Lesson 8 grammar Flashcards
Short form: What is the short form of an い adjective? (Affirmative; YES form).
Present Positive: Remove “です” from the い adjective.
ex: かわいいです——-> かわいい
Past Positive: Remove です and replace it with かった.
Short form: What is the short form of a な adjective? (Affirmative, YES form).
Present Positive: Replace です with だ.
ex: たいへんです——>たいへんだ。
Past Positive: Change でした to だった
Short form: What is the short form of [noun + です]? (Affirmative, YES form).
Present Positive: Replace です with だ (same as the NA adjective!)
Past Positive: Change でした to だった
Short form: What is the short form of an irregular verb? (Affirmative, YES form).
Present positive-(YES in the present): Leave the verb alone, no conjugation needed.
Past positive-(YES in the past): Change irregular verbs to た form.
Short form: What is the short form of an irregular verb? (Negative, NO form).
Present negative- Remove る, replace it with ~ない.
Past negative- Remove ~ない and replace it with なかた.
Short Form: What is the short form of an
い ADJECTIVE? (Negative, “NO” form).
Present Negative = Remove る and add ない
Past Negative = Remove る and add なかった
Short Form: What is the short form of a な ADJECTIVE? (Negative, “NO” form).
Present Negative: Add ~くない and remove です.
Past Negative: Remove でした and replace with だ
Short Form: What is the short form of [noun] + です? (Negative, “NO” form).
Present Negative: Replace です with ~ない
Past Negative: Replace ~ない with かった.
Short Form: What is the short form of a るverb? (Affirmative)
Present Positive: Keep the same, no conjugation
Past Positive: Remove る, replace with た.
Short Form: What is the short form of an う verbs? (Affirmative)
Present Positive: Keep the same, no conjugation
Past Positive: Remove う, replace with た form.
exception: when the verb ends with う, replace that with あ, and add the endings above.
Short Form: What is the short form of a る verb? (Negative Form).
Present Negative: Remove る replace with
Past Negative: Remove る, replace with
Short Form: What is the short form of an う verb? (Negative Form).
Present Negative: Change う to あ and add ない.
Past Negative: same first part of [Present Negative] but add なかった
exception: when the verb ends with う, replace that with あ, and add the endings above.
ex: かわない, かわなかった, ect.