Lesson 9 (49) - Describing people Flashcards
mucho, mucha, muchos, muchas
many (m.sing, f.sing, m.pl, f.pl)
mucho tiempo
much time, a lot of time
mucha comida
much food, lots of food
muchos gatos
many cats
muchas casas
many houses
mucha comida española
lots of Spanish food
muchos gatos negros
many black cats
muchas camisas blancas
many white shirts
¡cuánto tiempo sin verte!
how much time since seeing you!
¿cuántos gatos hay?
how many cats are there?
¿cuántas palomas blancas hay?
how many white doves are there?
Possessive adjectives
mi, mi, mis, mis
tu, tu, tus, tus
su, su, sus, sus
nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras
vuestro, vuestra, vuestros, vuestras
su, su, sus, sus
Possessive adjectives
my (m.sing, f.sing, m.pl, f.pl)
your (m.sing, f.sing, m.pl, f.pl)
his/her/its/your(sing formal) (m.sing, f.sing, m.pl, f.pl)
our (m.sing, f.sing, m.pl, f.pl)
your (m.sing, f.sing, m.pl, f.pl)
their/your (pl formal) (m.sing, f.sing, m.pl, f.pl)
tiene el pelo negro
he/she has black hair
tiene el pelo blanco
he/she has white hair
tiene los ojos azules
he/she has blue eyes
tiene los ojos verdes
he/she has green eyes
es pelirrojo
es rubio/rubia
es moreno/morena
he/she is red-haired / has red hair
he/she is fair-haired / has fair hair
he/she is dark-haired / has dark hair
¡qué guapa estás!
how pretty you look
tiene el pelo castaño
he/she has brown hair
tiene los ojos castaños
he/she has brown (chestnut) eyes
tiene los ojos marrones
he/she has brown eyes