Level 2 Flashcards
Control Superiority Principle
(Fill in)
A recognized officer advantage, over a recognized subject disadvantage.
Six Components of Proper Handcuffing
Why do we use force?
Effectively stop unlawful resistance as quickly as possible.
The amount of physical effort, however slight, required by police to compel compliance by an unwilling individual
Physically escorting or handcuffing an individual with minimal or no resistance does not constitute a ____
When can/should an officers use force?
Unless de-escalation tactics have been attempted and failed and are not feasible based on the totality of the circumstances force is necessary and proportionate.
Officers ______ always provide appropriate medical response to individuals following the use of deadly force
In no event may a law enforcement officer intentionally ___, _____, or _______ on an individual ___ or ____.
In no event may a law enforcement officer intentionally sit, kneel, or stand on an individual neck or head.
The use of a lateral vascular neck restraint, carotid restraint or other action that involves the placement of any part of a law enforcement officer’s body on or around a person’s neck in a manner that limits the person’s breathing or blood flow with the ________ of or with the _______ of causing bodily injury, unconsciousness, or death
Discharging Firearm into MV
When can officers not shoot at a moving vehicle?
When they have intentionally positioned themselves in such way to create a likelihood of being struck.
Officer not firing to disable the vehicle.
Graham v. Connor
A free citizen should be analyzed under the fourth amendment and it’s …
reasonableness standard.
Graham v Connor
Officers’ actions must be ______ _______ in light of the facts and circumstances confronting them.
objectively reasonable
Graham Factors
Graham v. Connor
The reasonableness of a particular use of force must be judged from the perspective of a reasonable ______ __ ___ _____.
officer on the scene
Graham v. Connor
The calculus or reasonableness must embody allowance for the fact that police officers are often forced to make split-second judgements- in circumstances that are _____, ________, and ___________ ________.
tense, uncertain, and rapidly evolving
Tennessee v Garner
Officers must also remember that any use of force must be reasonable ____________ force is applied
at the time
A law enforcement officer present and observing another officer using or attempting to use physical force, including deadly force, beyond that which is necessary or objectively reasonable based on the totality of the circumstances, _____ ________.
shall intervene
An officer who observes another officer using physical force, including deadly force, beyond that which is necessary or objectively reasonable based on the totality of the circumstances shall report the incident to an appropriate supervisor as soon as reasonably possible but not later than ____ ____ __ ___ _____ _______.
the end of the officer’s shift.
Perceived Subject Actions
Assaultive (SBI, Death)
Assaultive (Bodily Harm)
Resistant (Active)
Resistant (Passive)
Perceived Circumstance
Reasonable Officers Response
Deadly Force
Defensive Tactics
Compliance Techniques
Contact Controls
Cooperative Controls
Totality Triangle
Perceived Circumstances (Top)
Perceived Subject Actions (Left)
Reasonable Officer Response (Right)
Objective Reasonable is not determined by any particular _____ or _______-
tactic or weapon
What differentiates distraction techniques from a strike?
Intent and intensity
Red spots for baton striking?
Lower Jaw
Upper Jaw
Back of neck
Hollow behind ear
Solar plexus
Tail Bone
Officers should be aware of the increased potential for serious injury to the suspect when incapacitating agents are used under the following circumstances:
- When the subject is less than two feet away
- When the subject is in an enclosed area without ventilation
- When the subject lacks normal reflexes, such as the ability to blink, or is otherwise incapacitated.
City of Boston Ordinance
Boston Police Officers and other Law Enforcement Officers working in the City of Boston _______ ___ use a kinetic impact projectile or a chemical crowd control agent against any person or persons engaged in a protest, demonstration or other gathering of any kind involving ______ ____ ___ ________.
Shall not
More than ten persons
An officer use of force decision must be _______ and _________
necessary and proportionate
If any officers are not lawfully situated, then ANY amount of force applied may be deemed _____
Hill v. Miracle
Diabetic shock case
Comm v. Adams
Duty to intervene case
Tennesee v. Garner
The fleeing felon case
Graham v. Connor
The use of force case