Level 1/2 Flashcards
paraphrase (PAR-uh-frayz)
to restate, put what someone else has expressed in different words
ostensible (ah-STEN-si-bul)
apparent, appearing or seeming to be true, professed or declared as true without being demonstrated or proved
Synonym = plausible (PLAW-zi-bul), Specious (SPEE-shus)
Specious, however, has the negative suggestion of using deception to make something false appear true. A specious argument is one that looks good on the surface but is flawed underneath.
digress (di-GRES or dy-GRES)
to wander, stray from the point, ramble, deviate, go off in another direction.
dis- = apart, gradi = go walk step
ingress = entrance, egress = exit
digression (di-GRESH-un)
The old man’s story was full of humorous digressions.
uncanny (uhn-KAN-ee)
Eerie, strange, weird, mysterious, an uncanny experience.
Uncanny may also be used to mean beyond what is normal or expected strange in a remarkable or marvelous way, as an uncanny resemblance, or uncanny ability.
candor (KAN-dur)
frankness, openness sincere expression.
synonyms include straightforwardness, outspokenness, forthrightness, and ingenuousness.
the adjunctive is candid, frank open sincere.
The candid person expresses his or her thoughts frankly and openly, with no hesitation. The forthright person speaks directly to the point, plainly and sometimes bluntly, in a no-nonsense manner. The ingenuous (in-JEN-yoo-us) person speaks honestly and sincerely, with no hint of evasiveness or deception.
morose (muh-ROHS)
Gloomy, moody, glum, grumpy, ill-tempered, depressed.
After weeks of futile job-hunting, he became morose.
synonym: dolorous (DOH-luh-rus), lugubrious (luh-GOO-bree-us), saturnine (SAT-ur-nyn), Sullen (SUHL-in)
antonyms: optimistic, jovial (JOH-vee-ul), sanguine (SANG-gwin)
Misanthropy (mis-AN-thruh-pee) is hatred of humankind, a spiteful or pessimistic attitude about the human race.
adept (uh-DEPT)
Synonyms: handy, clever, able, deft, expert, adroit, dexterous (DEK-strus, DEK-stur-us), proficient *pruh-FISH-int, not proh-)
Adept came from adptus, an alchemist who has learned how to do the impossible.
saturated (SACH-uh-RAY-tid)
soaked, thoroughly wet, full of moisture
Synonyms: drenched, steeped, permeated (PUR-mee-AY-tid), impregnated, imbued (im-BYOOD) and sodden (SAHDD-‘n)
Sodden may mean heavy with moisture, soggy, or dull, stupefied, expressionless, as from drinking too much liquor.
My french fries are saturated with oil.
The company saturated the media with ads for its new product.
pragmatic (prag-MAT-ik)
practical, having to do with actual practice, concerned with everyday affairs as opposed to theory or speculation.
congenial (kun-JEE-nee-ul)
sypathetic, agreeable, compatible, kindred, harmonious, having the same taste, nature, or temperament
Antonyms: alien, dissident (DIS-uh-dint), incongruous (in-KHANG-groo-us)
capricious (kuh-PRISH-us)
Unpredictable, tending to change abruptly for no apparent or logical reason. Synonyms: flighty, changeable, impulsive, fickle, erratic, whimsical (W(H)IM-zi-kul), volatile (VAHL-uh-tul), mercurial (mur-KYUR-ee-ul) a caprice (kuh-PREES) is a sudden change of mind or change in the emotions. New England has a capricious climate.
blatant (BLAYT-‘nt)
Noisy, disagreeably or offensively loud, boisterous, clamorous
The blatant sound of horns honking in heavy traffic.
Blatant is also used to mean sticking out in a glaring way, obtrusive, flagrant, as in a blatant lie, a blatant error,, a blatant attempt to impress the boss.
In either way, blatant suggest something conspicuous and disagreeable.
obligatory (uh-BLIG-uh-tor-ee)
Required, necessary, binding, mandatory.
Obligatory duties are those you must perform to fulfill an obligation or responsibility. Doing miscellaneous paperwork is an obligatory function of the clerical worker.
negligible (NEG-li-ji-bul)
Unimportant, trifling, of little consequence
adamant (AD-uh-mint)
Unyielding, immovable, inflexible, refusing to give in, unshakable, unrelenting, implacable.
She was adamant in her opposition to the plan.
adamant refers to a hard substance or stone, such as a diamond. -> hard in the sense of inflexible, immovable, unyielding.
sporadic (spuh-RAD-ik, spor-AD-ik))
Occasional, infrequent, irregular, not constant, happening from time to time, occurring in a scattered or random way
A business venture may have sporadic success. A gambler’s luck may be sporadic.
Antonyms: constant, incessant (in-SES-int), unremitting
vanguard (VAN-gahrd)
The forefront of an action or movement, leading position or persons in a movement.
They were in the vanguard of the war on poverty.
In its strict military sense, vanguard means the troops moving at the head of an army, the part of the army that goes ahead of the main body, an advance guard.
concur (kun-KUR)
to agree, be in accord with, unite in opinion
Latin: con = together, currere = to run, flow, and literally to run or flow together, go along with.
Time and change concurred in our success.
His pay raise concurred with his promotion.
Your story concurs with theirs.
precociousness (pruh-KOH-shus-nis)
Every development or maturity, especially in mental ability.
Latin: praecox + premature or literally ripening before its time
Precocious is most often used of children whose intellectual or emotional development is unusually advanced.
Antonyms: retardation
aloof (uh-LOOF)
apart, at a distance, removed, withdrawn, not wishing to speak or associate with others
Synonyms: unsympathetic, unapproachable, standoffish, indifferent
creed (rhymes with need)
Belief, professional faith or opinion, especially a system of religious belief.
Synonyms: doctrine, dogma
Creed comes from the Latin credo, I believe.
A credo is a declared set of beliefs or opinions.
Credulous means inclined to believe, willing to accept something as true without questioning, Credulous and gullible are sysnonymous.
tawdry (TAW-dreee, rhymes with Audrey)
cheap and showy, gaudy, garish, sleazy
peevish (PEE-vish)
irritable, cross, com;aiming, fretful, ill-humored and impatient, difficult to please
There are peevish moods, peevish remarks and peevish looks.
Peevish means irritable, ill-humored, full of complaints.
arduous (AHR-joo-us)
very difficult, hard to achieve or accomplish, requiring great effort.
Compiling the annual report is an arduous task.
Synonyms: strenuous, laborious, toilsome
personable (PUR-suh-nuh-buul)
attractive, pleasing in appearance, handsome, comely, fair, presentable.
Reserve personable for someone who is either attractive in appearance or attractive both in appearance and personality. Use sociable, affable, and amiable for a nice personality in general.
resolute (REZ-uh-loot)
firmly determined or settled, resolved, having a set opinion or purpose, steadfast, unwavering, persevering
After much debate, the board of directors resolved to go ahead with the five-year plan.
The lawyers tried to resolve the case out of court.
He was resolute about earning master’s degree and starting a successful business.
Anonyms: irresolute, unsteady, vacillating (VAS-i-lay-ting)
supposition (SUHP-up-ZISH-in)
an assumption, theory, hypothesis
A hypothesis *hy-PAHTHE-uh-sis), a conjecture, and a supposition are all assumptions or theories.
A hypothesis is a preliminary or incomplete theory based on insufficient evidence.
A conjecture is an assumption based on so little evidence that it is merely an educated guess.
A supposition may be based on ample evidence or no evidence at all, and may be either sensible or irrational.
His suppositions about the company’s financial condition proved consisted with the facts.
arbitrary (AHR-bi-TRAIR-ee or TRER-ee)
unreasoned, based on personal feelings or preferences rather than on reason, logic, or law.
The arrangement of furniture in a room may be arbitrary, without an evident themes or pattern. Arbitrary designs are arrived at in a hath haphazard way. Arbitrary may also mean exercising unrestrained or absolute power, an arbitrary government has no regard for individual liberty.
monotonous (muh-NHAT-uh-nus)
lacking variety, tediously uniform, unvarying and dull
monogamy = marriage to one person,
monocle = a single eye glass
monogram = tow or more letters woven into one
legacy (LEG-uh-see)
Sometimes handed down from the past, an inheritance.
Her wealthy uncle left her a generous legacy
The cultural legacy of ancient Greece and Rome has shaped Western civilization.
A realtor sells realty.
Uh REE-ul-tur selz Real plus tea
manifold (MAN-i-fohld)
numerous and varied, consisting of many kinds, containing many elements, features, or characteristics:
A large company with manifold operations and divisions; a challenging executive position with manifold responsibilities.
While many simply means much, a lot, manifold emphasizes variety, diversity.
If your job has manifold duties then the things you do are both numerous and varied.
Bothe manifold and multifarious (MUHL-ti-FAIR-ee-us( mean having great variety or diversity. Multitudinous (MUHL-ti-T(Y)OO-di-nus) means containing multitude, consisting of a great number of persons or things: multitudinous administrative chores.
pliant (PLY-int)
bending easily, flexible, adaptable, workable
Synonyms: pliable, supple. Pliant and pliable usually refer to objects that are easily workable. Supple may apply to material things or to a human body that is flexible and limber. 柔軟な
retort (ri-TORT(
a quick reply, especially one that is cutting or witty.
Rejoinder may be used generally to mean any answer or response, ut specifically ti means a counter reply, an answer to a reply. A retort is a swift, pointed response.
obstinate (AHB-sti-nit)
Stubborn, inflexible, unwilling to give in or compromise, not yielding to argument or persuasion.
Synonyms: hidebound, intractable, intransigent, adamant.
lacerate (LAS-uh-rayt)
to tear, cut roughly, rend, mangle:
The sharp thorn lacerated his thumb.
Lacerate may also be used figuratively to mean to wound, afflict, cause paint: Her husband’s vicious retort lacerated her pride and made her burst into tears.
omnipotent (ahm-NIP-hu-tint)
all-powerful, almighty, having unlimited power or authority
omni- = all, + potent = powerful
omnidirectional (AHM-nee-di-REK-shi-nul) = all directional, omnipresent = all present or present everywhere at once, omniscient (ahm-NISH-int) = all-knowing, having universal knowledge, omnivorous (ham-NIV-uh-rus) means eating all kinds of food or taking in everything
unscrupulous (uhn-SKROO-puh-lus)
untrustworthy, dishonorable, deceitful, corrupt, lacking integrity or moral principles: The commission issued a report on unscrupulous business practices in the industry.
A scruple is something that causes hesitation or doubt in determining what is appropriate and proper. The scrupulous person is prcise, careful and honest.
renaissance (ren-uh-SAHNS or REN-uh-sahns)
a revival, rebirth, resurgence, renewal of life or vigor.
The Renaissance was a revival of classical forms and motifs in art, architecture, literature and scholarship that began in Italy in the fourteenth century, spread throughout Europe, and continued into the seventeenth century. Historically, the Renaissance marked the end of the medieval era and the beginning of the modern world.
genesis (JEN-uh-sis)
a coming into being, beginning, origin, birth, creation
genesis may refer in a general sense to any creation or process of coming into being, the genesis of an idea, genesis of a work of art, the genesis of an important social movement
warrant (WAHR-int)
to justify, give good reason for, authorize, sanction,
guarantee, promise, give formal assurance of,
cantankerous (kan-TANGK-uh-rus)
difficult to deal with, disagreeable, argumentative, quick to quarrel or to exhibit ill will.
A cantankerous old man is ill-tempered and disagreeable.
Synonyms: contentious, malicious, irascible
flippant (FLIP’nt)
disrespectful in a frivolous way, treating something serious in a trivial manner.
Synonyms: cheeky, fresh, thoughtless and impertinent.
Antonyms: solemn, sober, sedate, and grave
subjugate (SUHB-juh-gayt)
to conquer, defeat, vanquish, overwhelm completely, bering under rigid control, make submissive, dominate, enslave.
defeat, conquer, and subjugate are generally synomymous but are used in slightly different ways. Defeat suggests winning or beating an opponent in a single engagement; you can defeat a person in an argument, a contest, a game, or a fight. Conquer suggests achieving a final victory or gaining complete control over an opponent after a series of contests. You may subjugate an addiction, subjugate an impulse or subjugate an emotion.
wry (like rye)
Twisted, crooked, lopsided, askew, distorted in an odd, amusing way. By derivation wry means twisted, but in modern usage it has come to imply twisted in a peculiar and often humorous manner.
urbane (ur-BAYN)
polished, sophisticated, suave, cosmopolitan.
Urbane suggests the polite, polished style of a sophisticated city dweller.
jargon (JAHR-gun)
Specialized and often pretentious language; speech or writing that is highly technical and difficult to understand
Savvy business people know that using a lot of professional jargon will only alienate clients.
prudent (PROO-dint)
cautious, careful, planning wisely, exercising sound judgement in practical matters
Synonyms: discreet, judicious circumspect
spending carefully
Synonyms: thrifty, frugal
The circumspect person looks around carefully to make sure that no unforeseen circumstance will frustrate a plan of action.
inviolable (in-VY-ul-uh-bul)
secure, safe from assault, infringement, or destruction, sacred, untouchable, unassailable, incorruptible.
literally means not be able to be violated.
commodious (kuh-MOH-dee-us)
Spacious, having plenty of room, comfortably convenient
Synonyms: ample, capacious
accommodate and the noun accommodations, sleeping quarters, lodging
proximity (prahk-SIM-i-tee)
nearness, closeness, the state of being in the vicinity of something
Proximity may be used either of persons or things to mean nearness inlace, time, or relation.
close proximity, drop close and let proximity do its work alone.
lie and lay
to lie means to rest, recline, be situated. You lie on a bed, rest there, recline on it.
to lay means to put place, set. You lay a book on a table, put or set it there, you lay your head on a pillow, place it on the pillow.
Whatever you can put down you can also lay down. You can lay something down, but you cannot lay down, rest reline. You can lied down, but you can’t lie something down.
The past tense of lie is lay.
advocate (AD-vuh-kayt)
to support, plead for, be in favor of, defend by argument
Synonyms: champion, endorse, espouse (e-SPOWZ)
Latin: ad- and vocare to call, summon.
vocation, a calling, profession,
convoke (kun-VOHK) = to call together
e- or ex-, evocative = calling forth a response, especially an emotionl response.
vocal = spoken, oral, inclined to speak out
delegate (DEL-uh-gayt)
to entrust with authority or power, deliver to another’s care or management, hand over to an agent or representative
unprecedented (uhn-PRES-i-den-tid)
Unheard of, novel, new ,having no precedent or parallel, having no prior example.
poignant (POYN-yint)
piercing, sharp, biting, penetrating, keen
a poignant odor, a poignant beauty, a poignant look, a poignant drama, a poignant family reunion, poignant wit, poignant delight a poignant critique
nebulous (NEB-yuh-lus)
Unclear, vague, obscure, hazy, indefinite, indistinct.
nebula refers to a cloudy mass of dust or gas visible between stars in space.
nebulous writing, a nebulous idea, a nebulous purpose or goal
clandestine (klan-DES-tin)
Kept secret, done in secrecy, especially for an evil, immoral, or illegal purpose
a clandestine affair, a clandestine business deal, a clandestine business deal, a clandestine intelligence operation
Synonyms: private, concealed, covert, underhand, sly, stealthy, furtive and surreptitious
tirade (TY-rayd)
a long drawn out speech, especially a vehement and abuse one
After suffering through yet another one of his boss’s frequents tirades, Joe decided it was time to quite and move on.
Tirades have three characteristics: they are protracted, drawn out to great length, they are vituperative, full of harsh, abusive language and they are censorious, meaning that they tend to sensor to blame or condemn.
Tirade may also be pronounced with the accent on the second syllable: ty-RAYD.
recur (ri-KUR)
to happen again, occur again, especially at intervals or after some lapse of time.
reoccur suggest a one-time repetitou where as recur suggests repetition more than once.
tacit (TAS-it)
Unspoken, silent, implied or understood without words,
tacit consent, a tacit agreement
allegation (AL-uh-GAY-shin)
An assertion or declaration, especially one made without proof.
gullible (GUHL-uh-bul)
Easily deceived, fooled, or cheated
Synonyms: credulous (KREJ-uh-lus), accept something as true without questioning.
To gull is to take advantage of someone who is foolish, unwary, or inexperienced. The gullible person is easily gulled, fooled, cheated. T dupe and gull both mean to take advantage of. Dupe suggests unwariness on the part of the victim; gull suggests a willingness or readiness to be deceived.
benign (bi-NYN, rhymes with resign)
kindly, good-natured, gracious, mild, having or showing a gentle disposition, as a benign old man, a benign smile, a benign intention, a benign government.
favorable, postive propitious: a benign omen, a benign view, Healthful, wholesome, salubrious.
in medicine, benign means mild, not deadly or severe as a benign tumor or disease.
peripheral (puh-RIF-uh-rul)
External, outer, lying at or forming the outside or boundary of something; hence not essential, irrelevant.
rebuff (ri-BUHF)
to refuse bluntly, reject sharply, turn down abruptly, snub, spurn)
rebuff means to five the cold shoulder to, slam the door on, nix. a rebuff is an abrupt refusal or rejection, especially of a request, an offer to help, or a person making advances. To rebuff means to refuse ore reject bluntly.
animosity (AN-i-MAHS-i-tee)
ill will, hostility, antagonism, strong dislike or hatred. There was long-standing animosity between the two families. After her coworker apologized for his rude remarks, she resolved not to harbor any animosity toward him.
Synonyms: malice, aversion, malevolence, antipathy, rancor, enmity
tenuous (TEN-yoo-us)
Thin, slender, slight, flimsy, weak, not dense or substantial, lacking a strong basis.
At high altitudes, air is tenuous, thin.
In general, tenuous refers to something weak of flimsy, that has little substance or strength: a tenuous grip, a tenuous proposal, a tenuous argument, or tenuous construction.
complacent (kum-PLAY-sint)
self-satisfied, sung, overly pleased with oneself.
Complacent and complaisant (mum-play-zing) should be distinguished in spelling, pronunciation, and meaning. Complaisant, with a z sound for the s in the final syllable, means included to please, gracious, obliging, courteous, affable, urbane.
acme (AK-mee)
the peak, highest point, summit, zenith, especially the point of culmination, the highest possible point in the development or progress of something.
defunct (di-FUHNGKT)
dead, exiting, obsolete, no longer in existence, effect, operation or use
A defunct law is no longer in existence or effect; defunct organization is no longer functioning or doing business; defunct factory is no longer in operation; a defunct procedure is no longer in use; a defunct species is extinct.
abet (uh-BET)
to encourage, support, help, aid, promote, assist in achieving a purpose
abet means especially to encourage or assist in wrongdoing. But abet may also be used favorable, as to abet the cause of justice, to abet the committee’s efforts to get the plan approved.
haggard (HAG-urd)
worn out, tired, gaunt (GAWNT), drawan, emaciated (i-MAY-shee-AY-tid)
A person who is haggard has a wild-eyed and wasted look, as from exhustion, illness, or grief.
waive (WAYV, like wave)
te relinquish voluntarily, give up, forgo
To relinquish implies giving up somtihign one doesn’t want to part with, either out of necessity or because one has been compleed or forced: to relinquish posseioson, to relinquish command.
To waive implies a voluntary refusal to insist on one’s right to a trial by jury; to waive one’s claim on a title or property.
Waive may also mean to postpone, defer, or dispense with, as to waive discusssion, or to waive formalities and get on with business.
carnal (KAHR-nal)
Bodily, pertaining to the flesh as opposed to the sprit, sensual, corporeal.
Carnal is not used to mean bodiliy in a general or netural sense; we do not say carnal functions or carnal aches and pains. Carnal refers to the basic physical appetites of the body, especailly the sexual appetite. We sepak of carnal desires, carnal lust, carnal knowledge.
sanction (SANGK-shun)
to approve, allow, permit, authorize, certify, ratify
to sanction, certify, and ratify all mean to approve. Ratify means to officially approve something dones by a representative: to ratify a treaty. certify means to officially approve compliance with requirements or standrads: a certified ppublic accountant. Sanction means to give authoritative apporoval: the company’s board of directors sanctioned the merger; many religions do not sanction unmarried secual relations; the law sanctions free speech but not anitsocial behavior.
ambiguous (am-BIG-yoo-us)
uncertain, unclear, doubtful, dubious, questionable, puzzling, having an obscure or indefinite meanig.
Synonyms: eenigmatic (EN-ig-MAT-ik), cryptic (KRIP-tik) and equivocal (i-KWIV-uh-kul)
Antonyms: distinct, apparent, evident, conspicuous and manifest
spendthrift (rhymes with bend lift)
wasteful, spending extravagantly or foolishly, squandering one’s resources
His spendthrift habits will put the company out of business.
Improvident (im-PRHAV-i-dent) not provident, not providing for the future. the improvident person does not save money for retirement or for a rainy day.
prodigal (PRAH-di-gal) a close synonym of spendthrift and means spending money in a reckless or extravagant way, usually to support a lavish or luxurious lifestyle.
Profligate (PRAHF-li-git): extremely prodigal or spendthrift. it refers specifically to a person who spends money with reckless abandon and lives a life shamelessly devoted to pleasure. A profligate Hollywood movies star who squandered his fortune in exclusive nightclubs and casinos.
mollify (MAHL-uh-fy)
to calm, soothe, pacify, appease, soften in feeling or tone, make less harsh or severe.
Nothing mollified his anger.
the Latin mollis, soft and facere, to make.
unequivocal (UHN-i-KWIV-uh-kul)
clear and direct, definite, straightforward, certain, having a single, obvious meaning, capability of being interpreted in only one way.
equivocal is a synonym of ambiguous.
Equivocal language can be interpreted in several ways.
unequivocal is incorrect.
malleable (MAL-ee-uh-bul)
Capable of being shaped, able to be molded or manipulated, adaptable, impressionable.
Certain metals, such as gold and iron, are malleable; they can be molded or shaped.
tractable (TRAK-tuh-bul) close in meaning
Antonyms: inflexible, unyielding, stubborn, obstinate and intransigent (in-TRAN-zi-jint)
verbose (vur-BOHS)
wordy, having too many words, long-winded, full of verbiage (VUR-bee-ij)
Synonyms: garrulous (GAR-uh-lus), loh-KWAY-shus), voluble (VAHL-yuh-bul) and prolix (PROH-liks)
Whenever you see verb- at the beginning of a word, you can safely assume that the meaning of the whole word has something to do with words.
verbatim: expressed in precisely the same words
verbiage: an excess or overabundance of words
verbose: wordy, long-winded, using more words than necessary to get the point across.
NG verbal agreement -> oral agreement.
transient (TRAN-shint)
temporary, passing away with time, lasting only a short while, monetary, fleeting, short-lived - in which - lived is commonly mispronounced with a short i as in give, when it should have a long i as in strive.
Synonyms: transitory, evanescent, ephemeral, fugitive, and fugacious
transient applies to anything that lasts temporarily or that is in the process of passing on.
Antonyms: permanent, timeless, eternal and everlasting
to irritate, annoy, vex, harass (HAR-is or huh-RAS), pester, provoke
Their super visor constantly nettled them about trivial or irrelevant details. the nettle, which has tiny hairs that sting and irritate or annoy.
repudiate (ri-PYOO-dee-ayt)
to reject, cast off, disown, renounce, refuse to accept as one’s own