Level 3 Modifier 2 Flashcards
그 서울에 온 사람
The person who came to Seoul
한국에 간 사람
A person who has gone to Korea
우유를 마신 아이는 키가 커요
The child who drink milk is tall
학교에 간 후에
After going to school
남자가 운동한 후에 잤어요
The man slept after exercising
내가 연습한 노래는 더 어려워
The song which I practiced is more difficult
빵을 먹은 후에
After eating bread
똑똑한 호랑이
A smart tiger
그 사람은 여기에 온 적이 없어요
The person has never been here
내가 한국에 온 날
The day when I came to Korea
뚱뚱하던 그 남자가 지금은 날씬합니다
The man who used to be fat is now thin
내 앞에 선 너
You standing in front of me
내가 받은 선물
The present I received
안 좋은 꿈을 꾼 여자
The woman who had a bad dream
내가 생각한 음식은 피자야
The food which I was thinking of is pizza
내가 본 사람
The person I saw
엄마가 저에게 준 꽃은 아름답습니다
The flowers which mom gave me are beautiful
그건 내가 생각하던 게 아니야
That is not what I was thinking of
받은 메시지
Received message
꿈을 꾼 남자
The man who dreamed
우리가 본 영화는 재미있어요
The movie which we saw is interesting
이게 네가 나에게 준 사과야
This is the apple which you gave me
그쪽으로 간 사람이 여기 없어요
The person who went that way is not here
그가 물을 마신 장소
The place where he drank water
공부한 학생은 아주 똑똑해요
The student who studied is very smart
제가 먹은 불고기는 맛있었어요
The bulgogi which I ate was delicious
마신 물
Water that was drunk
아이가 받은 선물은 자동차입니다
The present which the child received is a car
사람들 앞에 선 가수
The singer who stood in front of people
가람 씨가 생각한 건 뭐예요
What is the thing you thinking of, Garam
그 학생이 먹던 빵
The bread which that student was eating
그를 본 사람은 없다
There is no one who saw him
집에 온 개는 그들의 개가 아닙니다
The dog that came home is not their dog
저기에 선 여자
The woman who stood there
네가 나에게 빵을 준 접시
The plate on which you gave me bread