Lesson - VTI Verbs - -oon,-in Second Endings Flashcards
VTI -oon, -in regular endings
-n(an) - singular
VTI -oon,-in second endings
yaan / yaanh
yan / yin
yang / ying
Noongom niwii-biinitoon ataasowin gaye nanaa’itooyaan mazinaabikiwebinigan.
Today I will clean the closet and fix the computer.
Obiidoon bimiwanaan miinawaa wii-azisidood ozhibii’igewigamigong.
He/she brings the backpack and will put it in a certain place the office (writing place).
Gimaawanjitoomin waagaangoon daa-miijiyang noongom dibikak.
All of us collect bell peppers to maybe eat tonight.
Aaniin apii gaa-ozhitoowaad jiimaan?
When did they build the canoe?
Aaniindi gaa-biinitooyan ode’iminan gaye miinan?
Where did you clean the strawberries and blueberries?
Root Verb: biinitoon
Note: both nouns are plural, but the verb is singular. The verb does not become plural when using second endings.
Biboonimakazinan omamoonan gaye biindigadood.
Winter boots he/she picks up and brings it inside.
Root Verbs: mamoon & biindigadoon
Note: the noun and the first verb are plural. The second verb does not become plural because second endings are used.
Aaniin dash gii-miijiyeg gookooshiwiiyaas?
Why did you all just eat the pig meat?
Nindagoodoomin babiinzikawaaganan gaye mamooyaang giboodiyegwaazonan.
Just us hang the coats and pick up the pants.
Root Verbs: agoodoon & mamoon
Note: both nouns are plural. The verbs do not become plural when the pronoun is niinawind.
Aaniindi gaa-izhi-otooyan ninoopwin?
Where did you place my sandwich?
Onh, nigii-wanitoon igwa!
Oh, I lost it!
Taahaa, awegonen dash daa-miijiyaan?
Oh my, what should I eat then?
Gidaa-miijinan nitaawiginan.
You should eat vegetables.
Indawaaj indaa-miijin moo.
I would rather eat poop.