lesson 9: Topic/Subject Marking Particles Flashcards
as for me / I
저는 학생이에요.
(As for me,) I am a student.
내일은 저는 일해요.
As for tomorrow, I work.
이거 사과예요.
This is an apple.
이거는 사과예요.
(The other things are not apples, but) THIS is an apple.
이거는 뭐예요?
What about this one? What is it?
오늘 날씨 좋네요.
The weather’s good today.
오늘은 날씨 좋네요.
The weather (hasn’t been so good lately, but) today (it) is good.
이 책 좋아요.
This book is good.
이 책은 좋아요.
(The other books are not good, and I don’t care about the other books, but at least) This book is good.
이 책이 좋아요.
There are no other books as good as this one.
이거 복숭아예요?
Is this a peach?
아니요. 그것은 사과예요.
No. That’s an apple.
이것이 복숭아예요?
Then, is THIS a peach?
이거는 좋아요
I don’t know about the other things, but THIS ONE is good
피자는 비싸요
Other things are not expensive, but PIZZA is expensive
피자가 비싸요
It’s the PIZZA that is expensive
오늘 날씨는 좋네요
Today, at least the weather is good (not necessarily anything else)
뭐가 좋아요?
What is it that’s good?