letter sounds/combination sounds Flashcards
Greetings, info about myself, pokers
“G” before A, O, & U like in Gato
hard G, as in gate
“G” before E or I, like in gente
sounds like “H” in house, a harsh guttural sound like ch in the Scottish “loch”
“H” as in hombre
H is always silent
sounds like “H” in house or a harsh, guttural sound like “ch” in the Scottish “loch”
“LL” as in llama
sounds like “Y” in yes, but Ever it sounds more like the “j” in pajama. The voice in these cards make more of a zzz sound
“N” with accent above ~N
sounds like “ni” in onion
“Q” as in que and quitar
sounds like “k” in key
always followed by a silent “U”
only combined with an “E” or “I”
“R” as in venir
rolled R sound;
strongly rolled R sound when initial letter in a word, like ropa
good luck making this sound Judi!
“RR” as in perro
strongly rolled R sound
same sound as the Spanish B
F, K, L, M, N, P, S,T, X, Y
sounds like English equivalents
vowels in Spanish
A,E, I, O, U
purer, crisper sounds. English short vowel sounds