PHP stands for?
Hypertext Preprocessor
is a widely used open-source scripting language primarily designed for web development and can be embedded into HTML
PHP was created by Danish Canadian programmer ______ in 1994
Rasmus Lerdorf
PHP was created by Danish Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in ____
XAMPP stands for?
Cross-Platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl
Importance of PHP
Ease of Use
Large Community and Resources
PHP can handle various tasks ranging from creating dynamic web pages to building complex web applications. Its ______ allows developers to accomplish diverse tasks efficiently
With its simple and intuitive syntax, PHP is relatively easy to learn and use, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced developers alike.
Ease of Use
PHP boasts a vast and active community of developers contributing to its ecosystem by creating libraries, frameworks, and documentation. This extensive support network ensures that developers can find solutions to their problems quickly.
Large Community and Resources
PHP is compatible with different operating systems and web servers, including Apache, Nginx, and Microsoft IIS, providing developers with flexibility in choosing their development
PHP powers a significant portion of the web, from small personal websites to large-scale enterprise applications. Its ________ makes it suitable for projects of all sizes, allowing developers to grow their applications as needed.
2 Ways to setup a development environment
Local Development
Remote Development
Create PHP Files: PHP code is typically written within files with a ____ extension.
Embedding PHP: PHP code can be embedded directly into HTML files using opening and closing PHP tags ____.
<?php ?>
Basic Syntax: PHP statements end with a _______(1) . Variables in PHP start with a _______(2), followed by the variable name.
(1) semicolon (;)
(2) dollar sign ($)