Lessons 1-2 Flashcards
a skilled craftsman or inventor
a watercolor painting done on a wall or ceiling
a group of people living in an ordered community
the act of attack and robbery of ships at sea
a soldier stationed to guard a palace
a belt for a sword
an image given to a god to fulfill a vow
votive offering
part of Mediterranean Sea; between Greece and Asia Minor
Aegean Sea
invaders who destroyed Knossos
Sea Kings
largest island in the Aegean Sea
“There is a land called Crete in the midst of the wine-dark sea, a fair land and a rich, begirt with water, and therein are many men innumerable and ninety cities.”
The Odyssey
“Currents have more than one way of running through a strait.”
“The Sea”; main body of water south of Greece
Mediterranean Sea
ancient Greek poet; author of the Illiad and the Odyssey
a large jug with a wide mouth used for carrying water
poem about the Trojan War
discover of the ancient city of Troy
Henry Schliemann
time of Greece after Homeric Age
Historic Greece
time of Greece described in the writings of Homer
Homeric Age
“The cities of the hero-age thine eyes may seek in vain,
Save where some wrecks of ruin shall break the level plain.
So once I saw Myceanae, the ill-starred, a brren height
Too bleak for goats to pasture - the goat-herds point the site.
And as I passed a graybeard said: ‘Here used to stand of old
A city built by giants and passing rich in gold.”
Greek poet