exploit another to the point of irreversible destruction."
To detect sth
Synonyms (English): To identify, To perceive Synonyms (Spanish): Detectar, Percibir The experiment claims that current technology can detect all forms of microplastics in water, but conflicting results indicate that some remain undetected. While lie detectors are said to reliably perceive deception, psychological studies contradict this by highlighting their frequent inaccuracies.
To be able to ‘’x’’ (do sth)
Synonyms (English): To have the capacity to, To be capable of Synonyms (Spanish): Ser capaz de, Tener la capacidad de The researcher states that artificial intelligence is able to analyze human emotions, but contradictory findings suggest it struggles with complex emotional nuances. Many believe that renewable energy is capable of fully replacing fossil fuels, yet current storage limitations challenge this assertion.
Synonyms (English): Environment, Habitat Synonyms (Spanish): Ecosistema, Medio ambiente The government asserts that industrial projects protect the ecosystem, yet reports of declining wildlife populations and increased pollution contradict this claim. Some scientists argue that climate change has minimal impact on the ecosystem, but rising temperatures and extreme weather patterns suggest otherwise.
To damage sth
Synonyms (English): To harm, To impair Synonyms (Spanish): Dañar, Perjudicar The study suggests that intensive farming does not damage the ecosystem, but contradictorily, it acknowledges a decline in biodiversity due to soil depletion. While some claim that social media does not impair critical thinking, research indicates that excessive screen time can negatively affect cognitive skills.
Synonyms (English): Lacking, Devoid of Synonyms (Spanish): Sin, Carente de The author claims that economic growth can be sustained without harming the environment, yet this contradicts evidence showing that industrial expansion often leads to deforestation and pollution. Many argue that a democracy cannot function without free speech, but historical examples suggest that some restrictive regimes have maintained stability while suppressing dissent.
Taste (noun)
Synonyms (English): flavor, savor Synonyms (Spanish): sabor, gusto The taste of the aged whiskey was smooth and slightly smoky. El sabor del whisky añejo era suave y ligeramente ahumado. He has a refined taste for gourmet food. Él tiene un gusto refinado por la comida gourmet. The wine had a fruity savor that lingered on the palate. El vino tenía un sabor afrutado que permanecía en el paladar. She enjoys exploring different flavors from around the world. Le gusta explorar diferentes sabores de todo el mundo. Explanation: "Taste" refers to the sensory experience of food or drink but can also imply personal preference or appreciation for quality.
Pure (adjective)
Synonyms (English): untainted, unadulterated Synonyms (Spanish): puro, sin contaminación This brand is known for using pure ingredients in its products. Esta marca es conocida por usar ingredientes puros en sus productos. The water from the mountain spring is untainted by pollution. El agua del manantial de la montaña está sin contaminación. The unadulterated honey retains all its natural benefits. La miel sin adulterar conserva todos sus beneficios naturales. Her joy was pure, free from any pretense. Su alegría era pura, sin ninguna pretensión. Explanation: "Pure" describes something that is not mixed with anything else, either literally (e.g., pure water) or metaphorically (e.g., pure intentions).
To pass down (verb phrase)
Synonyms (English): to transmit, to hand down Synonyms (Spanish): transmitir, legar The recipe has been passed down through generations. La receta se ha transmitido a través de generaciones. He hopes to hand down his knowledge to future artisans. Él espera legar su conocimiento a futuros artesanos. Traditions are often transmitted from parents to children. Las tradiciones a menudo se transmiten de padres a hijos. Valuable family heirlooms are carefully handed down over time. Las reliquias familiares valiosas se legan cuidadosamente con el tiempo. Explanation: "To pass down" refers to transferring knowledge, traditions, or objects from one generation to another.
Heritage (noun)
ynonyms (English): legacy, tradition Synonyms (Spanish): herencia, patrimonio The country is proud of its rich heritage of art and music. El país está orgulloso de su rica herencia de arte y música. This festival celebrates the cultural legacy of the region. Este festival celebra el legado cultural de la región. Many families try to preserve their ancestral traditions. Muchas familias intentan preservar sus tradiciones ancestrales. The ancient ruins are part of our shared patrimony. Las ruinas antiguas son parte de nuestro patrimonio compartido. Explanation: "Heritage" refers to cultural, historical, or family traditions passed down through time.
(To be) aged (verb)
Synonyms (English): matured, seasoned Synonyms (Spanish): envejecido, añejado The cheese was carefully aged for three years to develop its flavor. El queso fue envejecido cuidadosamente durante tres años para desarrollar su sabor. This wine is matured in oak barrels for a smooth taste. Este vino se madura en barricas de roble para obtener un sabor suave. Well-seasoned wood is essential for crafting quality furniture. La madera bien curada es esencial para fabricar muebles de calidad. The whiskey has been carefully añejado for a decade. El whisky ha sido cuidadosamente añejado durante una década. Explanation: "Aged" means that something has been left to develop its characteristics over time, often referring to food, drink, or materials.
(To be) matured (verb)
Synonyms (English): ripened, refined Synonyms (Spanish): madurado, desarrollado The cheese was left to mature in a controlled environment. El queso se dejó madurar en un ambiente controlado. Over time, his skills have ripened into true expertise. Con el tiempo, sus habilidades han madurado hasta convertirse en una verdadera experiencia. The flavors of the dish are more refined after slow cooking. Los sabores del plato son más refinados después de la cocción lenta. The wine was perfectly madurado before bottling. El vino fue perfectamente madurado antes del embotellado. Explanation: "Matured" suggests a process of gradual development, improving quality or readiness.
Craft (verb) / (verb to be) crafted (verb)
Synonyms (English): to create, to shape Synonyms (Spanish): fabricar, elaborar The artist crafted a stunning sculpture from marble. - El artista fabricó una impresionante escultura de mármol. Skilled hands are needed to shape delicate glassware. - Se necesitan manos hábiles para moldear cristalería delicada. The furniture is crafted with precision and care. - Los muebles están elaborados con precisión y cuidado. The jeweler created a unique piece of goldwork. - El joyero creó una pieza única de orfebrería. Explanation: "To craft" means to skillfully create something, usually by hand, emphasizing expertise and detail.
Distillation (noun)
Synonyms (English): purification, extraction Synonyms (Spanish): destilación, purificación The distillation process removes impurities from alcohol. - El proceso de destilación elimina las impurezas del alcohol. Through careful purification, the liquid achieves its finest quality. - A través de una cuidadosa purificación, el líquido alcanza su mejor calidad. Essential oils are obtained through steam extraction. - Los aceites esenciales se obtienen mediante la extracción con vapor. The perfume is made using a complex destilación method. - El perfume se elabora utilizando un complejo método de destilación. Explanation: "Distillation" refers to a process of refining or purifying a liquid, often used for alcohol, water, or essential oils.
To lack (verb)
Synonyms (English): be without, be deficient in Synonyms (Spanish): carecer de, faltar Many developing regions lack access to clean water. (Muchas regiones en desarrollo carecen de acceso a agua potable.) The team is without sufficient resources to complete the project. (El equipo no tiene suficientes recursos para completar el proyecto.) She is deficient in patience when dealing with delays. (Ella es deficiente en paciencia cuando enfrenta retrasos.) A good leader should not be without empathy. (Un buen líder no debería carecer de empatía.) Explanation: "To lack" means not having something essential or necessary. It can be used in personal, professional, and social contexts.
Weak (adjective)
Synonyms (English): fragile, feeble Synonyms (Spanish): débil, frágil The bridge is too weak to support heavy traffic. (El puente es demasiado débil para soportar el tráfico pesado.) His argument was fragile and unconvincing. (Su argumento era frágil y poco convincente.) After the illness, she felt extremely feeble. (Después de la enfermedad, se sintió extremadamente débil.) The company’s financial position is fragile due to the recent crisis. (La posición financiera de la empresa es frágil debido a la reciente crisis.) Explanation: "Weak" can describe physical, emotional, or structural fragility, making it a versatile word for different situations.
Income (noun)
Synonyms (English): earnings, revenue Synonyms (Spanish): ingresos, renta His income has increased since he got promoted. (Sus ingresos han aumentado desde que fue ascendido.) The company’s revenue grew by 15% this year. (Los ingresos de la empresa crecieron un 15% este año.) Her monthly earnings are enough to support her family. (Sus ganancias mensuales son suficientes para mantener a su familia.) Many freelancers struggle with unstable income. (Muchos trabajadores independientes luchan con ingresos inestables.) Explanation: "Income" refers to money earned from work or investments. "Revenue" is commonly used in business, while "earnings" can be personal or corporate.
Consequences (noun)
Synonyms (English): outcomes, repercussions Synonyms (Spanish): consecuencias, repercusiones Every decision has consequences, whether good or bad. (Cada decisión tiene consecuencias, sean buenas o malas.) The outcome of the election surprised many. (El resultado de la elección sorprendió a muchos.) His reckless behavior led to serious repercussions. (Su comportamiento imprudente llevó a graves repercusiones.) The company must consider the consequences of its actions. (La empresa debe considerar las consecuencias de sus acciones.) Explanation: "Consequences" refers to the results of an action, while "repercussions" are often negative outcomes. "Outcome" is neutral.
Buildings (noun)
Synonyms (English): structures, constructions Synonyms (Spanish): edificios, construcciones The city has many historical buildings. (La ciudad tiene muchos edificios históricos.) Modern structures use eco-friendly materials. (Las estructuras modernas usan materiales ecológicos.) The architect specializes in designing innovative constructions. (El arquitecto se especializa en diseñar construcciones innovadoras.) Skyscrapers are the most recognizable structures in urban areas. (Los rascacielos son las estructuras más reconocibles en las áreas urbanas.) Explanation: "Buildings" are permanent constructions, while "structures" is a broader term including bridges, towers, etc.
Salary (noun)
Synonyms (English): wage, paycheck Synonyms (Spanish): salario, sueldo 1. His salary is enough to live comfortably. (Su salario es suficiente para vivir cómodamente.) 2. The company offers a competitive wage. (La empresa ofrece un salario competitivo.) 3. He was happy when he received his first paycheck. (Estaba feliz cuando recibió su primer sueldo.) 4. Employees are demanding higher wages due to inflation. (Los empleados están exigiendo salarios más altos debido a la inflación.) Explanation: "Salary" is a fixed regular payment, while "wage" can be hourly or weekly. "Paycheck" refers to the actual payment.
Regulations (noun)
Synonyms (English): rules, guidelines Synonyms (Spanish): regulaciones, normas 1. The government introduced new regulations for environmental protection. (El gobierno introdujo nuevas regulaciones para la protección del medio ambiente.) 2. Employees must follow the company’s rules. (Los empleados deben seguir las reglas de la empresa.) 3. The school established clear guidelines for online classes. (La escuela estableció pautas claras para las clases en línea.) 4. Strict regulations are necessary in the financial sector. (Las regulaciones estrictas son necesarias en el sector financiero.) Explanation: "Regulations" are formal laws, "rules" are general guidelines, and "guidelines" are recommendations.
Several (adjective/determiner)
Synonyms (English): multiple, various Synonyms (Spanish): varios, múltiples 1. She bought several books at the store. (Ella compró varios libros en la tienda.) 2. There are multiple ways to solve this problem. (Hay múltiples formas de resolver este problema.) 3. The project involves various departments. (El proyecto involucra varios departamentos.) 4. We discussed several important topics during the meeting. (Discutimos varios temas importantes durante la reunión.) Explanation: "Several" means more than a few but not many. "Multiple" implies a larger number, and "various" suggests diversity.
Expectations (noun)
Synonyms (English): assumptions, anticipations Synonyms (Spanish): expectativas, suposiciones The company's expectations for this quarter's sales are quite high. (Las expectativas de la empresa para las ventas de este trimestre son bastante altas.) Parents often have high expectations for their children's academic success. (Los padres suelen tener altas expectativas sobre el éxito académico de sus hijos.) The project did not meet the client’s expectations, so revisions were required. (El proyecto no cumplió con las expectativas del cliente, por lo que se requirieron revisiones.) My expectations for the trip were low, but it turned out to be an amazing experience. (Mis expectativas para el viaje eran bajas, pero resultó ser una experiencia increíble.) Explanation: "Expectations" refer to what someone believes will happen in the future. "Assumptions" imply something taken for granted, while "anticipations" refer to a hopeful or predictive outlook.
Sing (verb)
Synonyms (English): chant, vocalize Synonyms (Spanish): cantar, entonar She loves to sing in the shower every morning. (Le encanta cantar en la ducha todas las mañanas.) The choir will sing at the school concert next Friday. (El coro cantará en el concierto de la escuela el próximo viernes.) The fans began to chant the team’s anthem before the match started. (Los aficionados comenzaron a entonar el himno del equipo antes de que comenzara el partido.) He was nervous to vocalize the song in front of such a large audience. (Estaba nervioso por entonar la canción frente a una audiencia tan grande.) Explanation: "Sing" means to produce musical sounds with the voice. "Chant" refers to rhythmic, repetitive singing, often in religious or sporting contexts, while "vocalize" means to produce vocal sounds, including singing.
To prioritize (verb)
Synonyms (English): to emphasize, to rank Synonyms (Spanish): priorizar, dar prioridad You should prioritize your health over work. (Deberías priorizar tu salud sobre el trabajo.) The manager decided to prioritize urgent tasks before minor ones. (El gerente decidió priorizar las tareas urgentes antes que las menores.) The teacher emphasized the importance of daily practice in learning a new language. (El profesor destacó la importancia de la práctica diaria en el aprendizaje de un nuevo idioma.) The team must rank the projects based on their level of urgency. (El equipo debe clasificar los proyectos según su nivel de urgencia.) Explanation: "To prioritize" means to give importance to something over other things. "To emphasize" suggests placing special importance on something, while "to rank" involves ordering items based on importance or urgency.
Setting (noun)
Synonyms (English): environment, configuration Synonyms (Spanish): entorno, configuración Before starting the experiment, ensure that the lab setting is properly arranged. (Antes de comenzar el experimento, asegúrese de que el entorno del laboratorio esté correctamente dispuesto.) The software settings must be adjusted according to the user’s preferences. (Las configuraciones del software deben ajustarse según las preferencias del usuario.) When assembling the furniture, follow the instructions carefully to create a stable setting. (Al ensamblar los muebles, siga las instrucciones cuidadosamente para crear un entorno estable.) The setting of the thermostat should be modified to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room. (La configuración del termostato debe modificarse para mantener una temperatura cómoda en la habitación.) Explanation: "Setting" refers to an environment (physical or digital) where something takes place. "Environment" is broader, encompassing surroundings. "Configuration" is used in technical contexts, especially regarding system or software settings.