Level 1, 2 and 3 Questions Flashcards
What external market conditions affected the cost of the timber panelling?
Timber saw significant cost escalation coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, following strong demand. Overall timber pricing has been reducing from the highs seen, but the picture is complex as different timbers encounter different rates of change.
Can you tell me what you might expect the Wall to floor ratio would be on a residential scheme?
between 0.4 and 0.5
Can you tell me what you might expect the Solid to glazing ratio on a residential building?
30-35% glazed
Can you tell me what you might expect the net to gross ratio on a commercial building?
80% expected.
Can you tell me the sections you included in your RIBA Stage 2 Cost Plan for Lemon Tree House?
Executive Summary
Assumptions and Exclusions
Information Used
Summary of Cost
Elemental Summary
Detailed Elemental Breakdown
Appendixes such as Cost Reconciliation, Value Engineering Report
What was the total reported outturn construction cost from your Stage 2 Cost Plan for LTH?
For LTH, did you prepare your cost plan in line with NRM1, if so, how did you deal with risk allowances?
Yes, included design development risk and contractor risk.
What % allowances did you have within your S2 cost plan for LTH for design dev and contractor risk
3.5% design dev and 3% contractor risk
Are you familiar with the Monte Carlo method of Risk Management?
The Monte Carlo method is a mathematical technique that allows people to quantitatively account for risk in forecasting and decision-making.
What does Value Engineering mean?
Value engineering is used to solve problems and identify and eliminate unwanted costs, while maintaining and/or improving function and quality. The aim is to increase the value of products, satisfying the product’s performance requirements at the lowest possible cost.
Can you please give me an example of some VE you suggested on Lemon Tree House and the approximate saving you calculated.
Yes, VE that I recommended:
1) Changing of aluminium to aluminium composite windows, saving of circa 350k saving
2) Tape and joint drylining in lieu of skim coat circa 60k saving
For BHS, Can you take me through the Elements or Group Elements you provided a break down of.
For BHS, It was superstructure (Inc int walls and int doors), finishes, FFE, services
For BHS, How did you price your Main Contractor Preliminaries for your OCE?
At OCE stage I used a percentage which was from projects of a similar size and nature.
For BHS, If you had an indication of programme duration how else might you build up a preliminaries allowance?
If I had a programme, I would be able to build up a detailed preliminaries list including time related and fixed preliminaries
You mention that you made assumptions regarding the internal wall types within your cost estimate for borough high street. What were these assumptions based off of?
For example, there was no glazed partitioning on plan, but with the experience I had within office schemes of a siilar size and nature, I realised that there would need to be an allowance for internal glazing, I agreed a suitable percentage of internal walls to be glazing with the architect, at 25%.
What % of nett build costs would you generally say the buildings facade should be?
Depends on spec of facade, for LTH it was circa 20%
How did the design team reduce the FFL-FFL?
By understanding whether anything structurally had to increase / decrease, once it was found that this was not required, the architect implemented it within the floor plan.
For LTH, was the building impacted in any other way as a result of lower FFL-FFL or less facade area?
Think loadings on the substructure? Less Frame, lighter loadings. Less facade, less cost etc
Can you please tell me the blended m2 rate you applied for both the timber panelled system and the metal grid
Timber batten 550/m2 and metal grid system 110/m2
Where/how did you obtain these rates for 200BPR ceiling finishes?
Rates obtained from market testing from a int walls and ceiling subcontractor