Lesson Eight Flashcards
Anguish (n)
extreme pain distress or anxiety
Doggedly (adv)
marked by stubborn determination
Vigor (n) -
active strength of mind or body
Opaque (adj)
blocking the passage of radiant energy, especially light
Quarry (n) -
(1) one that is sought or pursued, prey; (2) an open excavation pit for obtaining stone
Complacent (adj
when one is indifferent or does not care
Mirage (n
an optical effect, illusion
Affable (adj)
having a relaxed or casual manner
Ardent (adj)
(1) having or expressing great depth of meaning; (2) passionate
1) divine guidance or care, (God guiding destiny); (2) quality of making provision for the future; state of being provident, frugal, saving
Elude(v) -
(1) to manage to avoid capture; (2) when one doesn’t understand the meaning of something
a drug derived from opium that induces sleep and alleviates pain
Intricate (adj)
(1) having many parts or aspects that are usually unrelated; (2) difficult to resolve
Placid (adj)-
serenely free of interruption or disturbance
(1) to move back or away; (2) to grow less or smaller