Lesson 9 - Works of God (Creation) Flashcards
How does the doctrine of creation bring understanding to the relationship between the Creator and the creature?
- ) The doctrine of creation also concerns the defining relation between God and creatures: the Creator-creature relation/distinction.
- ) We are not God; but we were created to worship Him.
- ) We were created to behold and reflect God’s glory, to receive and rejoice in his bliss—as collaborators, yes, we too were created to work; as vice-regents, yes, we too were created to rule; but above all as worshippers: ultimately we were created to lead the chorus on God’s creatures in praise to their Creator: “Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord” (Ps 150.6)!
What attributes of God are displayed in his act of creation?
- ) Motive/Cause of Creation - God’s goodness
- ) Directive cause of creation - God’s wisdom
- ) Executive cause of creation - God’s power
- ) Final cause of creation - God’s glory
What does it mean that creation in its original state was “very good?”
- ) God created all things “very good” (Gen 1:31; 1 Tim 1:1-5; contra Manicheanism)
- ) Not innately sinful, created out of the fullness of the goodness of God.
How do the various views of the days of creation relate and differ?
a. ) Creation comes into existence in one instance.
b. ) Became the prominent view in Western Christianity.
c. ) 6 day literal view is not the orthodox view. (Not until 12th c. - Bonnaventure)
Calendar Days
a.) 24 hour periods (popular view in Reformed Tradition/Western evangelicalism)
a. ) various ages/periods of time.
b. ) Concordism - trying to take biblical tradition in accordance with science.
c. ) least convincing view
a. ) Form and Fullness
b. ) Creation is literary frame to show how creation came about.
c. ) Framework view is consistent with many other views.
d. ) Can be both/and 24 hours days and framework view.
Analogical Days
- No one understands what they are talking about view
- Bavinck’s view
What are the common characteristics of creatures?
- ) Creatures are contingent - creatures exist and continue to exist only because of God.
- ) Creatures are marked by movement - we are teleological, meaning that we are all purposeful and moving toward a goal: fellowship/communion with God
- ) Creatures are characterized by place - God made creatures in and with time. They inhabit particular spaces and defined by specific natures.
How does the theory of evolution threaten the biblical doctrine of creation?
Potential points of conflict and/or concord
- ) Evolution (strict naturalism) and God
- - Theistic evolution as oxymoron
- - Evolution = only natural explanations of everything (by definition this excludes God) - ) Evolution and creation from nothing
- ) Evolution and God’s mediate act of creation
- - God’s providential mechanism?Isn’t evolution just a mechanism by God. - ) Evolution and the age of creation
- - Young Earth Creationism/Old Earth Creationism – - ) Evolution and creaturely kinds
- - Evolution contradicts kinds. - ) Evolution and Adam - biggest issue today
- - Did we come from multiple kinds? - ) Evolution, the fall, sin, and suffering/death
- - Evolution requires the suffering of sin and death before the Fall.
- - Romans 5:12 compresses Genesis 3 and Genesis
“The orthodox view includes the following elements (Scripture is clear on these issues and significant doctrine is at stake):
- ) that Scripture is the inerrant Word of God and self-interpreting,
- ) the full historicity of Genesis 1-3, (This is how Chronicles and Paul reads it in the NT)
- ) the unique creation of Adam and Eve in God’s image as our first parents, and Adam as the covenant head of the human race.
- - Great conflict between Christianity and Science today.
- - We have great reason to trust in God, because He was there. I wasn’t. - ) A necessary corollary of this view is the fact that the curse and the resultant discord in the universe began with the sin of Adam.”
- -Sin is a historical and moral problem that entered the world through the Fall. Solved by a historical and moral solution of Jesus Christ through Redemption.
- - Creation and Salvation always go together because there are the works of the one true God.