Lessons 1-4 Flashcards
Something that moves upward.
(Ascend) A-S-C-E-N-D
Something whose condition gets worse and worse.
(Deteriorate) D-E-T-E-R-I-O-R-A-T-E
When supplies (or anything) are completely used up.
(Deplete) D-E-P-L-E-T-E
Something that won’t hurt you because it is harmless.
(Innocuous) I-N-N-O-C-U-O-U-S
Someone or something that is so common that is boring.
(Banal) B-A-N-A-L
A quiet and shy person.
(Demure) D-E-M-U-R-E
Something big or strong by which you may feel threatened or amazed.
(Formidable) F-O-R-M-I-D-A-B-L-E
Something which is spotlessly clean.
(Immaculate) I-M-M-A-C-U-L-A-T-E
A task that takes a lot of effort to do.
(Arduous) A-R-D-U-O-U-S
When you make a mistake.
(Err) E-R-R
When your hit with something or suffering something (such as an illness)
(Stricken) S-T-R-I-C-K-E-N
A large amount of fast and furiously flowing water.
(Torrent) T-O-R-R-E-N-T
When something amazes you and captures your attention.
(Rapt) R-A-P-T
When you’re thinking about something so much that you don’t notice other things.
(Preoccupied) P-R-E-O-C-C-U-P-I-E-D
When you own something and control it.
(Possess) P-O-S-S-E-S-S
A wide and open area such as a football field.
(Expanse) E-X-P-A-N-S-E
When you get revenge for something that someone has done to you.
(Retaliate) R-E-T-A-L-I-A-T-E
When you make a situation or problem better or easier.
(Ameliorate) A-M-E-L-I-O-R-A-T-E
When you give up and surrender.
(Capitulate) C-A-P-I-T-U-L-A-T-E
Secretive or sneaky people because they’re trying to hide what they’re doing.
(Furtive) F-U-R-T-I-V-E
The most important part of something, the part that supports everything else.
(Mainstay) M-A-I-N-S-T-A-Y
A long, eventful journey.
(Odyssey) O-D-Y-S-S-E-Y
An experience so difficult it exhausts you.
(Grueling) G-R-U-E-L-I-N-G
When you scrub something in order to clean it.
(Scour) S-C-O-U-R
A way of ranking group members based on their importance like in the army.
(Hierarchy) H-I-E-R-A-R-C-H-Y
Something that is part of something else and absolutely necessary for it to work (Ex. A car’s engine).
(Integral) I-N-T-E-G-R-A-L
When you entertain someone with stories.
(Regale) R-E-G-A-L-E
When you look at an area slowly across it from side to side.
(Pan) P-A-N
When you act in a way that shows a deep respect for someone or something.
(Deference) D-E-F-E-R-E-N-C-E
The best example or model of something.
(Epitome) E-P-I-T-O-M-E
Something soft that bends easily.
(Supple) S-U-P-P-L-E
When you decide something is not worth paying attention to.
(Disregard) D-I-S-R-E-G-A-R-D
Something wrinkled and twisted, usually because it’s old.
(Gnarled) G-N-A-R-L-E-D
When people look pale because they’re weak or worn out.
(Wan) W-A-N
When you think about something deeply.
(Muse) M-U-S-E
Something that is so clearly explained that it can’t possibly be misunderstood.
(Explicit) E-X-P-L-I-C-I-T
When you remember a happier time in the past.
(Nostalgic) N-O-S-T-A-L-G-I-C
When you feel sad and gloomy.
(Somber) S-O-M-B-E-R
When people come together as a group.
(Congregate) C-O-N-G-R-E-G-A-T-E
When you make an educated guess about something being truth. A statement based on what you observe.
(Postulate) P-O-S-T-U-L-A-T-E