Level 1 Flashcards
nose wrinkels in laughter. tips of the right indes and middle fingers brush repeateldy off the tip of the nose.
Right hand stokes the bak of the left serveral times.
The fingertips touch the chest. The fingers stay straight. The hands pivot inward toward each other twice.
Memory aid: Think of the breathing of an animal.
5 hand hanging loosely and straigh down from elbow, move back and forth under armpit.
Patting head to indicate something of value insdie. Right fingers pat forehead several times
I sign PENCIL by forming my hand into a handshape that looks like I’m holding a pencil in my right hand. I start the sign holding my hand near my mouth. Then I bring my right hand down near the palm of my left hand and make a writing movement across the palm and fingers of the left hand. So, this sign is loosely based on the concept of licking the pencil lead and then writing. Note: You don’t actually lick anything in this sign, the hand merely comes “near” the mouth.
Memory aid: Think of “tacking it down.”
Right thumb moves down from side of foehead to rest on back of other thumb and bounces once.
One that looks like you are wiping information off your memory banks, and one that shows you have an “empty memory.”
fingertipsmove to the right across forehead and close
Letter T across forhead with little “i” finger. Down and across
Both hands are in loose “flat” handshapes. They are not “5” handshapes, but then again they are not “B” handshapes either. The dominant hand starts from a couple inches above the base hand and does a circling movement as it slaps downward and comes back up a few inches.
the sign for “pay” is a directional sign. That means the direction in which you do the sign indicates whom is getting paid.
Think of having a coin in the palm of your left hand. You place the tip of your right index finger on the coin then flick the coin to the person whom you are paying.
Movement is forward. Starts in an “index” shape and ends in an “x” handshape.
open right hand sweeps down in an arc and over toward left side of chest ending in palm up position.
e hand to quickly d
middle school
right middle finger takes open left palm then sign school