Lesson 7: Reports Flashcards
It is a system of beliefs, practices, and ideals concerning the existence, nature, and purpose of the universe and the supernatural.
Two Types of Religion
Belief in One God
Belief in many Gods
Functions of Religion
Social Cohesion and Integration
Providing Meaning and Purpose
Regulating Behavior
Coping with Uncertainty and Anxiety
Promoting Morality and Ethics
Providing Comfort and Solace
It is a monotheistic religion which is based on the bible and the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth.
This religion was founded on the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, whom they considered to be Allah’s ultimate and final messenger.
It is a religion and philosophy founded in ancient India by Sidharta Gautama, also known as Buddha, which is considered the first and only person to ever reach Nirvana or state of enlightenment.
It is a distinct religion in that it is a collection of various traditions and concepts rather than a single religion. They worship all living things, including the cow, which is considered a sacred animal.
It is mostly practiced by Jews, who can trace their ancestors back to the ancient Israelites. Wherein followers believe and worship one God as the creator of the universe and the source of all life who established a special covenant or agreement with them and revealed himself through ancient prophets.
Globalization and its Impact on Religion
Rapid Spread of Religion
It refers to the interconnected system of economic activity
Global Economy
Factors Affecting the Global Economy
Economic Policy
Global Trade
Natural Resource
Political Stability
It is a sociological theory developed by Immanuel Wallerstein in the 1970s to explain the emergence and evolution of the capitalist world economy and its impact on the world’s social, political and economic systems.
World Systems Theory
According to the World Systems Theory we are divided into
What does the World Systems Theory state
It argues that the global capitalist system is characterized by a constant struggle for power and wealth between the core and the peripheral countries. These leads to unequal economic relations between the countries, with the core benefitting at the expense of the peripheral
Three sectors of the Economy
Sector tasked on extracting raw materials
Sector tasked on creating products from the raw materials
Sector tasked on creating and facilitating Services
It is a situation in which separate markets become one single market
Market Integration
Economic Systems that came during the Industrial Period
Economic system wherein there is a collective ownership
Economic system wherein there is a private ownership
These are organizations that provide financial assistance and support to countries and governments around the world
International Financial Institutions
What is a corporation
An artificial being created by operation of law Owned by more than one individual Established by shareholders with the goal of making a profit
Characteristics of a Corporation
Separate Legal Existence
Perpetual Life
Limited Liability
idea of embracing cooperation among states and nations
Features of Internationalism
Peace and Security
Economic Stability
ideology based on the belief that people, information, and goods should be able to cross national borders unrestricted
Three Types of Institutions
These are institutions that assist to advance economic growth, reduce poverty and inequality, and ensure the overall stability of the global economy.
These institutions Provide a platform for countries to work together on environmental issues.
Refers to the processes, institutions, rules, norms and mechanisms that are designed to address common global problems and challenges.
Global Governance
It is an international organization formulated by Allied Nations (Great Britain, China, France, Soviet Union, United States)
United Nations
It is an Global Institution that enable producers to improve their livelihoods and communities through Fair Trade. This institution is also the global network and advocate for Fair Trade, ensuring producer voices are heard.
World Trade Organization
It is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries. It’s aim is to end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity
World Bank
It is an organization that seeks to end animal suffering and cruelty through education and protest campaigns as well as to stop animal cruelty: Neglect, Hoarding, Shooting, Fighting, Beating, Mutilation, Throwing, and Stabbing
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)
This institution seeks to prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system by stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.
UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)
This institution seeks promote the rights and wellbeing of every child, in everything we do.
This institution connects and engages with users around the world to promote and share ILO knowledge, as part of their goal to be the global center of excellence on world of work.
International Labor Organization
Roles and Functions of the United Nations
Maintaining International Peace and Security
Promoting Human Rights
Providing Humanitarian Assistance
Promoting sustainable development programs
Coordinating International Efforts
Providing a platform for diplomacy
When was the United Nations formed?
October 24, 1945
These are a set of 17 goals and 169 targets that aim to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all.
Sustainable Development Goals
It is a socio-economic and political categorization of countries.
North-South Divide
This categorization of countries comprise of 90% of all manufacturing industries in the world.
The North (First World)
This categorization of Countries which were initially referred to as Third World countries
The South (Third World Countries)
Ter that refers broadly to the regions of Latin America, Asia, Oceania that are developing
Global South
is a concept that involves the strengthening of economic, political, sociocultural ties among nations in the Asian Region
Asian Integration
This refers to a political, economic or cultural movement that seeks to promote the interest of a specific region, usually by pursuing policies that are distinct from those of the larger nation-state or supranational entity to which the region belongs
Association of Southeast Asian Nations
It is a regional intergovernmental organization that was established on August 8, 1967
It is a regional intergovernmental forum, established in 1989 to promote economic cooperation and integration among its member economies in the Asia-Pacific region
APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)
Importance of Regionalism
Economic Integration
Regional Security
Cultural Diversity
Environmental Sustainability
Cooperation on Global Issues