Lesson 9 Flashcards
What is the Arabic term for ‘to influence, affect’?
أَثَّرَ (في على) يُأثِّر
This verb is used in contexts where one thing has an effect on another.
How do you say ‘to be influenced by’ in Arabic?
تَأَثَّرَ (ب) يَتَأَثَّر (ب)
This expression indicates receiving an influence from something.
Translate ‘for the sake of’ into Arabic.
من أَجل
Commonly used to indicate purpose or intention.
What does ‘أَثارَ يُثير’ mean?
to stir up/arouse
Often used in contexts of initiating emotions or actions.
What is the Arabic word for ‘revolution’?
Refers to a significant change or upheaval, especially in political contexts.
Define ‘حَرَكة’ in English.
Can refer to a physical motion or a social/political movement.
What is the Arabic word for ‘party’?
Refers to a political party or organization.
What is the plural form of ‘حِزب’?
Used to refer to multiple political parties.
Translate ‘to serve’ into Arabic.
خَضَمَ, يَخدِم
This verb can be used in both formal and informal contexts.
What is the Arabic term for ‘service’?
Refers to the act of helping or serving others.
What does ‘اِستَخدَمَ’ mean?
to use
Indicates the act of employing something for a purpose.
Fill in the blank: The masdar of ‘to use’ is _______.
Masdar refers to the verbal noun form in Arabic.
What is the Arabic term for ‘to create’?
خَلَقَ، يَخلُق
This verb is often used in artistic or constructive contexts.
What is the masdar of ‘to create’?
Refers to the act or process of creation.
What does ‘دُستور’ refer to?
A fundamental legal document outlining the principles of a state.
What is the plural of ‘دُستور’?
Refers to multiple constitutions.
What does ‘دور’ mean?
Refers to the function or part played by someone or something.
What is the plural form of ‘دور’?
Used to refer to multiple roles.
Translate ‘to record/write down’ into Arabic.
دَوَّنَ ,يُدَوِّن
Commonly used in contexts of documentation.
What is the masdar of ‘to record/write down’?
Refers to the act of recording information.
What is the Arabic term for ‘blog’?
Refers to an online journal or informational website.
What is the plural form of ‘مُدَوَّنة’?
Used to refer to multiple blogs.
Translate ‘censorship’ into Arabic.
Refers to the suppression of speech or other public communication.
What does ‘رَقيب’ mean?
Refers to a person or body that reviews and restricts content.
What is the Arabic term for ‘to fall, to fail’?
سَقَطَ ,يَسقُط
Commonly used in both literal and metaphorical contexts.
What is the masdar for ‘to fall, failure’?
Refers to the act of falling or a failure event.
What does ‘أَسقَطَ’ mean?
to make something fall
Often used in contexts of causing a collapse or failure.
What is the masdar for ‘to make something fall’?
Refers to the act of causing something to fall.
What does ‘ساهَمَ (في)’ mean?
to contribute to
Used to denote participation or support in an endeavor.
What is the masdar for ‘to contribute’?
Refers to the act of contributing.
What is the Arabic term for ‘police’?
Refers to the law enforcement agency.
What does ‘صَنَعَ’ mean?
to make
Commonly used in contexts of creation or production.
What is the masdar for ‘to make’?
Refers to the act of making or creating something.
Translate ‘industry’ into Arabic.
Refers to the sector of the economy that produces goods.
What does ‘ضَرَبَ’ mean?
to beat (physically)
Can refer to physical violence or impacts.
What is the masdar for ‘to beat’?
Refers to the act of beating or striking.
What does ‘طَوَّرَ’ mean?
to develop
Refers to improving or advancing something.
What is the masdar for ‘to develop’?
Refers to the process of development.
What does ‘تَطَوَّرَ’ mean?
to develop (intransitive)
Indicates growth or evolution without a direct object.
What is the masdar for ‘to develop (intransitive)’?
Refers to the process of developing independently.
What does ‘ظَلَّ’ mean?
to remain/stay
Indicates continuity or persistence in a state.
What does ‘ظَهَرَ’ mean?
to appear
Refers to becoming visible or noticeable.
What is the masdar for ‘to appear’?
Refers to the act of appearing or emerging.
What does ‘تَظاهَرَ’ mean?
to demonstrate
Used in contexts of public displays or protests.
What is the masdar for ‘to demonstrate’?
Refers to the act of demonstrating.
What is the Arabic term for ‘demonstration’?
Refers to a public gathering to express views.
What is the plural form of ‘مُظاهَرة’?
Used to refer to multiple demonstrations.
What does ‘عارَضَ’ mean?
to oppose
Indicates resistance or disagreement with something.
What is the masdar for ‘opposition’?
Refers to the act or state of opposing.
What is the Arabic term for ‘the media’?
Refers to various means of communication, especially news.
Translate ‘violence’ into Arabic.
Refers to physical force intended to harm.
What does ‘غَطّى’ mean?
to cover
Used in contexts of protection or concealment.
What is the masdar for ‘coverage’?
Refers to the act of covering or reporting.
What does ‘فَضائِيّة’ refer to?
satellite (channel)
Indicates television channels that broadcast via satellite.
What is the plural form of ‘فَضائِيّة’?
Used to refer to multiple satellite channels.
Translate ‘art’ into Arabic.
Refers to creative visual or performing arts.
What is the plural form of ‘فَنّ’?
Used to refer to various forms of art.
What does ‘قَتَلَ’ mean?
to kill
Refers to the act of causing death.
What is the masdar for ‘killings’?
Refers to the act of killing.
What does ‘قَناة’ mean?
Refers to a waterway or a broadcasting channel.
What is the plural form of ‘قَناة’?
Used to refer to multiple channels.
What does ‘نَادِر’ mean?
Refers to something uncommon or infrequently encountered.
What does ‘نَظَّمَ’ mean?
to organize
Refers to arranging or structuring something.
What is the masdar for ‘to organize’?
Refers to the act of organizing.
What does ‘نِظام’ mean?
system/order (s)
Refers to an arrangement or organized structure.
What is the plural form of ‘نِظام’?
أَنظِمة أو نُظُم
Used to refer to multiple systems or orders.
What does ‘مُنَظَّمة’ refer to?
Indicates a structured group with a specific purpose.
What is the plural form of ‘مُنَظَّمة’?
Used to refer to multiple organizations.
What does ‘وَسيلة’ mean?
Refers to a method or resource used to achieve something.
What is the plural form of ‘وَسيلة’?
Used to refer to multiple means or methods.
Translate ‘media (plural)’ into Arabic.
وَسائِل الإِعلام
Refers to various channels of communication.
What does ‘مبدا’ mean?
principle (s)
Refers to fundamental truths or propositions.
What is the plural form of ‘مبدا’?
Used to refer to multiple principles.
Translate ‘not yet’ into Arabic.
Used to indicate something that has not happened up to the present.
What does ‘جائزة’ mean?
prize (s)
Refers to an award received for achievement.
What is the plural form of ‘جائزة’?
Used to refer to multiple prizes.
Translate ‘event (s)’ into Arabic.
Refers to an occurrence or happening.
What is the plural form of ‘حدث’?
Used to refer to multiple events.
What does ‘حديث’ mean?
Refers to contemporary or present-day concepts.
What does ‘حاسوب’ mean?
Refers to an electronic device for processing data.
What is the plural form of ‘حاسوب’?
Used to refer to multiple computers.
What does ‘حكم’ mean?
to govern
Refers to the act of ruling or managing a state.
What is the masdar for ‘to govern’?
Refers to the system or act of governance.
What does ‘احتل’ mean?
to occupy
Refers to taking control of a space or territory.
Translate ‘to defend’ into Arabic.
دافع عن يدفاع
Refers to the act of protecting or standing up for something.
What is the masdar for ‘defending’?
Refers to the act of defending oneself or others.
What does ‘سلطة’ mean?
power (s)
Refers to authority or control over others.
What is the plural form of ‘سلطة’?
Used to refer to multiple powers or authorities.
What does ‘شبكة’ mean?
net, network
Refers to a system of interconnected elements.
What does ‘شجاعة’ mean?
Refers to the ability to confront fear or adversity.
What does ‘شجاع’ mean?
brave, courageous
Refers to a person who shows bravery.
What does ‘مشروع’ mean?
project, plans
Refers to a planned set of activities or initiatives.
What does ‘شعبي’ mean?
Refers to something that is well-liked or widely accepted.
What does ‘شهد’ mean?
to witness
Refers to observing or experiencing an event.
What is the masdar for ‘witnessing’?
Refers to the act of witnessing or testifying.
What does ‘شهيد’ mean?
Refers to someone who sacrifices their life for a cause.
What does ‘مشهد’ mean?
Refers to a specific location or situation in a narrative.
What is the plural form of ‘مشهد’?
Used to refer to multiple scenes.
What does ‘الصحافة’ mean?
the press
Refers to media organizations that report news.
Translate ‘to come out, be published’ into Arabic.
صدر، يصدر
Refers to the act of releasing or making information available.
What is the masdar for ‘to publish’?
Refers to the act of publishing or issuing something.
What does ‘استضاف’ mean?
to host
Refers to the act of receiving guests or organizing an event.
What is the masdar for ‘hosting’?
Refers to the act of hosting.
What does ‘الطباعة’ mean?
Refers to the process of producing printed material.
What does ‘مطبعة’ mean?
printing press or shop
Refers to a facility where printing occurs.
What does ‘انطباع’ mean?
Refers to a mark or effect left by something.
What does ‘عبر عن’ mean?
to express
Refers to conveying thoughts or feelings.
What does ‘عبارة’ mean?
Refers to a phrase or way of conveying an idea.
What does ‘معاصر’ mean?
Refers to something that exists or occurs at the same time.
Translate ‘amount of, a great deal of’ into Arabic.
قدر من، قدر كبير من
Used to refer to a significant quantity or extent.
What does ‘تقدّم’ mean?
to advance
Refers to making progress or moving forward.
What does ‘قصيدة’ mean?
poem (s)
Refers to a literary composition in verse.
What is the plural form of ‘قصيدة’?
Used to refer to multiple poems.
What does ‘قضية’ mean?
issue (s)
Refers to a matter or topic of discussion.
What is the plural form of ‘قضية’?
Used to refer to multiple issues.
What does ‘قاوم’ mean?
to resist
Refers to opposing or withstanding something.
What is the masdar for ‘resistance’?
Refers to the act of resisting or opposing.
What does ‘كسر’ mean?
to break
Refers to causing something to separate into pieces.
What does ‘تمتع ب’ mean?
to enjoy
Refers to taking pleasure in something.
What does ‘استمر في’ mean?
to continue
Refers to the act of persisting in an action.
What does ‘انشأ’ mean?
to establish
Refers to creating or founding something.
What does ‘انشئ’ mean?
it was established
Indicates the completion of the establishment process.
What does ‘وجهة نظر’ mean?
point of view
Refers to a particular attitude or way of considering something.
What does ‘اوصل الى’ mean?
to bring/deliver
Refers to transporting something to a destination.
What does ‘تواصل مع’ mean?
to be in contact with
Refers to maintaining communication with someone.
What does ‘اتصل ب’ mean?
to contact someone
Refers to reaching out to someone for communication.
What does ‘الاتصال’ mean?
communication, contact
Refers to the exchange of information.
What does ‘واقع’ mean?
Refers to the state of things as they actually exist.
What does ‘واقعي’ mean?
Refers to being practical or sensible in approach.