Lesson of February 14, 2024 Flashcards
What is “petits-enfants”, “petit-fils” and “petite-fille” in English?
petits-enfants = grand-children
petit-fils = grand-son
petite-fille = grand-daughter
What is “bac” as in “bac de recyclage” in English?
Example: Compost bin, recycling bin, waste bin, etc.
What is “la Ville” in English?
Exemple: J’ai appelé à la Ville de Sherbrooke.
The town
The city (for a bigger city like Montreal for example.)
Example: I called the Town of Sherbrooke.
What is “à date” or “jusqu’à maintenant” in English?
Exemple: J’ai eu 3 traitements à date / jusqu’à maintenant.
so far
Until now
I had 3 treatments so far.
I had 3 treatments until now.
What is “ce n’est pas de tes affaires” in English?
It’s none of your business!
What is “Mêle-toi de tes affaires!” in English?
Mind your own business!
What is “à temps plein” and “à temps partiel” in English?
What is CPE (Centre de la petite enfance) in English?
Daycare center
How do we pronounce “private”?
What is “J’ai hâte!” in English?
I can’t wait!
What does “enroll” mean in English? Does it mean “enrouler”?
Enroll = to put yourself or someone else onto the official list of members of a course, college, or army. Example: He enrolled in the army.
Enrouler = wrap around (Example: You need to wrap a wet towel around your child’s calves to reduce the fever).
What is “passer la tondeuse” in English?
Mow the lawn
What is “submergé” in English?
Example: It’s normal to feel …………….. when raising two young children.
Example: It’s normal to feel overwhelmed when raising two young children.
What is “sociable” in English?