Lets Cancer The Fuck Out Of Female Flashcards
Hamartoma of 3 tissues
- vessels, cardiac and adipose tissue
- increased frequency of tubular sclerosis
- malignant of tubules epithelium
- triad : hematuria, palpable mass and flank pain
- yelllow mass - clear cytoplasm ( clear cell type)
Renal cell carcinoma
Loss of VHL tumour suppressor gene ->
Heredetory -> multiple bilateral
Sporadic -> smoking, single upper pole tumour
Von hipple disease - inactivation of VHL dominant and increased hemangioblastoma
Renal cell carcinoma
Most common renal neoplasm in children
Malignant blastema (immature kidney mesenchyme)
WT1 mutation-> large unilateral mass (wagr syndrome)
Wilms tumour
Most common type of bladder cancer
- malignant of urothelial lining of pelvis ureter, bladder, urethra
- painless hematouria in a smoking adult
Urothelial cancer
This cancer happens in 2 pathways
Flat- starts as high grade and invasive due. To P53 mutation
Papillary- vessel core, starts as low grade -> high -> invasive
-multifocal and recurs - field defect
Urothelial carcinoma
- Happens in the bladder after squamous metaplasia
- SCHISTOSOMA HEMATOBIUM -> middle eastren make
- chronic cystitis
- chronic nephrolithisis
Squamous cell carcinoma
Happens usually in the bladder
- CYSTITIS GLANDULARIS, exatrophy: the urothelium doesn’t have glands so this is the only case
Where do testicular tumors arise from
Germ cells and sex cord stroma
There is no epithelial tumours
Can testicular tumours be transluminated
No they can’t, presents as firm and painless masses
Why do we not biopsy testicular tumours
To avoid the risk of seeding the scrotum with cancer cells
How are testicular tumour removed
Radial orchiectomy
What is the most common type of testicular tumour
Germ cell type 95%
Are there benign germ cell testicular tumours
No they are all malignant
Risk factors of germ cell testicular tumours
Cryptochidsm and klinefilter syndrome
Types of germ cell testicular tumours
Seminoma and non seminoma
Seminomas respond to radiotherapy metastasis late and have excellent prognosis
Malignant tumour of large cells with clear cytoplasm and central nuclei (similar to dysgerminoma)
Homogeneous mass in the testes with no hemorage or necrosis
A mass in the scrotum with necrosis and is hemorrhagic
- malignant tumour of immature primitive cells that may form glands
Aggressive with early hematogenous spread
- high AFP or HIGH B-HCG may be present
Embryonal carcinoma
- Schiller duval bodies (glomeruloid like)
- malignant tumour
- AFP is high
- most common testicular tumour of children
Yolk sac tumour
Malignant tumour of syncytiotrophoblasts and cytotophoblasts
Spreads via blood
ELEVATED B-HCG - can lead to hyper thyroidism or gynacomastia
Syncytiotrophoblasts- Makes B-HCG
Tumour of nature fetal tissue derived from 2-3 embryonic layers
Malignant in males and benign in females
Germ cell tumours are usually mixed
Prognosis is based on worst component
Mixed germ cell tumour
Tumours that resemble sex cord stromal tissue of testicle
Usually benign
Sex stromal tumours
A tumour that usually produces androgen
REINKE CRYSTALS on histology
Precocious puberty in children or gyneconastia in adults
Leydig cell tumour
A testicular tumour that forms tubules and is clinically silent
Sertoli cell tumour
Most common cause of testicular mass in males above 60 years old and is often bilateral
Hyper plasia if stoma and glands of the prostate
Age related with no chance of cancer
Testosterone-> DHT which causes it
Occurs in periurethral zone compressing the urethra
- PSA is elevated 4-10 (0-4 is normal)
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Malignant proliferation of prostatic glands
Most common cancer in men and second most common cause of death
Occurs in the posterior zone so presents very late no urinary problems
On histology The nuclei contains DSRK NUCLEOLI
Prostate adenocarcinoma
How to screen for prostate adenocarcinoma and when to screen
Begins at 50 years old with digital rectal exam and PSA level should be above 10
How to grade adenocarcinoma of prostate and what shows on biopsy
The nuclei contains dark nucleoli
Gleason grading system from 2-10 based on architecture not nuclear atypia
- the cancer spreads to the lumbar spine making osteoblastic metastasis
A cancer that affects the shaft
In situ carcinoma presenting as leukoplakia
Associated with HPV
Malignant cells haven’t invaded yet but they can
Bowen disease
Insitu carcinoma of the shaft but doesn’t invade like Bowen’s presenters like reddish papules
Bowenoid papulosis
Malignant proliferation of squamous cells of penile skins
Risk factor high risk HPV and lack of cirumsition
Squamous cell carcinoma of the penis