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Synonyms English: Nevertheless, Despite
Synonyms Spanish: No obstante, A pesar de
“Regardless of the weather, the event will continue as planned.”
“She was determined to succeed regardless of the obstacles she faced in her career.”
Synonyms English: Furthermore, In addition
Synonyms Spanish: Además, Por añadidura
“The project is running behind schedule. Moreover, the budget has been exceeded.”
“His qualifications are impressive. Moreover, his experience in the field is unmatched.”
In fact
Synonyms English: Actually, Indeed
Synonyms Spanish: De hecho, En realidad
“In fact, the results were better than anyone had anticipated.”
“Many believed the experiment would fail; in fact, it succeeded beyond expectations.”
Due to
Synonyms English: Because of, Owing to
Synonyms Spanish: Debido a, A causa de
“The game was canceled due to the heavy rainstorm.”
“Due to her excellent performance, she was offered a promotion.”
Synonyms English: In spite of, Even though
Synonyms Spanish: A pesar de, Pese a
“He finished the race despite injuring his leg halfway through.”
“Despite the challenges, the company managed to increase its profits.”
In contrast
Synonyms English: Conversely, On the other hand
Synonyms Spanish: En contraste, Por el contrario
“In contrast to the sunny weather yesterday, today has been cold and rainy.”
“The North experienced heavy snowfall this winter. In contrast, the South had mild temperatures.”
Synonyms English: Exclusion, Disenfranchisement
Synonyms Spanish: Marginalización, Exclusión
“Societal marginalization often leads to a lack of opportunities for disadvantaged groups.”
“The government’s policies aim to reduce the marginalization of rural communities.”
Synonyms English: Subtlety, Shade
Synonyms Spanish: Matiz, Sutileza
“Understanding the nuance of her argument requires careful consideration.”
“The translator captured the nuances of the original text beautifully.”
To deal with something
Synonyms English: To handle, To manage
Synonyms Spanish: Lidiar con, Manejar
“She had to deal with several unexpected issues during the project.”
“The manager is experienced and knows how to deal with difficult clients effectively.”
Synonyms English: Vague, Unclear
Synonyms Spanish: Ambiguo, Incierto
“The contract’s terms were ambiguous, leading to confusion during negotiations.”
“His response was intentionally ambiguous, leaving room for interpretation.”
To persuade
Synonyms English: To convince, To influence
Synonyms Spanish: Persuadir, Convencer
“The speaker’s goal was to persuade the audience to take immediate action on climate change.”
“He managed to persuade his colleagues to support his new initiative.”
(to have) Working knowledge of sth
Synonyms English: Familiarity with, Basic understanding of
Synonyms Spanish: Conocimientos prácticos de, Dominio básico de
“He has a working knowledge of several programming languages.”
“A working knowledge of the company’s policies is essential for all employees.”
To deplete sth
Synonyms English: To exhaust, To use up
Synonyms Spanish: Agotar, Mermar
“Overfishing has severely depleted the fish population in the region.”
“The company’s resources were quickly depleted due to unforeseen expenses.”
(To be) Conducive to sth
Synonyms English: Favorable to, Helpful for
Synonyms Spanish: Conducente a, Propicio para
“The quiet environment is conducive to deep concentration and focus.”
“Collaboration between departments is conducive to innovation and productivity.”
Synonyms English: To vary, To oscillate
Synonyms Spanish: Fluctuar, Variar
“Prices tend to fluctuate during periods of economic uncertainty.”
“The temperature has been fluctuating between hot and cold all week.”
Synonyms English: Thorough, Extensive
Synonyms Spanish: Exhaustivo, Amplio
“The report offers a comprehensive analysis of the environmental impact.”
“The university offers a comprehensive range of courses in multiple disciplines.”
Synonyms English: Approaching, Impending
Synonyms Spanish: Inminente, Próximo
“The storm’s arrival is imminent, and residents are urged to evacuate.”
“After months of preparation, the project’s completion is now imminent.”
Synonyms English: Idea, Concept
Synonyms Spanish: Noción, Idea
“The notion of success varies greatly among individuals.”
“He challenged the traditional notion that leadership is based on authority.”
Synonyms English: Believable, Reasonable
Synonyms Spanish: Plausible, Creíble
“Her explanation was plausible, but it lacked concrete evidence.”
“It’s plausible that the delay was caused by technical difficulties.”
Synonyms English: Scant, Thin
Synonyms Spanish: Escaso, Ralo
“The population in the desert regions is quite sparse due to harsh living conditions.”
“Vegetation in the tundra is sparse, with only a few plants able to survive.”
To sustain
Synonyms English: To maintain, To uphold
Synonyms Spanish: Sostener, Mantener
“The company needs to find new ways to sustain its growth.”
“Their efforts were not enough to sustain the project through the financial crisis.”
To entail
Synonyms English: To involve, To require
Synonyms Spanish: Implicar, Requerir
“Taking on this role will entail additional responsibilities and time commitments.”
“Becoming a doctor entails years of dedicated study and training.”
To mitigate
Synonyms English: To alleviate, To lessen
Synonyms Spanish: Mitigar, Aliviar
“The government introduced new policies to mitigate the impact of inflation.”
“The safety measures were put in place to mitigate the risks of an accident.”
Synonyms English: Inherent, Innate
Synonyms Spanish: Intrínseco, Inherente
“Creativity is an intrinsic part of the design process.”
“The freedom to express oneself is an intrinsic right in any democratic society.”
To ameliorate
Synonyms English: To improve, To enhance
Synonyms Spanish: Mejorar, Ameliorar
“The administration is working to ameliorate the living conditions in the refugee camps.”
“Efforts to ameliorate the effects of climate change are becoming increasingly urgent.”
Synonyms English: Random, Capricious
Synonyms Spanish: Arbitrario, Caprichoso
“The selection process appeared arbitrary, with no clear criteria being followed.”
“Decisions made in an arbitrary manner often lead to dissatisfaction.”
To deteriorate
Synonyms English: To worsen, To decline
Synonyms Spanish: Deteriorarse, Empeorar
“The situation in the region continued to deteriorate despite efforts to stabilize it.”
“Her health has deteriorated significantly over the past few months.”
(To be) Detrimental
Synonyms English: Harmful, Damaging
Synonyms Spanish: Perjudicial, Dañino
“Prolonged exposure to loud noise can be detrimental to your hearing.”
“Pollution has a detrimental effect on the environment and public health.”
To constrain
Synonyms English: To restrict, To limit
Synonyms Spanish: Restringir, Limitar
“The budget cuts have severely constrained the department’s ability to carry out its research.”
“Her creativity was constrained by the strict rules of the competition.”
Synonyms English: Afterwards, Later
Synonyms Spanish: Posteriormente, Luego
“The company launched a new product, which was subsequently well-received by the public.”
“She was promoted to manager, and subsequently, her responsibilities increased significantly.”
Synonyms English: Provisional, Uncertain
Synonyms Spanish: Tentativo, Provisional
“The meeting time is tentative, and may change depending on the availability of the participants.”
“The project’s launch date is tentative, as we are awaiting approval from the board.”
Synonyms English: Feasible, Practical
Synonyms Spanish: Viable, Factible
“After reviewing the data, we determined that the proposal was no longer viable.”
“The engineers are working on a viable solution to the technical problem.”
To persuade
Synonyms (English): To convince, To influence
Synonyms (Spanish): Convencer, Influir
“The politician’s goal was to persuade the public that the new policy would benefit the economy in the long run.”
“Advertisers craft messages carefully to persuade consumers into believing they need the latest products.”
Synonyms (English): Idea, Concept
Synonyms (Spanish): Idea, Concepto
“The notion that technological advancement always leads to positive outcomes is often challenged by experts.”
“She rejected the notion that success can only be measured by material wealth, favoring personal fulfillment instead.”
Synonyms (English): Reasonable, Credible
Synonyms (Spanish): Razonable, Creíble
“Given the evidence presented, the argument that climate change is accelerating seems entirely plausible.”
“It’s plausible to assume that advances in artificial intelligence will transform industries within the next decade.”
To sustain
Synonyms (English): To maintain, To uphold
Synonyms (Spanish): Mantener, Sostener
“In order to sustain economic growth, governments must invest in education and infrastructure.”
“The athlete’s rigorous training regimen allowed him to sustain peak performance throughout the competition.”
The silver lining
Synonyms (English): The bright side, The positive aspect
Synonyms (Spanish): El lado positivo, El aspecto favorable
“Although the project was delayed, the silver lining was that it allowed the team to perfect their design.”
“Even in the midst of a global crisis, many found the silver lining in reconnecting with loved ones during quarantine.”
Synonyms (English): To endure, To resist
Synonyms (Spanish): Resistir, Aguantar
“Engineers designed the new bridge to withstand powerful earthquakes and high winds.”
“Her determination allowed her to withstand the pressure of a highly competitive academic environment.”
Synonyms (English): Exhaustion, Weariness
Synonyms (Spanish): Cansancio, Fatiga
“After hours of intense study, fatigue began to affect his ability to focus on the reading passages.”
“The soldiers marched for days, their faces showing signs of deep fatigue, but their resolve remained unbroken.”
Synonyms English: Harmful, Damaging
Synonyms Spanish: Perjudicial, Dañino
“Excessive reliance on plastic is detrimental to the environment, causing irreversible damage to ecosystems.”
“Single-use plastics are detrimental to marine life, leading to the death of thousands of species each year.”
Synonyms English: Advantageous, Profitable
Synonyms Spanish: Beneficioso, Ventajoso
“Implementing a plastic recycling program can be highly beneficial for both the environment and the economy.”
“Switching to biodegradable materials is beneficial, as it reduces landfill waste and promotes sustainability.”
Synonyms English: Feasible, Workable
Synonyms Spanish: Viable, Factible
“Investing in sustainable alternatives to plastic is a viable option for companies looking to reduce their carbon footprint.”
“Creating a circular economy for plastics is viable if governments and corporations collaborate effectively.”
On the other hand
Synonyms English: Conversely, Alternatively
Synonyms Spanish: Por otro lado, En cambio
“Plastic is cost-effective and durable; on the other hand, its environmental impact is devastating.”
“Recycling programs help reduce waste; on the other hand, they require significant resources and public participation to be effective.”
Market study
Synonyms English: Market research, Analysis
Synonyms Spanish: Estudio de mercado, Investigación de mercado
“A recent market study shows that consumers are becoming more aware of the environmental impact of plastic products.”
“The market study revealed that sustainable packaging options are in high demand among eco-conscious consumers.”
To ensure sth
Synonyms English: To guarantee, To confirm
Synonyms Spanish: Asegurar, Garantizar
“In order to ensure the success of the recycling program, clear instructions and accessible facilities must be provided.”
“Governments must act to ensure that companies comply with environmental regulations regarding plastic production.”
Synonyms English: Awareness, Mindfulness
Synonyms Spanish: Conciencia, Conocimiento
“Raising environmental consciousness is crucial if we are to reduce our reliance on single-use plastics.”
“The growing consciousness of plastic pollution has led to increased demand for sustainable products.”
Synonyms English: Understanding, Knowledge
Synonyms Spanish: Conocimiento, Conciencia
“Increased awareness of plastic’s environmental impact is driving many companies to adopt more sustainable practices.”
“Public awareness campaigns have been essential in promoting recycling and reducing plastic waste.”
Synonyms (English): Pail, Container
Synonyms (Spanish): Cubo, Balde
“I used a bucket to carry the water from the well to the garden.”
“The construction workers filled the bucket with cement to pour into the foundation.”
Synonyms (English): Framework, Structure
Synonyms (Spanish): Andamio, Estructura
“The workers assembled the scaffolding around the building to complete the repairs safely.”
“Before painting the mural, the artist climbed the scaffolding to reach the higher sections of the wall.”
Synonyms (English): Utensils, Silverware
Synonyms (Spanish): Cubiertos, Cubertería
“The restaurant’s cutlery was made of polished silver, adding a touch of elegance to the table.”
“She carefully set the table, arranging the cutlery beside each plate.”
To value sth
Synonyms (English): To appreciate, To esteem
Synonyms (Spanish): Valorar, Apreciar
“He truly values his friendships, making time for each one.”
“The museum guide explained how historians value ancient artifacts for the insights they offer.”
Synonyms (English): Lavish, Opulent
Synonyms (Spanish): Lujoso, Suntuoso
“The hotel suite was luxurious, featuring a private pool and stunning ocean views.”
“She decorated her living room with luxurious velvet furniture and gold accents.”
Synonyms (English): Customized, Tailored
Synonyms (Spanish): Personalizado, Hecho a medida
“She gave him a personalized watch with his initials engraved on the back.”
“Many companies offer personalized services that cater specifically to your preferences.”
Synonyms (English): Moist, Humid
Synonyms (Spanish): Húmedo, Mojado
“The basement walls felt damp after the heavy rain.”
“Be sure to store the books in a dry place, as damp conditions can cause damage.”
World Cup
Synonyms (English): Global championship, International tournament
Synonyms (Spanish): Copa del Mundo, Mundial
“Thousands of fans gathered to watch the World Cup final between the top two teams.”
“Winning the World Cup is the ultimate dream for any soccer player.”
Unlike sth
Synonyms (English): Different from, In contrast to
Synonyms (Spanish): A diferencia de, Distinto a
“Unlike other metals, gold does not corrode or rust easily.”
“Unlike her previous work, this project required more collaboration and teamwork.”
To surpass sth
Synonyms (English): To exceed, To outperform
Synonyms (Spanish): Superar, Sobrepasar
“The company’s revenue this year surpassed all expectations.”
“His determination to surpass his previous records pushed him to train harder than ever.”
Deal (no promotion)
Synonyms English: Agreement, Arrangement
Synonyms Spanish: Acuerdo, Trato
“The students and professors reached a mutually beneficial deal regarding the project deadlines to ease workload pressures.”
“In academic publishing, a deal between authors and publishers is crucial to ensure both parties’ interests are protected.”
To wing it
Synonyms English: To improvise, To play it by ear
Synonyms Spanish: Improvisar, Hacer sobre la marcha
“In some cases, students may need to wing it during a presentation if they forget a prepared part, but it’s generally better to rehearse thoroughly.”
“Rather than winging it, instructors suggest preparing a solid outline to ensure clarity and coherence in your presentation.”
Trip vs Travel
Synonyms English (Trip): Journey, Excursion
Synonyms English (Travel): Voyage, Expedition
Synonyms Spanish (Trip): Viaje, Excursión
Synonyms Spanish (Travel): Travesía, Expedición
“The university trip to the archaeological site provided students with hands-on experience in their field of study.”
“Travel is an essential part of field research, as it allows scholars to gather firsthand data from various locations.”
To purchase
Synonyms English: To buy, To acquire
Synonyms Spanish: Comprar, Adquirir
“Students are required to purchase certain textbooks for the course, as they contain essential information not available elsewhere.”
“Many researchers purchase specialized software to facilitate complex data analysis for their studies.”
Synonyms English: Accidental, Serendipitous
Synonyms Spanish: Fortuito, Casual
“It was fortuitous that the researcher stumbled upon ancient artifacts while surveying the site, as it led to groundbreaking discoveries.”
“In academia, some of the most valuable insights come from fortuitous findings rather than strictly planned research.”
Synonyms English: Happen, Take place
Synonyms Spanish: Ocurrir, Suceder
“The professor explained that certain chemical reactions only occur under very specific conditions.”
“Natural disasters tend to occur more frequently in certain geographic regions due to climatic factors.”
(to be) The best course of action
Synonyms English: Ideal approach, Optimal choice
Synonyms Spanish: Mejor opción, Enfoque ideal
“In order to meet the deadlines effectively, the best course of action would be to prioritize tasks based on urgency and difficulty.”
“Seeking clarification from the professor is often the best course of action when students feel uncertain about the assignment requirements.”
To drop from a class
Synonyms English: To withdraw, To discontinue
Synonyms Spanish: Retirarse, Darse de baja
“Students may drop from a class if they find it overly challenging or incompatible with their schedules.”
“It’s crucial to understand the academic consequences before deciding to drop from a class mid-semester.”
To approach sb
Synonyms English: To contact, To reach out
Synonyms Spanish: Acercarse, Contactar
“If you need additional resources, feel free to approach the instructor during office hours for guidance.”
“Students are encouraged to approach their advisors to discuss career paths and academic interests.”
Synonyms English: Prerequisite, Obligation
Synonyms Spanish: Requisito, Obligación
“Completing the introductory course is a requirement for students wishing to advance to higher-level modules.”
“Meeting language proficiency standards is a requirement for admission into many international universities.”
To imply
Synonyms English: To suggest, To indicate
Synonyms Spanish: Implicar, Sugerir
“The professor’s comment seemed to imply that more research is needed to support the current findings.”
“When authors use certain phrases, it can imply a stance or perspective even if it’s not explicitly stated.”
To lift sth
Synonyms English: Raise, Hoist
Synonyms Spanish: Elevar, Levantar
“If they decide to lift the parking restrictions, it could ease traffic congestion significantly around the campus.”
“The university is planning to hoist its regulations on extracurricular participation to encourage more student involvement.”
To lower sth
Synonyms English: Decrease, Reduce
Synonyms Spanish: Bajar, Reducir
“If the administration chooses to lower tuition fees, it might attract more students from lower-income backgrounds.”
“Reducing the costs of campus housing could make it more accessible to the majority of the student body.”
To value sth
Synonyms English: Appreciate, Treasure
Synonyms Spanish: Valorar, Apreciar
“I think the university should value the students’ opinions more when implementing new policies.”
“They really treasure the sense of community on campus, which is why they oppose off-campus housing projects.”
To appreciate sth
Synonyms English: Admire, Recognize
Synonyms Spanish: Apreciar, Reconocer
“I genuinely appreciate how the new plan takes environmental concerns into account.”
“Most students recognize the effort the administration puts into improving campus life, even if they don’t always agree.”
Synonyms English: Participation, Engagement
Synonyms Spanish: Participación, Compromiso
“The students’ involvement in these discussions highlights how much they care about their campus experience.”
“Increased participation in local community events could help strengthen the university’s public image.”
“As a result, …”
🔹 Synonyms (English): Both x and y, x as well as y
🔹 Synonyms (Spanish): No solo x sino también y, Tanto x como y
✅ Not only does climate change threaten biodiversity, but also it exacerbates socio-economic inequalities by disproportionately affecting vulnerable populations.
✅ Not only has remote work improved employee well-being, but also it has enabled companies to reduce operational costs significantly.
“Not only x but also y …”
🔹 Synonyms (English): Both x and y, x as well as y
🔹 Synonyms (Spanish): No solo x sino también y, Tanto x como y
✅ Not only does climate change threaten biodiversity, but also it exacerbates socio-economic inequalities by disproportionately affecting vulnerable populations.
✅ Not only has remote work improved employee well-being, but also it has enabled companies to reduce operational costs significantly.
“For instance, …”
🔹 Synonyms (English): For example, To illustrate
🔹 Synonyms (Spanish): Por ejemplo, Para ilustrar
✅ Sustainable urban planning prioritizes green spaces to improve residents’ quality of life. For instance, cities like Copenhagen and Singapore have successfully integrated extensive parks and eco-friendly transportation systems.
✅ Developing strong critical thinking skills is essential in the modern world. For instance, individuals who can analyze information objectively are less likely to be misled by misinformation.
“Additionally, …”
🔹 Synonyms (English): Moreover, Furthermore
🔹 Synonyms (Spanish): Además, Asimismo
✅ Renewable energy sources are becoming more cost-effective. Additionally, they contribute to a significant reduction in carbon emissions, making them a viable long-term solution.
✅ Learning a second language enhances cognitive abilities. Additionally, it provides individuals with a competitive edge in the global job market.