Level 4 Grab Bag Flashcards
I’m going to give you the recipe. I’m going to give it to you.
Yo te la voy a dar. (Yo voy a dartela)
Maria gives a book to Jose. Maria gives it to him
Maria le da un libro a Jose. Maria se lo da.
Luis is reading it to her. (A book)
Luis esta leyendoselo.
Susana is going to give a computer to her friend. She is going to give it to her for her birthday. She is going to give it in the morning.
Susana va a darle un computador a su amigo. Ella va a darselo en su cumpleanos. Se lo va a dar en la manana.
Who is going to make us breakfast? Fabiola is going to make it for us.
Quien nos va a hacer el desayuno? Fabiola nos lo va a hacer.
I’m looking for somebody.
Estoy buscando a alguien.
Anyone can cook.
Cualquera puede concinar.
They aren’t mine
No son míos
It was not good
No fue bueno
I was at a party with my friends.
How was it? It was good.
I had a great time (very bad) (very boring).
Yo estuve en una fiesta con mis amigos
¿Qué tal? (Or como estuvo?) Estuvo bien
Pasé rico / malísima / muy aburrida
I’m not just any person.
No soy una persona cualquiera.
Any book can teach you something
Cualquier libro te puede enseñar algo
No one knows her. Who is she?
Nadie la conoce. ¿Quién es ella?
I used to live in Maryland
Yo vivia en Maryland
Did you know that Ana was going to arrive today?
¿Sabías que Ana iba a llegar hoy?