Level 8 Flashcards
Chromatic half step
Half step with same note
Diatonic half step
Half step with different note
Simple (S) Meter
Any meter whose basic note division is in groups of two.
(Ex: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 2/2)
Compound (C) Meter
Each beat is divided by three into equal groups of dotted notes.
(Ex: 6/8, 9/8 12/8)
Asymmetrical (A) Meter
Has an odd number of counts and the counts can be grouped in various combinations of twos, threes, or fours within a measure.
(Ex: 5/4, 7/8, 11/8)
C Major
No sharps or flats
Relative minor: a
G Major
1 sharp = F
Relative minor: e
D Major
2 sharps: F , C
Relative minor: b
A Major
3 sharps: F , C , G
Relative minor: f#
E Major
4 sharps: F , C , G , D
Relative minor: c#
B Major
5 sharps: F , C , G , D , A
Relative minor: g#
F# Major
6 sharps: F , C , G , D , A , E
Relative minor: d#
C# Major
7 sharps: F , C , G , D , A , E , B
Relative minor: a#
F Major
1 Flat: B
Relative minor: d
B flat Major
2 Flats: B , E
Relative minor: g