Lesson 7 Videos Flashcards
Relationships between Consumer Beliefs, Feelings, Attitudes & Intentions
Consumer Beliefs and Consumer Feelings —-> Consumer Attitudes —-> Consumer Intentions —> Consumer Behavior
Subjective judgments about the relationship between two or more things.
An affective state (e.g., current mood state) or reaction (e.g., emotions experienced during product consumption).
Global evaluative judgments.
Subjective judgments by people about how they will behave in the future.
A Sampling of Consumer Beliefs
~If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.
~You can’t believe what most advertising says these days.
~Auto repair shops take advantage of women.
~People need less money to live on once they retire.
~It’s not safe to use credit cards on the Internet.
~Appliances today are not as durable as they were 20 years ago.
~Extended warranties are worth the money.
~You get what you pay for: lower price means lower quality.
~Changing the oil in your car every three thousand miles is a waste of money.
Consumer Beliefs
A. Expectations
B. Brand Distinctiveness
C. Inferential Beliefs
Consumer Expectations
Expectations are beliefs about the future.
Consumers’ willingness to spend is influenced by beliefs about their financial future.
Brand Distinctiveness
Why should consumer want to buy your brand instead of the competitor’s?
The desirability of products having something unique to offer to their consumers is also known as the Unique Selling Proposition (USP).
Inferential Beliefs
Beliefs are often inferred when product information is incomplete.
Also undertaken when consumers interpret certain product attributes as signals of product quality - e.g., price-quality inferential beliefs, partially comparative pricing, etc.
Consumers use information about one thing to form beliefs about something else.
An affective state (e.g., current mood state) or reaction (e.g., emotions experienced during product consumption).
Types of Feelings
Upbeat, Negative, Warm
Upbeat Feelings
Active Adventurous Alive Attractive Confident Creative Elated Energetic Good Happy Pleased
Negative Feelings
Angry Annoyed Bad Bored Critical Defiant Disgusted Fed-up Insulted Irritated Regretful
Warm Feelings
Affectionate Calm Concerned Contemplative Emotional Hopeful Kind Peaceful Pensive Touched Warm-hearted
Feelings are a part of what experiences?
A. Feelings as part of the advertising experience
B. Feelings as part of the shopping experience
C. Feelings as part of the consumption experience
Feelings as part of the advertising experience
Feelings activated by the advertisement have the potential to influence attitudes formed about the featured product. (eg: Bud Lite, Miller, AFLAC, McDonald’s, Coca Cola commercials, etc).
Sometimes ads irritate, annoy even offend – leading to negative feelings.
The program in which advertising appears can induce feelings and affect post-message attitudes.
Feelings as part of the shopping experience
The retail environment elicits different feelings in consumers ultimately affecting their attitudes and behaviors in the store..
Customers don’t just go shopping in the store; they experience it.
Feelings as part of the consumption experience
Some consumption experiences are liked primarily for the feelings they induce.
Feelings during consumption will influence post-consumption evaluations.
Consumers are more satisfied when product consumption leads to positive feelings while avoiding negative ones.
global or overall evaluative judgments. Since attitudes strongly influence consumers’ purchase & consumption intentions, firms are very interested in knowing about these.
Types of Attitudes
Attitude towards the object (Ao)
Attitude towards the advertisement (Aad)
Attitude towards the behavior (Ab)
Attitude towards the object (Ao)
represents an evaluation of the attitude object.
Attitude towards the advertisement (Aad)
represents the global evaluation of an advertisement.
Attitude towards the behavior (Ab)
represents the evaluation of performing a particular behavior involving the attitude object.
represent attitudes toward one object in relation to another.
Multiattribute Attitude Models
Beliefs about a product’s attributes or features are important because they determine the favorability of one’s attitude toward the product.
The Fishbein Multiattribute Attitude Model
Ao = Σ bi ei
(n is above Σ an i=1 is below it)
Ao = attitude toward the object bi = strength of the belief that object has attribute i ei = evaluation of attribute i n = number of salient or important attributes
Model proposes that attitude toward an object is based on the summed set of beliefs about the object’s attributes weighted by the evaluation of these attributes.
Attributes can be any product or brand association.
Running shoe example
The Fishbein Multiattribute Attitude Model
Important or salient attributes are first identified.
Whether the shoe is shock absorbent for use on hard surfaces,
Whether it is priced less than $50,
Durability of the shoe,
How comfortable the shoe is to wear,
Whether the shoe is available in the desired color,
Amount of arch support.
Developing the ei and bi measures
ei (evaluation of an attribute)
How important to you is ‘durability’ in running shoes?
very important _ : _ : _ : _ : _ : _ : _ not very important
+3 +2 +1 0 -1 -2 -3
bi (how strongly consumers believe a particular brand of running shoes possess a given attribute)
How ‘durable’ is brand A running shoes?
very durable _ : _ : _ : _ : _ : _ : _ not at all durable \+3 +2 +1 0 -1 -2 -3
For each brand, an assessment of consumers’ beliefs for each attribute must be done.
Given 3 Brands & 6 attributes, a total of 18 belief measures would be needed.
Brand attitude scores (Ao) are calculated by
multiplying the belief scores by their corresponding evaluation score for each attribute (bi x ei).
Beliefs about a product’s attributes or features are important because
they determine the favorability of one’s attitude toward the product.
The Ideal-Point Multiattribute Attitude Model
AP = Σ Wi | Ii - Xi |
AP = attitude toward product Wi = importance of attribute i Ii = the ‘ideal’ performance on attribute i Xi = belief about product’s actual performance on attribute i n = number of salient attributes
Consumers indicate where they believe a product is located on scales representing the various levels of salient attributes.
Also report where ‘ideal’ product would fall on these attribute scales.
The closer the ‘actual’ rating is to the ‘ideal’ ratings, the more favorable the attitude.
Soft drink example
The Ideal-Point Multiattribute Attitude Model
Salient attributes identified:
Sweetness of taste Degree of carbonation Number of calories Amount of real fruit juices Price
Developing a scale to represent various levels of each attribute
very sweet taste _ : _ : _ : _ : _ : _ : _ very bitter taste
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Provide ratings of attribute importance
not at all important _ : _ : _ : _ : _ : _ : _ extremely important
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Total Σ Wi | Ii-Xi | score
Unlike Fishbein model, where a higher scores indicate more favorable attitudes, here lower scores are better under the ideal-point model. In fact, the best score a brand can receive is 0.
Benefits of Using Multiattribute Attitude Models
Diagnostic power: examine why consumers like or dislike products.
Stimulus importance-performance grid with marketing implications for each cell.
Can provide information for segmentation (based on importance of product attributes).
Useful in new product development. (eg: Lever Brothers Co. used Multi Attribute model to successfully forecast the mkt shares of Tone moisturizing soap & Coast deodorant soap before their introduction).
Guidance in identifying attitude change strategies.
(How models can be used to estimate the potential payoff of each strategy in terms of how much improvement in consumers’ attitudes each may provide.)
Stimulus Importance-Performance Grid
Attribute Our Competitor’s Simultaneous
Importance Performance Performance Result
Poor Neglected Opportunity High Poor Good Competitive Disadvantage Poor Competitive Advantage Good Good Head-to-head competition
Poor Null Opportunity Poor Good False Alarm
Low Poor False Advantage
Good Good False Competition
Three primary ways of changing consumer attitudes:
A. Change ‘beliefs’
B. Change ‘attribute importance’
C. Change ‘ideal points’
AP = Σ Wi | Ii-Xi |
Firms hope that changing beliefs about products will result in
more favorable product attitudes and influence what consumers buy.
If beliefs are false, they need to be
brought into harmony with reality.
If beliefs are accurate,
it may be necessary to change the product …the actual physical attributes.
Comparative advertising can hurt
beliefs about a competitive brand.
Changing an attribute’s importance is more difficult than
changing a belief.
How is a brand perceived relative to ideal performance?
Increasing attribute importance is desirable when the competitor’s brand is farther from the ideal point than your product…. and vice versa.
Firms may add a new attribute (eg: the attribute ‘flame broiling’ is emphasized by Burger King).
Changing Ideal Points
Altering consumers’ preferences for what the ‘ideal product’ should look like.
‘Would your ideal brand of mouthwash contain no alcohol, some alcohol…..or a lot of alcohol?’
Estimating the Attitudinal Impact of Alternative Changes
How expensive are the product modifications required to change attitude?
Are they even possible to accomplish?
How resistant to change are consumers? (eg:Can the attitude towards spam or hot dog consumption be changed easily? Can importance of ‘safety’ for choice of airlines be reduced?)
What is the potential attitudinal payoff each change might deliver?
Consumer Intentions
Useful for firms when predicting how people will act as consumers.
- -How much existing product should be produced to meet demand?
- -How much demand will there be for a new product?
Firms interested in many types of consumer intentions.
Types of Intentions
Search intentions Shopping intentions Spending intentions Purchase intentions Consumption intentions Repurchase intentions
Spending intentions
reflect how much money consumers think they will spend
Will you spend at least $1,000 on Christmas gifts this year?
No chance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I definitely will
Purchase intentions
represent what consumers think they will buy
Will you buy a Mercedes-Benz automobile during the next 12 months?
No chance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I definitely will
Repurchase intentions
indicate whether consumers anticipate buying the same product or brand again
The next time you purchase coffee, will you buy the same brand?
No chance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I definitely will
Shopping intentions
capture where consumers plan on making their product purchases
Will you shop at Wal*Mart during the next 30 days?
No chance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I definitely will
Search intentions
indicate consumers’ intentions to engage in external search
The next time you need to be hospitalized, will you speak to your doctor before choosing a hospital?
No chance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I definitely will
Consumption intentions
represent consumers’ intentions to engage in a particular consumption activity
Will you watch the next Super Bowl?
No chance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I definitely will