Lesson January 4th 2024 Flashcards
entertaining someone at a restaurant with good food and wine etc.
to wine and dine
to get to the point without wasting time
to cut to the chase
to confront or accept the unpleasant consequences of something you have done
to face the music
used to indicate that there’s no practical reason to continue discussing a particular topic, as it would be impractical to reach a satisfactory solution
a moot point
trying to hide something from others (some evidence of your being at the particular place)
to cover your tracks
to pay too much money for something
to pay through the nose
невимушена розмова
casual conversation
very large or much
глибоко помилковий (наприклад, план/індивідуальний)
deeply flawed (e.g.plan/individual)
глибоко зворушений
deeply moved by
здоровий глузд
conventional wisdom
opinions or theories that have existed for a long time and that most people agree with
conventional wisdom
закликати до припинення чогось
call for a halt to something
to be very excited or enthusiastic
bubble over with
to feel excited by something
capture the … (of) …