Lesson A - D Flashcards
cor (Latin).
The core of our being and desires
The realization of one’s potential and true happiness.
Absolute Good.
The ultimate truth that leads to everlasting happiness, as sought by humans.
Bene Scripsisti de me Thoma.
“You have written well of me, Thomas” - acknowledgment of truth in teachings.
Domini, Non Nisi Te.
“Nothing, Lord, except You”.
Prioritizing God above all.
Jesus Christ, the Ultimate Revelation of the Father.
Only through Christ can we understand and reach God.
Sequela Christi.
Our goal to follow Christ and become more like Him.
Radical Conversion.
Transforming oneself to align with Christ’s teachings.
Veritatis Splendor (VS).
“The splendor of truth” - the essence of moral teachings.
The Ten Commandments, guiding us toward salvation.
Christian Moral Vocation.
Commitment to love and serve others through Christ’s grace.
Three-fold Yeses.
Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Societal affirmations grounded in “Yes to God.”
Moral Action.
Turning to Christ for guidance on good and evil.
Individua Substantia Naturae Rationalis.
“Individual Substance of Rational Nature” - definition of a human being.
Sustainable Development Goals.
Goals connected to human dignity and flourishing.
Unity of body and soul; both are essential to being human.
Prioritizing others over oneself; serving our neighbors.
Guidelines set by Jesus for moral living and happiness.
Theandric Communion.
The Church’s openness to all, including those unfamiliar with Christ.
Dignity of the Human Person.
Inviolable worth as beings created in God’s image.
Stewards of Creation.
Responsibility to care for the earth and each other in solidarity.
Embodied Spirits.
Humans as a unity of body and soul, both integral to identity.
Historical Realities.
Humans as pilgrims on a journey toward becoming their true selves.
The call to follow Christ, characterized by selflessness and service.
Tale of Three Trees.
A metaphor for aspirations and God’s greater plan for our lives.
Christian Morality.
Rooted in following Christ and living out love and service.
Christ Crucified.
Symbolizes ultimate love and the true meaning of happiness.