lessons 5-7 judaism Flashcards
Moses’ successor who led the Israelite into the Promised Land
The Hebrew Bible
the name used by Jews for their scripture that is basically the same as Christians’ Old Testament.
a person believed to be chosen by God as a messenger
The Writings
the last section of the Hebrew Bible that includes the Psalms and the Book of Proverbs
Jewish religious teachers
people who lived in the Fertile Crescent who practiced monotheism and whose teachings and practices became known as Judaism
the belief that there is only one God
ideas of right and wrong
monotheistic religion of the Jews
the first five books of hebrew bible
Founder of Judaism who, according to the bible, led his family from Ur to Canaan in obedience to God’s command
a binding agreement
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
grandson of Abraham who had twelve sons that became the ancestor of at least one large group of tribes; the twelve tribes descended from Jacob became known as the Israelites
the first book of the Torah/Old Testament
an Israelite leader whom the Torah credits with leading the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan
the second book of the Torah/Old Testament: tells of the departure of the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt led by Moses
promised land
Ten Commandments
a set of laws for responsible behavior, which according to the bible were given to moses by god
Mount Sinai
place where god revealed ten commandments
after egypt
the talmud
collection of oral teachings and commentaries about the Hebrew Bible and Jewish law
Ethical Monotheism
Idea that there is one god and he judges you by your ethical behavior
Observance of Law
laws in the Hebrew Bible and Talmud guide how Jews live and treat other people
love for others
The Hebrew Bible tells Jews to love and help other people
Weekly Day of Rest
the idea of a weekly day of rest, or Sabbath began in Judaism
Commitment to Study and Prayer
Study leads to wisdom and good deeds, people communicate with God through prayer
Connection to the Land of Israel
Israel has a central role in the Hebrew Bible and is home to Judaism’s most sacred sites
Weekly day of rest (sat for jews)
descendants of Israelites
leader who ralllied the israelites to defend their land
Only female judge who inspired an army to win a great battle
Ruth and Naomi
a Hebrew whose son married a woman, a Moabite (foreigner). After the son died, the daughter in law chose to stay with the mother in law rather than returning to her own people. She is the first convert to Judaism and a symbol of loyalty.
king of Israelites who won control of jerusaleam in 1000 bce
son of david, built first temple in jerusalem
After Solomon’s death, the country split into these 2 kingdoms
Israel and Judah
communities of Jews living outside of their ancient homeland
a Persian Queen who convinced the Persian King to reject the idea of killing all of the Jews that was planned by one of his advisors
jewish meeting place of worship
jewish holiday celebrating their independence and rededication of their temple that had been destroyed
the Oral Torah
interpretation of written jewish law, according to verbal traditions.
Legacy of Judaism
a) monotheism b) the Hebrew Bible c) moral and ethical values that form a basis for modern democratic societies
why did maccabees rebel?
greeks tried to ban important parts of judaism