Lesson9 Flashcards
classify (v.)
classified (adj.)
classification (n.)
to place into groups according to type
(syn.) arrange
accurate (adj.)
accurately (adv.)
accuracy (n.)
careful and exact
(syn.) precise
currency (n.)
monetary unit
(syn.) money
deep (adj.)
deeply (adv.)
depth (n.)
deepen (v.)
far below the surface; complete understanding
(syn.) thorough
dense (adj.)
densely (adv.)
density (n.)
closely packed or crowded; difficult to see through
(syn.) thick
depend on (v.)
dependably (adv.) dependable (adj.) dependance (n.) dependancy (n.) dependent (n.)
to count on; to be supported by
(syn.) trust
dim (adj.)
dimly (adv.)
dim (v.)
dimness (n.)
not bright or clear
(syn.) faint
display (v.)
display (n.)
to show; reveal
(syn.) exhibit
exports (n.)
exported (adj.)
export (v.)
products sold abroad
(syn.) foreign sales
gigantic (adj.)
gigantically (adv.)
very large
(syn.) enormous
impressive (adj.)
impressively (adv.)
impress (v.)
impression (n.)
causing admiration because of an object’s importance, size, or quality
(syn.) imposing
lasting (adj.)
last (v.)
forever; without end
(syn.) enduring
treasury (n.)
treasured (adj.)
treasure (v.)
the agency that controls and spends money; a collection of valued things
(syn.) bank
uniform (adj.)
uniformly (adv.)
uniformity (n.)
every part being the same
(syn.) consistent
vibrant (adj.)
vibrantly (adv.)
vibrance (n.)
lively; powerful; full of action; bright
(syn.) brilliant