Level 4. July 2020 Flashcards
To offer
I offer you an apology
Te ofrezco una disculpa
To lose (waste time) We wasted alot of time yesterday
Nosotros PERDIMOS mucho tiempo ayer
He lost
I lose
El perdio
Yo pierdo
To gift
He is going to give you a gift
He gave you a kiss
Te va a regalar un regalo
Te regalo un beso
To recieve
I got bad news
Yo recibi malas noticias
To stop
You cant stop working
They stopped running
The hospital stopped taking patients
No puedes parar de trabajar
Ellos paradaron de correr
El hospital paro’ de recibir pacientes
She counts
Ella cuenta
To start
The game is about to start
We are starting work
El juego ya va a empezar
Estamos empezando de trabajar
I enjoyed your company
Disfruté de tu compañía
Roncando (roncar)
Gets mad at me
He gets mad/crazy
Me enloquece
He tells me to shut up
Callar= to be quiet
Me dice callarme
Too nice to be a lawyer
Demasiado agradable PARA SER un avocado
To be = para ser
So that I can # para poder
Too interesting to put down
Demasiado intersante PARA dejarlo
I havent done the homework
No he hecho la tarea