Lesson Review ? for Final Flashcards
Aug contributions to the church
354-430 Author: Confessions, City of God, De Trinitate, Retractions, many others Preacher Fought heresy Donatist controversy Palagian controversy matter out of nothing evil is privation of good two cities distinguished by object of affection 6 days of human history in creation theme End times eschatology I believe that I might understand
Confessions and man’s heart
Writing exalts God’s grace
Crede ut intelligas = I believe that I might understand
Fought heresy, Dons, Pelagians
“Reformation was the victory of St. Augustine’s doctrine of grace over St. Augustine’s doctrine of the church.” -BB Warfield
Significance of DCD?
Rome falls 410, starts writing 412
- Christians / Pagans disillusioned
- doctrine of creation: no pre-exist matter
- nature of time: God created
- creation of man: no repeat cycle of life, existence is linear & body/soul in union, against gnostics
- exist of evil: all God creates is good bc God is good; evil is privation of good
- spiritual nature of sin: sin in soul not body; spiritual; humans can’t overcome need God
- God: only find happiness in God himself (opposed to stoic ideas of social & friends)
main idea: Two cities are distinguished by object of their affection
- Earthly by love of self even to the contempt of God
- -Princes are subdued by love of ruling - Heavenly by love of God himself for contempt of self
- -Princes and subjects serve one another in Love
How did Aug respond to Don schism in N. Af?
Dons: sect leading to schism 4th- 6th C
(believe church geographically, denied cath church, tried to usurp the glory of God, only God is great)
Dons Argued that Christian clergy must be faultless for their ministry to be effective and their prayers and sacraments to be valid.
Aug Argued the validity of sacraments was a property of the priesthood independent of individual character.
Argued Dons misunderstand the nature of the church
Argued Cath only true church
Argued Baptism doesn’t depend on holiness of clergy
Dons were persecuted, after Emp Honorius condemned as heretical, to such severity that Aug protested their treatment.
Finally council of Trent 1563 supports Aug belief that it’s not about the holiness of clergy but the worth of the victim and holiness of Christ.
a. Crux of matter, how to define purity of the church
b. Must be pure
c. Dons said entire church is unholy bc of communion
d. Aug- Church is corpus per mixom=church is a mixed body, not just made up of the righteous
e. Aug- Dons misunderstand the nature of the church
f. Aug- In the church, offenses are frequent. Wheat is full of the wheat and chaf.
g. Aug- says your body is not pure either. Both churches are full of people who are sinners.
h. John says that if any man sins, we have an advocate with the father
a. Church of africa was so deeply divided
b. Division of the body of christ was inconceivable
c. wrote 18 works to address the donatist problem
d. In N. Africa, two churches of Catholic or Donatist. He wanted them united.
e. Donatists rebaptized those in order to join faith. This was very offensive.
a. Dons denied that THE church is catholic
b. Dons were saying church was geographically limited
c. Aug said church is house of god and house built all over the world
d. Believe dons had tried to usurp the glory of God
e. There can’t be two who are great Dons and God, only one is great…God
a. Whoever is sep from the church, shall not have life but anger of God rest on him
b. No salvation outside the church
c. Calvin, “show me the true church and I’ll answer that”
d. Schism is evil sep
a. Christian charity cannot be preserved except for existence of the church
b. Extend over the whole earth
c. Aug, to Dons, “you adore him in the head but blaspheme him in the body”
d. The severing is taking place in the Dons
e. Aug: Absense of charity is not just hate of charity but hate of Holy spirit
f. Aug: w/o charity, they possess no saving faith
a. Catholic is the only true church
b. Don baptism valid if person joins Catholic church later
c. When man corrects his err, then goes Catholic, no baptism necessary.
d. baptism does not depend on the piety of person baptizing you.
e. Not willing to connect piety of clergy and quality of baptism.
f. Dons were Cath first before Dons so still connected to Cath church
g. Cyprian’s view was that they needed to rebaptize.
a. Aug “there is one holy catholic and apostolic church: Can not separate”
b. Passion to bring the Dons back. Healed by the medicine of peace.
c. Let charity cover a multitude of sins.
d. Aug did witness some dons return to the cath church.
e. Some Dons returned to Cath bc persecution. Aug semi agreed, “love and do what you will” this was the persecution. Aug- no salvation other than in the cath church, Life or death.
f. “cath church alone is body christ. He is it’s head, savior of it’s body, the holy spirit gives life to no one outside this body.
St. Patrick
St. Patrick (390-460) a. Captured by Irish warriors b. Visions c. Returns to Ireland in 432 d. Confronts the Druids e. Strategy: convert the tribal kings f. Builds churches and monasteries Celtic Christianity
d 583
Roman aristocrat.
forged lasting lin bt classical and early xian civ and medieval world of monks and barbarians.
drafted official docs known as Variae
his theo and secular studies bridged biblical study and liberal arts.
Enthusiasm for secular learning strongly influenced Benedictine practice.
Supervised translation from Greek to Latin of many famous church historians.
Ideal - “humane values and order” : monastic culture, civilized study,
ranked among founders of Middle Ages bc influence on education and thought
last western scholar before 12th C to familiar w/ Greek texts of Aristotle.
wrote 5 Tractates in defense of Orth Theo.
translated Aristotle’s works on logic into Latin
wrote The Consolation of Philosophy, dialogue bt Boethius and Philosophy. leads from dispair to true contentment with reason united with virtue
accused of treason against Theodoric and executed
Gregory the Great
most influential pope after Constantine
began in public administration, then became monk
1st Pope after being a monk 590, and really introduced monasticism to papacy
stressed ideals of rule of Benedict
sent team of monks to Kent of Britain, ultimately Christianizing Anglo-Saxons.
Writings became textbook for training medieval clergy
Gave Catholicism it’s distinctive character, stressing cult of saints, demonology, ascetic virtues.
Confirmed authority of papacy.
collapse of W. empire left Bishop of Rome real ruler of Italy
d 804
Anglo Saxon scholar became Abbot of Tours in 796
influenced intellectual, cultural, religious direction of Carolingian Empire. 300 letters
Standardized spelling and style of writing,
reformed missionary practice
contributed to gathering collections of church regulations
led struggle against Adoptionist movement in Spain who thot Christ was God’s adopted son. wrote “Against Felix”
upheld authority of church and Charlemagne’s sacred pos as Emp.
How did monastic tradition understand Christian spirituality?
“Monasticism” and “asceticism”
a. Monosterian or Mono- alone, come out alone and be sep
i. Cell of hermit or community
ii. Doesn’t come out until post constantine era
b. Asceticism- exercise or practice, athletic term
a. “If you want to be perfect, go sell your possessions and give to the poor.”
– Matt 19:21
b. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” – Matt 5:8, a favorite monastic text
a. Separation
b. Denial
c. Abstinence
d. Perfection
e. Prayer
f. Charity
a. OT: fasting, praying,
b. Platonism: downplay the place of the body bc the body is where we struggle with evil, downplay basic body desires
c. Stoicism: meditate and find peace
d. NT: john the Baptist, living in wilderness, locusts & honey
i. Jesus single man, no place to lay head
ii. No property, cared for poor
iii. Paul chose celibacy
Ascetic impulse
a. Imitate Christ
i. Monks viewed as the new martyrs
ii. Considered the wise sage
b. Delay of 2nd coming
i. Seek to live life together since 2nd coming isn’t coming yet
c. The new martyrs
d. Distaste for Nominal Christianity seemed to be growing
Monastic spirituality
a. Ascetic theology – discipline
b. Spiritual theology – directed toward spiritual life
Key figures:
- St. Anthony of Egypt (251-356) and Eastern monasticism “Life of Anthony”
b. spiritual battles & demons
c. famous
Basil’s Rule
i. Wrote a rule Greek form of ii. Set hours of prayer iii. Manual labor, iv. Pretty strict but not extreme
Eight evil thoughts (Praktikos, chs. 6-14)
a. Gluttony, make escuses for excessive eating, if eat less then more to share with others b. Impurity (lust), internal war against stirring of passion c. Avarice (greed), store up more than we need, consumed with financial security d. Sadness, compare w/ one another, all given up, prey to self pity e. Anger, big problem "most struggle with" hot, grudges, all consuming, anger irritates our soul f. Sloth (acedia), boredom apathy, leads to despair, "noonday demon" g. Vainglory, long for praise and prestige, if we long for other's praise then victim of lust, vainglory leads to lust h. Pride
Benedict of Nursia (480-550)
a. Subiaco
b. Monte Cassino (529)
i. Most famous monestary in the World
c. Regula (“The Benedictine Rule”)
d. Stability and structure in community
e. Three-fold vow: poverty, chastity, obedience
Spiritual progress overcome evil thoughts
a. Goal is apatheia (freedom from inner turbulence)
Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite
1) Monk, known for mystical thrust. 4 treatis and 10 ltrs.
2) Talks about the union bt God and the Soul
3) 3 steps (part of process that individuals receive) lead to being like God himself
a) Purification
b) Illumination
c) Union
Advances in stages consist in “unknowing”
identyfing spirit with pure intelligence rather than using biblical concepts
Acts 17:34
inf Byz theologies
disproved in 19th C
Distinctives of E. Orth tradition
E= wanted this, Constantine started the pattern, unity of church
- All the councils were called for by the emperors
- No patriarch could hold office without the blessing of the empire
- Emp issued decrees
W= popes fighting this and didn’t want royalty to be a part of the churc
a. Date of Easter, orth celebrates a week later
b. Celibacy of clergy, orth can not marry after vs west cath had to be celebate
c. Clergy hairstyle, ponsur cut
d. Use of unleavened bread
e. Purgatory, east rejects doctrine
f. Papal primacy, in east bishops coligially made decision in church. Vs west was focused on one person
g. Filioque, nicene creed 381 says holy spirit precedes from the father,
3. The orthodox way a. Apophatic theology (apophasis – denial) i. God is an incomprehensible mystery ii. All that's comprehensible about God is that he is incomprehensible iii. Human language incapable of describing God iv. “God cannot be grasped by the mind” b. The Divine Liturgy i. Theology through worship, doctrine is not the main thing, for the East worship is everything. ii. Mystery – worship the incomprehensible God (you experience God) iii. Veneration of icons – St. John of Damascus c. Holy tradition i. Voice of God in apostolic tradition ii. Tradition = Scripture, councils, fathers, canon law, icons = all of this makes up the tradition which is holy. iii. Seven ecumenical councils authoritative iv. Skeptical of private interpretation d. Orthodox spirituality i. Theosis (apotheosis) – progressive deification: “God became man so that men might become gods” goal is to dwell in God. Orth, will not see conversation about justification by faith.
Two turning points of E. Orth separation
a. Photian schism (858-880)
i. Bishop of Rome, bridge was healed but only temp.
b. “The Great Schism” (1054) bt Rom church and E Orth church
i. Reps of pope from Rome went to constantinople laid on high alter sentence of denunciation. Patriarch responded by condemning the pope.
Pope Innocent III
Pope Innocent III (1198-1216)
a. Forced his will on other leaders
b. Used the interdict to enforce his will
Biggest canons of 4th Lateran Council 1215
Canon 1: transubstantiation = officially teaching bread and wine real body and blood of Christ
Canon 5: proc of papal primacy = Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Jerusalem
Canon 14-17: conduct of clergy, no more drunkenness, horse races, plays
Canon 18: Priests can’t perform surgery
Canon 21: forced annual confession
Canon 78-79: Jews and Muslims must wear special dress
71 patriarchs/metropolitans, 412 bishops
Innocent III presents 70 decrees/canons, most powerful bishop of Rome
asking bishops to ratify what Innocent III already decided
Bernard of Clairvaux
Did not agree with Abelard, great tension
Convinced Abelard was undermining everything we are about
Best work of theology is done in the context of pursuing God and pursuing spiritual life
Theology is a spiritual activity not a pursuit of rationalism
Born in Burgundy,Est 70 monasteries in his life time, helped to est another 100
11. Bernard attacks Abelard
a. Initially wanted public debate, intimidated and then went to debate
b. Tension didn’t go well.
12. Council of Sens
a. Enabled the council to make him guilty before Abelard even showed up so Ab saw that it immediately wasn’t fair. Bernard lined up bishops already
Manipulous doctor. “impossible to love Jesus more than bernard” -Luther
“He who takes himself for a master, becomes the disciple of a fool.” -bernard
Bridge Feudal Values and rise Town & Universities
Bernard & the Bible
a. Writings were just laced with the scripture. Ea week recite out 150 psalms
b. Experience god himself in the bible.
c. Christ daily comes to us through the spirit
c. Chewing and digesting the honey of the scriptures.
- ***Bernard on Loving God
a. 4 degrees of love (myst transition towards union of God)
i. Love ourselves
ii. Love god for sake of His goodness
iii. Love god for god’s sake alone (just bc God is, we love him. More pure form of love)
iv. Love ourselves for God’s sake (losing yourself as if you no longer existed. Losing yourself in God. God’s will becomes your will. Full extent happen only in heaven)
Song of Songs
a. Kissing feet repentence
b. Kissing hand is guide of mercy
c. Kiss mouth is picture for us sweet embrace of His love
d. Breath of bride and bride groom.
Still loved by many for his incites
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis – 1208, renounces wealth
i. Ministry to the animals, preaches to the wolf
ii. Receiving the stigmata
Lasting legacy was ministry to the poor, peace loving who tried to do good
St. Francis traveled with some of them and shared the faith with Sultan of Egypt. 5th Crusade
Pop kid and Destined for career as knight until converted through illness.
Merchant Father was made bc Francis said goods shd go to the poor.
Wandered countryside, begging from rich and giving to poor., and preaching. Charm and humility attracted many.
1219 traveled to Egypt to convert Sultan of Egypt, but no.
Always lived in utter poverty among ordinary people.
1093 – archbishop of Canterbury
Credo ut intelligam, Proslogion, explain theological problem w/ reason “faith seeking understanding”
Ontological argument
Known as keen intellect “how many angels can dance on head of pin”
Doctrine of atonement and christology inseparable
- *** a) Satisfaction which cannot by given by anyone but God, and ought to be given by no one but man, must be given by the Godman
b) Since human, must give sacrifice to God. Only god can bring satisfaction and only man that could pay it. Bc of perfection of Christ there was some merit. Reward given to man. - ** c) Anselm makes very impt distinction about the job of Christ as the intermediary
d) Prof thinks we’ll never really fully understand this
Ontological Argument
Explanation for exist of God
Something that is the greatest of all since conception
This being must exist
There has to be some reality that there’s nothing greater than God
There’s nothing greater than God can be conceived by the human mind
wrote “why god became man”
Christ as intermediary