Level 1: Catholic Philosophy and Thomistic Studies Flashcards
A Vice is:
A morally evil habit or pattern of human action
A Virtue is:
A morally upright habit or pattern action
According to Augustine, the separation of light and darkness on the first day signifies what?
The fall of the evil angels
According to Genesis 1, what day did God create Adam and Eve?
On day 6 of creation
According to legend, Thomas Aquinas was visited by two angels who did what to him?
Girded him with a cincture or belt of sexual purity
According to Thomas Aquinas, what is the best name for God?
“I am” or “He who is” or in Latin “Qui est”
According to Thomas Aquinas, there are how many passion of the soul?
Eleven (11)
List the 11 passions (6 Concupiscible & 5 Irascible)
6 Concupiscible Passions - joy and sadness, desire and aversion, love and hatred
5 Irascible Passions - hope and despair, courage and fear, and anger
Binitarianism teaches:
Only the Father and Son are divine
Dr. Marshall teaches the seven deadly sins by using which acronym?
PALE GAS (Pride, Anger, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Avarice, Sloth)
Dr. Marshall uses a silly reminder for the cardinal virtues. What is it?
Peanut Butter Jelly French Toast (PJFT) for Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperence
What are the 3 Theological Virtues?
Faith, Hope, and Charity
According to Saint Thomas Aquinas, is the existence of God “self evident”?
No, the existence of God is not “self evident,” but his existence can be known
According to Thomas Aquinas, what is the highest ranking authority in theology?
The Holy Bible
Did God create all animals out of nothing?
False, he created them from the earth
God’s “being” and “essence” are the same. T or F?
What ancient heresy do Jehovah’s Witnesses subscribe to?
Arianism (Arianism maintained that the Son of God was created by the Father and was therefore neither coeternal with the Father, nor consubstantial.)
What was created on each of the 6 days of creation?
- Light > 2. Heavens and Waters > 3. Earth and Vegetation >
- Sun, Moon, Stars > 5. Birds and Fish > 6. Humans and Land Beasts
What are the 8 attributes of God?
- Does God have parts?
- Does God have the potential to improve?
- Is there anything more desirable than God?
- Is God limited in any way?
- Is God limited by location?
- Does God change?
- Can God be measured by time?
- Can God be more than one?
What are the 5 ways of demonstrating the existence of God?
- Argument from Motion “unmoved mover”
- Argument from Efficient Causes “cause-&-effect”
- Argument from Possibility (all things are contingent)
- Argument from Degrees of Being (something must be “the best” in existence)
- Argument from Design (there is design in creation)
Who are the 4 horsemen of Atheism discussed by Dr. Marshall?
- Richard Dawkins (Biologist, “The God Delusion” author)
- Christopher Hitchens (Journalist, Atheism is political solution)
- Sam Harris (Neuroscience, Political, Ethics)
- Daniel Dennett (Consciousness, Problem of the soul)
What are the 4 wounds of the fall of man?
- Original Sin (lack of sanctifying grace and original justice)
- Concupiscence (11 passions are not ordered perfectly to soul’s intellect)
- Physical frailty and death
- Darkened intellect and ignorance
Macedonianism is the heresy that denies:
The deity of the Holy Spirit. It’s binitarian
Saint Thomas Aquinas understood human conception and pregnancy in terms of:
Potency and Actuality
T/F Did Thomas Aquinas believe that women were of a different species than men?
T/F Thomas believed that you needed a Master’s Degree or it’s equivalent to study theology.
T/F Thomas Aquinas wrote the Summa Theologiae for “beginners” in theology.
The Catholic Church holds that the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are consubstantial. What is the Greek word for “consubstantial”?
The difference between philosphy and theology is:
Philosophy pertains to reason
Theology pertains to divine revelation
The Hebrew name of Adam can mean:
Earth, Humanity, and Blood
What does the Latin word “esse” mean?
What is the mascot of NSTI?
The Muskox
The motto of NSTI “Non alligabis os bovis” which in Latin means:
Do not muzzle the mouth of an ox
The teaching of creation “ex nihilo” means:
Creation out of nothing
The term immutability as it pertains to God refers to:
God never changes
Thomas Aquinas died after he completed which section of the Summa Theologiae?
Thomas Aquinas is thought of as a philosopher, but he would have considered himself chiefly as a:
Biblical Scholar
Thomas Aquinas was a member of which religious order?
Order of Preachers or Dominicans
Thomas Aquinas was given which nickname:
The Dumb Ox
Thomas Aquinas was influenced what 3 people?
Aristotle, Augustine, and Albert the Great
T/F Thomas Aquinas’s family was noble?
Thomas taught that creation’s existence was different than, but participated in God’s existence. This teaching is called:
Analogy of Being
Thomas was given the title of:
Angelic Doctor
Thomas wrote about the “quinque viae” which in Latin means:
Five ways
What are the sections of the Summa Theologiae?
- Prima pars
- Prima secundae
- Secunda secundae pars
- Tertia pars
- Supplement
What is the Greek word for a Person of the Holy Trinity?
What is the Greek word for the divine substance or essence?
When Saint Thomas Aquinas refers to “The Philosopher” he means:
Which book is considered to be the magnum opus of Thomas Aquinas?
The Summa Theologiae
Which Council discussed in the lessons finalized the Nicene Creed?
First Council of Constantinople
Which English version of the Summa Theologiae does Dr. Marshall recommend?
English Dominican Fathers edition
Which heresy holds that there is one God who wears 3 masks?
Which heresy taught that Christ was a creature and less than the Father?
Which is the correct order for an article in the Summa Theologiae?
Objections > Body > Answer to Objections
Which section of the Summa is focused on Chirst and the sacraments?
Tertia pars or the Third part
Which virtues could a pagan without grace achieve?
The Cardinal Virtues of Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance
Who called together the first Ecumenical Council at Nicea?
Emperor Constantine
Who taught that woman was a “misbegotten male”?
Who was the teacher and mentor of Thomas Aquinas?
Albert the Great
What are the major Trinitarian heresies?
Arianism: God the Father and God the Son are of different but similar substances – that the Son is created and subordinated under the Father. Arius and Eusebius of Nicomedia would say that the Father and Son were of “like substance” but not the “same substance.” Jehovah witnesses are Arians.
Binitarianism: Father and Son are God, but Holy Spirit is not.
Christomonism: similar to Sabellianism, for it tends to place the Son as God per se. The Father and the Spirit become abstractions. There are certain brands of Protestant Pentecostalism that endorse this or imply this distinction.
Eunomianism: a form of radical Arianism also called Anomoeanism or Heterousianism. This heresy states that the Father created the Son, and the Son in turn created the Spirit. The Eunomians explicitly denied that the three Persons were alike at all in substance.
Mormonism: a belief coming from the 1800s that synthesizes Eunomianism with polytheism. Mormons hold that Father is Elohim and the Son is Jehovah, but neither are eternal. Both were once humans before becoming divine, thus setting the example whereby other men can become gods. Faithful Mormons, they claim, can also become gods one day and give birth to more gods within their own created universe.
Quadinity: says that there are four gods or four persons in God. Some cults virtually deify their leaders, thereby inserting him or her into the Godhead. Such cults do not usually explicitly teach a Quadinity.
Sabellianism: teaches that there is one God and that He wears three masks: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Hence there are not three divine persons (Catholic) but one God who dresses up as three identities.
Subordinationism: like Arianism and Eunomianism this subordinates the Son to the Father. Origen, while he held that Christ was consubstantial with the Father did seem to also subordinate Christ to the Father. The Catholic Church holds that Christ is both consubstantial and equal.
Tritheism: belief in three gods. This error holds that the Father is a unique god, the Son is a unique god, and the Holy Spirit is a unique god. The Catholic Church teaches that there is one divine ousia/substance/essence and three Divine Persons (note: ousia and substance and essence can be used interchangeably in this context).
Unitarianism: believe that there is only one God in one Person – God the Father. The most well-known Unitarians are Moslems!