Level 3 Checklist Flashcards
What is instructional control?
You establish this when you ask a learner to engage in a task demand and they comply. Should occur shortly after pairing with a learner.
What is pairing?
Establishing yourself as a conditioned reinforcer. This lays the groundwork for a good working relationship with the learner.
What is NET? Name several aspects of this.
NET focuses on letting the child take the lead while learning new skills in an environment they are in every day.
NET uses the principles of ABA to teach skills in an environment the child is familiar with. It is individualized for each child based on the activities they do every day.
NET is a less structured teaching style.
NET can take place anywhere—at home, school, or out in the community.
The important thing is that teaching takes place in an environment that the child is familiar with
What is DTT? Name several aspects of this.
DTT is a structured ABA technique that breaks down skills into small, “discrete” components. Systematically, the trainer teaches these skills one by one. Along the way, trainers use tangible reinforcements for desired behavior.
What are antecedent strategies?
Antecedent-based interventions (ABIs) are strategies that involve modifying the environment to reduce undesirable behaviors among learners with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental disorders.
What is reinforcement?
A functional relation that exists when a stimulus has followed a response and the future frequency of that response increases.
What is prompting?
Refers to providing assistance or cues to encourage the use of a specific skill.
What is errorless learning?
Gradually fading instructional stimuli (response or stimulus prompts) in order to minimize or prevent errors.
What is a mand?
An elementary verbal operant that is evoked by a motivating operation and followed by specific reinforcement.
What is a tact?
An elementary verbal operant evoked by a nonverbal discriminative stimulus and followed by generalized conditioned reinforcement (SEE-SAY Response).
What is an echoic?
An elementary verbal operant involving an auditory response that is evoked by an auditory verbal discriminative stimulus that has point-to-point correspondence and formal similarity with the response; (HEAR-SAY Response).
What is an intraverbal?
An elementary verbal operant that is evoked by a verbal discriminative stimulus and that does not have point-to-point correspondence with that verbal stimulus (HEAR-SAY response)
What is listener responding?
Is following directions given by others—for example, stand up, walk to the table, find mom, touch the chair, and pick up book. This is an important skill to discriminate between multiple items, instructions, and people.
What does LRFFC stand for? Give example:
Listener Responding by Function, Feature, and Class (LRFFC) (e.g., Can you find an animal? Which one do you eat with?)
What is imitation?
Imitation refers to the emission of a behavior that is topographically similar and temporally proximal to the behavior of a model. In other words, Imitation means “to mimic another person’s behavior”. Infants and children absorb vast amount of information through the imitation of others.
What is VPMTS?
Visual perceptual skills and matching-to-sample, or VP-MTS (matching visual stimuli). Child is given a picture and asked to find its match.
Why are social programs important in ABA?
ABA therapy emphasizes teaching and developing social skills for children with autism, utilizing a set of techniques and procedures based on the science of behavior analysis. This methodology is designed to improve a variety of skills related to social play, social language, and social intuition.
What is behavior? Give an example.
The activity of living organisms.
What is positive reinforcement?
A functional relation that occurs when a response is followed by the presentation (addition) of a stimulus and, as a result, the behavior occurs more frequently in the future
Give an example of positive reinforcement.
Dog trainers give dogs food rewards every time they raise their paws on command.
Mom gives a child an allowance for doing house chores.