Saint Augustine defined this as “the visible form of an invisible grace” or “a sign of a sacred thing”
He wrote that anything that is called sacred may be called sacramentum.
saint thomas aquinas
it is defined as “an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace” in ________ and __________
lutheran and anglican catechisms
The term _______ has become a convenient expression for a sign or symbol of a sacred
thing, occasion, or event imparting spiritual benefits to participants.
Four tasks the People of God must perform to fulfill their Christ-given commission, the church is to teach and preach is the word of god.
Four tasks the People of God must perform to fulfill their Christ-given commission, A place that values one another, understanding, of how we need each other, relates to one
another with a deep caring, concern resulting in connectedness rather than letting differences divide
Four tasks the People of God must perform to fulfill their Christ-given commission, provides us the opportunity to know
more about how we are created: our likes and dislikes, what we can do well and what we cannot
Four tasks the People of God must perform to fulfill their Christ-given commission, When our _______ services is genuine, God
is glorified and we are refreshed in our souls and strengthened in our faith.
Three categories of membership in the Church, Among the faithful by divine institution there exists sacred ministers who form the hierarchy. From the Greek words iereus which means “priest” and arche which
means “rule”.
Three categories of membership in the Church, The faithful who are not in the hierarchy.The ordinary people who are involved with a church but who do not hold official religious positions:
Three categories of membership in the Church, refers to those women and men who have responded to a special call from Christ to be totally dedicated to him by freely professing vows to practice the evangelical counsels.
Consecrated life or religious life
Four marks of the Church, This means that it is a single, united and global Church which
has its basis in Christ Jesus.
The church is one
Four marks of the Church, This does not mean that all members of the Church are sin free. It means that the Church and the sacraments help to make the faithful holy.
The church is holy
Four marks of the Church,The word catholic literally means ‘universal.’ The role of the Church is to spread the Word of God universally across the world.
The church is catholic
Four marks of the Church, It holds and teaches the faith, as taught to the twelve apostles by Christ himself. We refer to the apostles as “hand-picked successors” since Jesus chose them to continue his mission after his death and Resurrection.
The church is apostolic
It is the the name of a movement that promotes the recovery of Christian unity and works towards the vision of one, undivided Church.
What does ecuminism reminds us?